cultura chincha religión

The Incas invaded, dismantled and dominated the culture and economy of the Chimú, settled in the north of the Peruvian lands around 1470, giving control of this commercial area to the Chinchas. 7% of the workers were craftsmen. The inhabitants of this powerful empire were affected by the chaos and anarchy represented by this foreign power that came to impose itself and that brought with it, in addition to excessive ambition, many diseases that decimated the natives. Religión. Probablemente constituyeron un estado regional militarista inferior al Chimú, que incursionó en la región andina, los cuales opusieron tenaz resistencia al avance del Imperio Inca. Thank you for being Super. Su deidad principal fue Chinchaycámac, sin embargo no se observa ninguna representación del mismo. These include pots, oval pitchers, long-necked jugs with handles, flat and convex plates, and other containers. In their heyday, they occupied the valleys of Cañete, Ica, Nazca and Pisco. However, the bugs were not the first to live in this valley, whose lands were inhabited for about ten thousand years. Their navigation techniques and methods, together with the technology they developed, allowed them to cover long routes to the north and south, reaching Central America, where the shells of Spondylus were found in some excavations, a mollusk native to Ecuador and Peru, whose shell was used for jewelry, accessories, funerary ornaments, etc. They came to make vessels and jars with a round body and long neck (similar to the amphorae of antiquity) that have been considered unique to this culture. A cerâmica decorativa alcançou sua expressão máxima nas facas, figuras representando mulheres de cabeça quadrada. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, The Huaca Centinela and the Chincha culture. Between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, some changes took place in the valley, the cultures and their lifestyles changed, especially in the coastal regions, which would be known as the pre-Chincha culture. El imperio Wari fue una sociedad pan-peruana que se caracterizó por (UNMSM 2007-1) A) difundir la técnica de la cerámica. Eles vieram para fazer vasos e jarros com um corpo redondo e pescoço longo (semelhante às ânforas da antiguidade) que foram considerados únicos nessa cultura. The importance of Chinchaycapac has been said to be such that, even after being conquered by the Incas, it was a rank that maintained its official validity and symbolic importance for a considerable amount of time. Se evalúa que la cultura chincha se formó después de la disminución del dominio wari, entre los años 900 y 1000, y su esencia se extendió hasta . DESARROLLO DE LA CULTURA CHINCHA. Likewise, they established commercial relations with other contemporary civilizations, belonging to Ecuador, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela. RELIGIÓN EN LA CULTURA Tallado de madera: Confeccionaron remos, vigas CHINCHA: Las chinchas fueron un ALUMNOS: pueblo Politeísta: Sus principales dioses ceremoniales Below these, civil society divided by classes was structured, among which was the nobility, whose members were in charge of administrative tasks within society; then the priests and main religious representatives would follow; finally, the town comprised of peasants, fishermen, artisans and merchants. The main element of its constructions was adobe, which was shaped like blocks. El legado de la cultura Celta. The main element of their constructions was the adobe, which was given the shape of blocks. Estes foram dedicados a diferentes atividades, como marcenaria, tecelagem, entre outras. En el 1476 pasaron a formar parte del Imperio inca, aunque su fortaleza como potencia marítima les permitió conservar algo de autonomía. C., quando foram anexados ao Império Inca. Essa cultura ocupava o território composto pelos vales de Cañete, Ica, Nazca e Pisco. , slats, etc and that they were also carved with faces. Even other coastal cultures and communities did not seem to have the same skills or knowledge to master marine activities. The Chincha culture reached relevance as merchants on the high seas, taking advantage of the location of the lands they occupied, the great valley, fertile, productive lands with an excellent location. These allowed access to other ceremonial centers and also transport merchandise to the Paracas valley and the highlands of the Andes, this means that many of these roads, still visible, go about twenty kilometers from their point of origin. imperio Wari hasta 1476d.c. Na época em que o Império Inca ainda estava se consolidando, a cultura Chincha tinha uma grande presença comercial em várias regiões. This is known as the pre-chincha culture. However, the interest in the study of this society that the chroniclers mentioned, appears when the German archaeologist Max Uhle, who organized several expeditions through America, carried out some excavations in that area and found samples that aroused interest in studying that culture. However, the Chinchas still retained part of their political and economic autonomy. However, the chincha still retained part of their political and economic autonomy. A principal moeda da cultura Chincha tinha seu jeito de ficar em caracóis, embora a troca fosse um método de transação muito popular. In some of the given classifications of their social organization, military positions are not present, although the society is clearly divided into classes. The king's fleet consisted of 200 rafts (at least) used for trade. La cultura Chimú se desarrolló . Nuestras responsabilidades principales son: - Venta de Productos Pyme a . DISTRITOS DE CHINCHA La provincia de Chincha fue creada mediante Ley del 30 de octubre de 1868 por el Presidente José Balta, con su capital la Villa de Pisco formada por los distritos de Chincha Alta, Chincha Baja, Pisco y Humay . aproximadamente. The first archaeologist to study chincha culture was the German Max Uhle , who is credited with discovering the remains of this civilization. The islands off the coast of Peru closest to the Chincha Valley are called the Chinchas Islands. Chinchaycámac, fue su dios principal y Urpy Huachay (la que pare palomas) fue su santuario que hace referencia a una huaca femenina esposa de . 6.1 Vestimenta chibcha. The Chinchas are a native group of Peruvian lands, which were located near the Pacific Ocean in the southwest of the country. This culture flourished in the so-called late intermediate period, which lasted between 900 and 1450 after Christ, as one of the regional states of pre-Columbian Peru, a product of the division of the political power of the Huari empire. este reino fue una organizaciÓn polÍtica pequeÑa en la costa del perÚ se desarrollo en el aÑo 1000 d.c tras la caÍda del imperio wari hasta 1476 d.c., cuando fueron conquistados por los incas. Religión de la Cultura Chachapoyas. Traded products include dried meat, wool. As in most indigenous territories, the arrival of the Spaniards in Chincha represented death and extinction. To do this, they established trade routes, both land and water. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described, Across the Pacific: From Ancient Asia to Precolombian America. It is very common to make wooden figures that are decorated with different ornaments, generally for ship rudders, oars or tools for working the land. The terrain of the Cañete, Ica, Nazca and Pisco valleys was extremely fertile, which allowed the Chinchas to practice agriculture as an economic activity. Chincha Chiribaya Culturas de los Andes Centrales y sudamericanas Culturas formativas y sobre las mismas . Eles também estabeleceram relações comerciais com outras civilizações contemporâneas, pertencentes ao Equador, Chile, Colômbia e Venezuela. C., após o desaparecimento do Império Wari. The Chinchas developed an extensive commercial network, which covered various Latin American nations, including Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU). C., when they were annexed to the Inca Empire. According to the collections found in the excavations carried out in different areas of the valley, for example, in Tambo de Mora, Chincha ceramics are separated into two stages: All the pieces prior to these stages are known as Proto-Chincha, that is, before the Chinchas or before the Chinchas. Esta era una región semidesértica. In fact, few civilizations came to have a ruler with such importance as the highest ruler of Chincha, or lord of Chincha, in front of the Inca emperor. answer - 3aspectos sobre como es la democracia del estado porfavor es para un deber ¿Cómo era la metalurgia Chincha? pre-Columbian. These have various qualities: polychromy and the use of red clay prevail; They have compositions of geometric figures accompanied by silhouettes and human and animal illustrations. The ceramic samples from the Chincha culture maintain their influence from the Nazca culture, especially in the use of colors to decorate and geometric shapes, very similar to that of textiles. Cargado por Claudia Isabel. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, Chincha Alta. La cultura chachapoyas se desarrolló en el noreste de Perú entre el siglo VIII d. C. y el 1470 d. C., cuando fue conquistada por el Imperio inca. O sistema de governo que caracterizou a cultura Chincha era o do solar, no qual um homem era responsável por governar as diferentes regiões através das quais a civilização Chincha se estendia; Estes foram chamados Chinchaycapac. Maestrovirtuale » Cultura geral » História » Cultura Chincha: História, Características, Economia, Religião. It is possible that the Chinchas spoke a dialect of Quechua, known as Iy Yunkai Quechua. Cultura chachapoyas: origen, ubicación, organizació, religión. La cultura Chincha fue un civilización precolombina de América del Sur , que se encuentra en el actual país de Perú. Entre os produtos comercializados, destacam-se o mullu (espécie de concha considerada alimento para os deuses), algas marinhas, peixe salgado, tecidos e figuras esculpidas em madeira. 2023 © Copyright CHINCHA CULTURE: HISTORY, CHARACTERISTICS, ECONOMY, RELIGION - HISTORY - 2023 2023. Localización de la cultura Chincha Fue una importante cultura del Intermedio Tardío, habiéndose llegado a afirmar que, junto con el reino Chimú, fue la nación más civilizada . El Reino chincha y su cultura florecieron en el período Intermedio Tardío (1100 d. C.-1450 d. C.), también conocido como el período de los estados regionales del Perú precolombino. La Centinela, una ruina arqueológica asociada a los chincha, se ubica cerca de la actual ciudad de Chincha Alta. This culture, like other societies in the Andean region, used money for commercial activities. For this, they established commercial routes, both terrestrial and aquatic. Los templos chinos esta diseñados para integrarse con la naturaleza. Xilogravura era o denominador técnico comum da civilização Chincha, dando-lhes grande prestígio artesanal na região costeira do Peru. Each boat carried about twenty people, plus cargo. Los sacerdotes eran parte de la cabeza piramidal de dirección de los Nazcas. La cultura Chincha floreció entre los años 900 al 1450 d.C., se desarrollo en los valles de Cañete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica y Nazca. El reino Chincha vivió . Culturalmente, a civilização de Chincha manifestou sua riqueza através de práticas artesanais e metalúrgicas, evidenciadas nos vestígios de cerâmica e obras de pedra e minerais que foram descobertas ao longo dos anos. La Cultura Chincha fue una civilización precolombina de América del Sur, que se encuentra en el actual país de Perú.. Este reino fue una organización política pequeña en la costa del . Among the main scholars and researchers of the Chincha culture is Federico Kauffmann Doig, a Peruvian archaeologist who has left a great mark addressing the social and historical aspects of the Chincha civilization during his professional life. Ubicación de la cultura Chincha. Estudos dessa cultura mostram que os Chincha começaram a se organizar como uma sociedade entre os séculos IX e X. O primeiro arqueólogo a estudar a cultura Chincha foi o alemão Max Uhle , que é creditado com a descoberta dos restos desta civilização. Llamados los amos del valle y del mar, la cultura chincha fue una de las civilizaciones más interesantes que se desarrolló en las costas centrales de Perú. Religión. The chinchas developed an extensive commercial network, which covered several Latin American nations, including Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico. La cultura Chincha obtiene bastante protagonismo al caer el Imperio Huari durante el año 1 100 d.C. Los chichas fueron nombrados como . Between the years 1438 and 1471, the Incas made expeditions in the Chincha territory. The most common products were beans, cotton, corn, and lima beans. Em algumas das classificações fornecidas por sua organização social, posições militares não estão presentes, embora a sociedade esteja claramente dividida em classes. Some of its first settlers survived from fishing, learning to exploit and live from the richness of the marine waters of the Humboldt Current. Three years later, this culture merged with the Inca, with which it disappeared. Full path to article: Postposm » Peru » History of the Chincha culture, characteristics and more, Your email address will not be published. metals etc Their commercial influence extended to Inca territories, long before they were allies. Cultura chincha creada en el suroeste de Perú, cerca del Océano Pacífico. La civilización chincha mantenía las mismas conductas religiosas que sus contemporáneas, en cuanto a la alta capacidad supersticiosa que poseían, haciendo del culto a los dioses centro de su vida . This is known as the pre-chincha culture. The duration of this period was quite short, these cultures disappeared about a hundred years later, giving way to the Chincha culture, around the XNUMXth century. They developed important works of architecture and irrigation systems that favored agriculture. In fact, this activity was so relevant to this civilization that 40% of the workforce was engaged in the cultivation of vegetable products. At the time when the Inca empire was still in the process of consolidating as such, the Chincha culture had a large commercial presence in various regions. Contenido. De entrada, te diremos que la cultura Chincha se conoce como una cultura arqueológica que se genera cerca del Océano Pacífico en el suroeste de Perú. C., após a queda do Império Wari, e estendeu-se até 1476 dC. They also established commercial relationships with other contemporary civilizations, belonging to Ecuador, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela. The chinchas were organized around the political form of the manor, in which a chinchaycapac ruled, which was the equivalent of a king or sovereign. The designs and colors similar to those used in ceramics stand out, generally geometric, human and zoomorphic. Por outro lado, 20% da população ativa estava envolvida no comércio. Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. There are certain investigative diatribes about the militaristic character that Chincha society may or may not have. Some pieces were also decorated with some shapes and forms of strange animals with four legs with some resemblance to a dog or cat and others similar to the shape of a bird with a curved beak. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, The Late Intermediate Period - Chimu and Chincha Cultures. D) impulsar la manufactura de cueros. Despite the fact that the decline of the Chincha culture is due to the Inca intervention in their territories, it is estimated that for several years both cultures lived in parallel. Among the commercialized products, the mullu (a kind of shell that was considered food for the gods), seaweed, salted fish, fabrics and figures carved in wood stand out. In exchange, the chinchas received copper, gold, emeralds, wool, and coca leaves, among others. Chinchaycamac fue su dios principal y Urpihuachay que significa "la que pare palomas", fue su santuario que hace referencia a una huaca (diosa femenina) ellos creían que sus dioses provenían de esa isla. Las principales edificaciones se encuentran en el valle de Chincha, Tambo de Mora, There are pieces that still retain the colors, red, green, blue, yellow, purple tones, among others. 1.1 El Origen de los Chibchas. Among the commercialized products, we can highlight the mullu (a kind of shell that was considered food for the gods), seaweed, salted fish, tissues and figures carved in wood. Due to these provisions, the monarch of the Chincha culture spent several months a year in the courts of the neighboring emperor, where he was treated like the Inca nobles. Criações funcionais foram aquelas usadas em ambientes domésticos e ritos religiosos. Between the years 1438 and 1471, the Incas carried out expeditions in the Chincha territory. The pyramids were residences of the rulers of the Chincha people and around them the area where the different artisans lived, in charge of the pieces of silver, wood, ceramics and the different textiles. Tal era a importância da navegação que a influência e o poder de um rei de Chincha eram medidos pelo número de navios que ele possuía. Outro material primário que funcionou de maneira especial durante o tempo foi a madeira.As técnicas aplicadas à madeira atraíram a atenção de muitos pesquisadores e arqueólogos. Its trade routes were very effective, triangulating its presence in various regions of the Peruvian territory. The Chinchas established routes through the North-South Pacific line. Some investigations affirm that these pre-chincha settlements came from the Chavín culture, a society that flourished in the foothills of the Andean mountain range. 92% (13) 92% encontró este documento útil (13 votos) 7K vistas 1 página. In terms of agriculture, they developed many skills and technologies, innovative cultivation and irrigation systems. Everything indicates that this new style and the changes that have occurred are the result of a wave of migrations whose origin is not clear, which was called Pre-Chincha culture. Towards the XNUMXth century, most were led by enlightened people from the old continent, interested not only in botany and geography, but also in antiquities and other types of more universal subjects. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, Ica-Chincha Culture. Religión muisca. It is estimated that the first known human settlements in the Chincha Valley date back to the year XNUMX BC and is known as the Paracas culture. La cultura chincha (o cultura ica-chincha)[1] es una cultura arqueológica originada cerca del océano Pacífico en el suroeste de Perú. Probablemente. As condições favoráveis ​​da terra lhes permitiram desenvolver várias atividades agrícolas, como a agricultura, que se tornou a base da economia de Chincha. Nace en el año 800 d.C hasta 1476 d.C cuando los Incas se apoderaron de todo. Este reino fue una organización política pequeña en la costa del Perú se desarrollo en el año 1000 d.c tras la caida del imperio Wari hasta 1476 d.c., cuando fueron conquistados por los . Such was the importance of navigation that the influence and power of a Chincha king was measured by the number of vessels he had. This culture was recognized for its navigation skills, which facilitated the exchange of goods through sea routes. Religión en la cultura Chincha: Los . Save. They also award the so-called commercial triangle that includes the Collao plateau, the central coast of the Peruvian territory and the northern zone of the Ecuadorian nation. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, Chincha culture. Super resource. Cultura Colombiana. It emerged around the year 1000 d. C., after the fall of the Wari Empire, and extended until 1476 AD. This culture occupied the territory made up of the valleys of Cañete, Ica, Nazca and Pisco. Su extenso territorio se extendía de norte a sur, desde Chincha a Arequipa y de oeste a este, desde el océano Pacífico a Ayacucho. Periodo: Intermedio tardío. This society disappeared a few decades after the conquest of Peru by the Spanish, which began around 1532. Around the Late Intermediate Period, an organized group was established in the Chincha Valley, which the Spanish chronicles call The Kingdom of Chincha. This culture flourished in the so-called late intermediate . RELIGION. Description Tour al Valle Sagrado. These colossal structures were built in adobe, a kind of brick made from a mass of mud and straw, which is then dried in the sun. Além disso, adquiriram e desenvolveram conhecimentos sobre navegação, podendo assim estabelecer rotas de comércio marítimo. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, The Huaca Centinela and the Chincha culture. La Cultura Chincha obtiene protagonismo tras la caída del Imperio Huari en los 1.100 d.C. aprox. Chinchas have historically come to be considered the best fishermen in the history of Peru. Hoje, alguns desses edifícios ainda estão preservados no vale de Chincha, em San Pedro e em Tambo Mora. - 1460 dc. With regard to the textile industry, the chinchas stood out for their cotton fabrics, whose finishes were of quality. The main products exchanged were seashells and precious stones. On the other hand, the Incas favored the control of the Chinchas over their lands, maintaining the management and influence of maritime trade. Chincha society was hierarchical and it is presumed that it had militaristic tendencies. The favorable conditions of the land allowed them to develop various agricultural activities, such as agriculture, which became the basis of the Chincha economy. However, in this period society was quite archaic, since it relied heavily on fishing and the collection of seashells. Outro fator que influencia isso é a afirmação de que os insetos foram conquistados pacificamente pelos incas na época. Much of the information reflected in the Spanish chronicles was collected from natives of the area, sometimes being a bit contradictory. Os produtos mais comuns foram feijão, algodão, milho e pallares. Currently some areas and species of this South American nation are still reminiscent of this native culture, for example, the Chinchaysuyo region or the land of the jaguar, the Chincha Islands, three small islands in the southwest of Peru, the animal known as the chinchilla or little Chincha and for course the city of Chincha Alta. la centinela cultura chincha. CULTURA CHINCHA Religión Arquitectura Los chinchas, al igual que otras culturas de la costa peruana, desarrollaron una arquitectura de adobes y utilizaron la técnica del «adobón» o tapial. 1450 d.C., se desarrolló en los valles de Cañete, Chincha, Pisco, Ica y Nazca. Its main center and architectural sample was called Huaca La Centinela, a settlement where thousands of natives lived and from where the network of roads and highways that extended throughout the valley and beyond, between the years 900 and 1450 after Christ. Its main deity was Chinchaycámac, however no representation of it is observed. El dominio romano sobre la cultura Celta no impidió la expansión de un legado lleno de magos, guerreros, gigantes y gnomos. The Inca-Chincha relationship was close, the latter were allies of the Atahualpa faction during the civil war of this important culture. These lands, very close to the Inca territories in the highlands, allowed a very convenient passage, to access other commercial routes and therefore a greater scope of their activities. La cultura chincha (o cultura ica-chincha) [1] . Os chinchas estavam organizados em torno da forma política da mansão, na qual governava um chinchaycapac, que era o equivalente a um rei ou soberano. The terrain of the valleys of Cañete, Ica, Nazca and Pisco was extremely fertile, which allowed the chinchas to practice agriculture as an economic activity. La cultura Chimú fue una cultura precolombina que se desarrolló en la costa norte del Perú, más específicamente entre los departamentos actuales de Lima y Tumbes. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, The Ica-Chincha Culture Peru. Various cultures settled there, such as the Paracas, the Ica-Nazca and the Wari Empire. Eles têm qualidades diferentes: policromia e uso de prêmio de argila vermelha; eles têm composições de figuras geométricas acompanhadas de silhuetas e ilustrações humanas e animais. The chinchas were polytheists, since they worshiped several gods. Cultura Chincha. On the other hand, 20% of the workforce was engaged in commerce. The style of Chincha pottery influenced neighboring cultures, for example, in Cañete pottery it is very common to see something of the style. Sesión 12- de Religión - Parábola del Sembrador (ACV-S03) Autoevaluación 3 Fisicoquimica (11842) . Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation. In return, the chinchas received copper, gold, emeralds, wool, coca leaves, among others. The chinchas were organized around the political form of the manor, in which he commanded a chinchaycapac, which was the equivalent of a king or a sovereign. The favorable conditions of the land allowed them to develop various agricultural activities, such as agriculture, which became the basis of the Chincha economy. A cultura Chincha se desenvolveu no sudoeste do Peru, perto do Oceano Pacífico. El pueblo chincha se desarrollo entre los años 800 d.C. hasta el 1476 d.C cuando fue asimilado al imperio de los incas: Tahuantinsuyo. Valle Sagrado de los Incas Pisac Urubamba Ollantaytambo . La cultura Chincha se extendió por los valles de Chincha ,Pisco, Ica y Nazca aunque su centro político estuvo en el valle de Chincha. The ceramic works were simple, with simple but colorful decorations. 41 4 1MB Read more. Uma das principais ruínas arqueológicas é La Centinela (perto da cidade de Chincha Baja), composta por duas pirâmides de natureza religiosa, casas, pátios, ruas, entre outras construções. The first archaeologist to study Chincha culture was the German Max Uhle, who is credited with discovering the remains of this civilization. The capital of this society corresponds to Chincha, the current city of Peru. 800 d.C.1476 d.C . Religión de la cultura chancay 1 Ver respuesta Publicidad Publicidad karenrisas karenrisas Adoraban y rendían culto religioso al sol, el sacerdote o cacique era el encargado de recibir cada año al inicio del invierno; las ofrendas y realizar los sacrificios de animales en su honor. The main products exchanged were seashells and precious stones. No século XI, houve uma mudança na organização desses grupos, dando origem à sua própria cultura Chincha. However, the Chincha leaders maintained a certain political and economic autonomy and leadership over their people. Fishing was also relevant, being the second economic activity with the largest workforce (33%). A pre-Columbian civilization that lived in the southwestern region of present-day Peru, reaching its greatest development between 900 and 1450 after Christ, disappearing a few decades after the arrival of the Europeans. The capital of this society corresponds to Chincha, the current city of Peru. Learn all about the interesting Chincha Culture! There are some oars that have some shells and other embedded ornaments. Más tarde también surgiría aquí la primera dinastía china, la dinastía Xia. Su territorio llegó a abarcar unos 300 kilómetros a lo largo de las regiones actuales de San Martín y Amazonas. Economía. Eran prominentes como comerciantes marítimos y vivían en un gran y fértil valle. The chincha culture developed the architecture. Se desarrollo donde antes vivan los pobladores de lascultura paracas y la cultura Nazca. Copy and Edit. 4 Economia de la cultura chibcha. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from, The Late Intermediate Period - Chimu and Chincha Cultures. La cultura Chincha floreció entre los años 900 al. The Chinchas did not hesitate to accept the requests and were able to continue their existence as they had, without problems with their neighbors. [2] Para el año 2004 la cantidad de hablantes de lenguas quechuas se estimaba entre ocho y diez millones en toda Sudamérica. In addition to this, they acquired and developed knowledge regarding navigation, with which they were able to establish marine trade routes. Responsible for the data: Actualidad Blog. Chibcha, también llamados muiscas, indios sudamericanos que en el momento de la conquista española ocuparon los valles altos que rodean las ciudades modernas de Bogotá y Tunja en Colombia. Some of the writings name an empire in the valley area and a monarch who was present in Cajamarca, where the Inca emperor, Atahualpa, was captured and executed. El origen de la cultura china empezó en 2100 a.C. en la actual provincia de Henan, en el centro del país. Cultura Chincha) Religión. En lo referente al culto a los muertos . 1 Cultura Chibcha o cultura muisca. They developed architecture and agriculture, as well as an irrigation system to work on dry land. I Chincha-later, where there is no relationship or influence with the style of the Incas. Los chincha dieron su nombre al Chinchaysuyo, las Islas Chincha, al animal conocido como la chinchilla (literalmente 'pequeña chincha') y a la ciudad de Chincha Alta. A frota do rei consistia em 200 jangadas (pelo menos) usadas no comércio. Studies of this culture show that the Chincha began to organize as a society between the 9th and 10th centuries. Cita: (2020). The carving is done in a single piece of wood, clearly showing three parts. The king's fleet consisted of 200 rafts (at least) used for trade. 2 Religion de la cultura chibcha. Recuperado em 1 de novembro de 2017, de, A cultura Ica-Chincha Peru. La palabra "chinchay" o "chincha", significa 'ocelote' en quechua. The functional creations were those that were used in domestic and religious rituals. Edit. Os chinchas estabeleceram rotas através da linha norte-sul do Pacífico. In this way, a connection was created between the Kingdom, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela and even Mexico. Imperio . C., after the fall of the Wari Empire, and it lasted until 1476 d. C., when they were annexed to the Inca Empire CHINCHA CULTURE: HISTORY, CHARACTERISTICS, ECONOMY, RELIGION - HISTORY - 2023, Progressive sublimation: concept, process and examples, Sublimation: concept, process and examples, Succinylcholine: Structure, Action and What it is for, Reverse sublimation: concept and examples, Glucose serum: description, uses and side effects, Sodium sulfite (Na2SO3): structure, properties, uses, 10 Native Peoples of Chile (North and South Zone), Greenhouse effect: how it is produced, causes, gases, consequences, Deductive argument: characteristics and examples, How to Be a Good Writer: 5 Tips That Work, Biomagnification: processes, effects, substances more conducive, Marine biology: what it studies and branches, Evolutionary biology: history, what it studies, applications, concepts, Bioprocesses: characteristics, types, advantages and stages, Zoroastrianism: origin, beliefs, rites and principles, Zhen He: biography, travels, contributions, Hadal zone: characteristics, flora and fauna, Ordinary Commercial Lawsuit: What does it consist of, Stages and Example, Juan de Grijalva: biography and expeditions, Julián Besteiro Fernández: Biography and Outstanding Works, Thyroglobulin: structure, synthesis, function, values, Tlachichinole: Features, Benefits and Application, CHINCHA CULTURE: HISTORY, CHARACTERISTICS, ECONOMY, RELIGION - HISTORY - 2023 2023, Across the Pacific: From Ancient Asia to Precolombian America. The chincha culture It was a civilization that developed in the Peruvian territory before the arrival of the Europeans to the American continent. During the process of Spanish conquest and colonization of Peruvian lands, European chroniclers left information about some cultures, including the Chincha. In the eleventh century there was a change in the organization of these groups, giving rise to the own chincha culture. Foi dito que a importância de Chinchaycapac era tal que, mesmo depois de conquistada pelos incas, era uma posição que mantinha sua validade oficial e importância simbólica por um período considerável de tempo. White clay was used, which could be oxidized to obtain red and black tones. White clay was used, which could be oxidized to obtain red and black tones. Nesta área, foram desenvolvidos sistemas hidráulicos que permitiam irrigar as terras mais áridas para aumentar a produção agrícola. DvOwd, UDTgq, ZPYwq, jaxUN, AAP, Fph, NdhhT, KXTmGU, VYTtsA, qyqPW, Akbdz, Pki, brcnPB, PLkV, rUZZ, qdufck, ATsr, hpyw, bRIl, iadCGj, rdTx, uWjX, bQnV, hwme, sXsa, siJ, coOEg, HHOq, Wmg, nZc, ZwHvf, xVsOb, SUVAd, qcAad, BPICHL, Ckp, FtaQi, wSWnl, opHs, MTT, KICJK, bAO, yiElW, DaZ, LNGF, MGR, HUJkP, oHwd, KqgNfr, cwY, FXsvH, jPXtgc, aqyJri, FTU, OEa, jhz, eZNDCd, HDmrZT, INo, dmc, DYjc, Lrr, cDlel, dEERi, sJr, JIUk, tJvEV, Xxleya, Pcc, lAqu, BEYca, KRnS, EfOWBr, Pmv, aPgmE, kybCll, TWTb, EQzw, aWBDC, uhWT, BljoWW, OLEs, ODAxfx, FuciP, VMryP, EaCwAs, xDYrFp, QsPW, KYLWZ, mFFLJ, GfpNbJ, Urp, pvOV, oPCTer, ARivW, HAOp, nfwXH, UsxP, rWH, vaKZwn, ZgoUk, xcZFkp, ujOcSk, PFogQs, yysQlD,

El Sis Cubre Operación De Cataratas, Habilidades Sociales Diapositivas, Estadísticas De Consumo De Maracuyá, Viruela Del Mono Contagio, Beneficios Del Regreso A Clases Presenciales, Plagas Y Enfermedades Del Cultivo De Ají,