Benefits of running – Health Benefits Of Running & Jogging
1). Strengthens bones: – Regular running makes bones and muscles strong. This significantly reduces the risk of bone related insufficiencies such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Along with this, the density of legs and bones of dogs also increases.
2). Make the heart strong: – Running improves the blood flow in our body, it has a good effect on the health of our heart. Along with this, running also reduces blood pressure, which reduces the possible risk of many heart related diseases.
3). Loses weight: – If you want to lose weight, then there is no better exercise than running. It is a very beneficial cardio exercise that helps in reducing weight. Because it burns calories.
4). Enhances immune health: – If you do jogging regularly, you will not suffer from health problems like allergies, cold, cough, flu etc. Running regularly increases your immune system and it resists all types of diseases.
5). Increase energy: – When you wake up, do you feel energyless? If so, it increases the energy level and you can do your daily routine with energy.
6). Improve digestion power: – Running helps in improving digestion and it increases appetite. It burns calories so you will feel hungry after running. However make sure that you are having a healthy breakfast.
7). Burns fat: – Running helps burn more fat cells and makes the body leaner. It also boosts your metabolism and helps you get rid of unwanted fat.
8). Improves brain health: – Running helps in promoting the flow throughout the body. This gives brain more and more oxygen and nutrients.
9). Helps in getting better sleep: – Insomnia is a big disease for the body because it causes indigestion, headache and difficulties while working. In this case, running or jogging twice daily in the morning helps in getting good sleep and digestion of food.
10). Reduces the risk of diabetes: – Studies have shown that regular running helps reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.
11). Helps in Depression: – Running helps reduce the level of depression and anxiety and you feel good about yourself.
12). Slows the age of increasing: – Regular running leads to conditioning of the body system which slows down the aging process. It helps to build and strengthen bones and muscles that weaken with our age.
13). Lowers Cholesterol: – Running helps in maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in your body, and reduces the risk of various problems associated with it.
14). Enhances joint health: – Running helps to increase the strength of your ligaments and nerves, which increases the strength of joints and reduces the chances of injuries to the ankles and knees.
15). Improves the balance of the body: – Regular running helps to increase the coordination of the eye with the hand and also helps in the balance of the body.
16). Gives a healthy body: – If you want to stay fit, then take a walk or run during your free time. So Run and trying stay fit.
17). Builds stamina: – Maintaining a regular pace of running helps to improve muscle strength and endurance, it also increases stamina in people.
18). Aerobic exercise: – Running regularly is also a form of aerobic exercise, it helps to improve your mood, keep you physically fit and your health improves.
19). Makes you feel good : – Running regularly will make you feel good, as it helps in healing and making your body healthy. It also helps in improving our biological health, physical health, mental health and emotional health.
20). Eliminates Stress: – Running is a relaxing form of exercise, as it increases health and helps reduce your stress levels.
21). Psychological benefits: – There are many psychological benefits of running. While running, a hormone called endorphin is released in the body which gives a feeling of feel good factor. The runner seems happy and less stressed. Since running is a very challenging activity, it gives a sense of accomplishment and pride on completing each session.
22). High Blood Pressure Control: – High blood pressure is also under control by running. This makes the arteries and veins stronger.
According to a study, people who run 50 miles in a week have higher HDL compared to others, have lower cholesterol (good fat) and have a lot of body fat reduction, lower seride content and Active heart disease decreases, compared to those who run 10 miles per week. Running not only strengthens the meat muscles, it controls weight as well as the effect of age on you is seen late.