Many men constantly worry about not having a good sized penis, which is hard enough to satisfy their partner and create a stable and pleasant relationship. This problem leads to low self-esteem and even failure of some relationships. So it is important to exercise your penis to make it “longer and harder”. Today I will help you to increase penis size so that it will be easy for everyone to get knowledge of penis enlargement exercise.
Given below, penis enlargement exercise is effective for doing only 3 minutes per day. You can do it anytime in the morning and at night. It depends on you.
Also Read- 4 ways Increase Penis Size Through Exercises
These are Penis Enlargement Exercises :
1. Jelqing Exercise(Penis Enlargement Exercises)
It is one of the exercises that is more popular than any other for penis enlargement exercise in men. Because in most cases good results are seen.
These exercises work to enlarge the entire penis in one form. To make the penis thicker, you should do repetitions slowly. The repetition usually lasts for 2-3 seconds, the repetition should last between 4-5 seconds to increase the thickness. This exerts pressure on the penis and promotes good circulation on the blood.
How to do jelqing exercise-
1. Wash your hands first.
2. Draw an “Ok” sign using the thumb and index finger.
3. Hold the base of the penis, manage your tightness and pressure. Now keep moving on the penis with OK sign like masturbation.
4. Close before reaching the glands.
Also Read- What’s the Average Penis Size And Know the Average size in countries !
2. Penis pump exercises(Penis Enlargement Exercises)
Such pumps operate on the principle of vacuum technology.
They work by creating a vacuum around the penis, which ultimately increases blood circulation in the erectile tissue. The regular use of this device is stretching and expansion in erectile tissue, so as a result it is able to have more blood flow and increase penis size.
How to exercise penis pump
First of all, buy a comfortable penisamp from any store or site. Understand how to use it, because the use of every penis pump is different. The technique is the same on HA. Insert the penis into the pump and follow the manual instructions.
3. Masturbation(Penis Enlargement Exercises)
Masturbation may also be good to use to increase blood flow to the penis. It is fun to use in masturbation. It is up to you what kind of masturbation.
4. Kegel exercise(Penis Enlargement Exercises)
Keegel exercises are known to women. But for men, it is also beneficial for growth by improving blood flow and erection.
The purpose of these exercises is to increase the amount of blood that you are pumping in the direction of the head of the glands and thus force the tissue to dilate and with this the thickness increases.
The important thing about this exercise is that you can do it anywhere and anytime. Because you only have to suppress and contract the muscles that will improve blood circulation and you will be able to increase the size and firmness of the penis
How to exercise kegel-
1. You need to find your Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. It is located between the anus and scrotum. You can find it by trying to stop urine flow naturally.
2. After searching, you need to contract the PC muscle. Hold the position for 5 seconds.
3. repeat again. Taking a break of 2 seconds.
4. It is up to you how much you can make. You should go for more contractions per day to maintain adequate blood flow to the penis.
Also Read- How to increase penis size?
5. Warm-up Exercise(Penis Enlargement Exercises)
This is an exercise that you should do only after getting up. To do this exercise, you will need a small towel and some hot water.
How to warm up sub-exercises.
Firstly wet the towels in warm water.
Next, you have to wrap your penis and your
testicles in a hot towel for about a minute.
Then give a break of two minutes.
Do this four or five times every day.
Over time, you will get the penis size you want.