Yoga Se Height Kasie Badhaye
It is very important to have a good height for a good personality. A good Height makes a person look very attractive. Nowadays there is no modeling or army (army) without good height you cannot make your carrer. There are many people who keep taking many measures to increase their Lambai and they only get disappointment (Nirasha).
Here we are telling you 5 such Yogasan that you can easily increase your length by practicing ten minutes daily. We have already published posts to increase the height on this blog, which has benefited thousands of youth today. If you have not read this post yet, you must also read it.
By doing yoga daily, our body remains stress free and this keeps our body healthy as well as it helps in increasing our height. Yoga increases the growth hormone in our body rapidly. You can practice these yoga exercises daily.
1. Tadasana: (Yoga Poses For Increasing Height)
Tadasan is considered an important posture for increasing the height rapidly. To do Tadasana, first of all, stand up straight and mix your two legs together and keep both your palms next to you. Then keep the whole body straight and keep the weight of your body and both legs equal. After that, bring the fingers of both the palms together and bring them above the head.
Breathe slowly while keeping the palms straight, and pull your hands upwards, this will also hurt your shoulders and chest. Along with this, lift the eddy of the feet and make your balance in the fingers. Stand like this for some time and then take the hands up while breathing.
You must do this asana daily 8 -10 times. Performing Tadasana daily makes good exercise of the body, which pulls the muscles of the spine, chest and shoulders which helps in increasing the length.
2. Halasana: (Yoga Poses For Increasing Height)
To perform Halasana, first of all lie down on the ground directly on the back and raise your legs and hips upwards. Now try to touch the ground under your forehead with both your feet . In this process take a deep breath and straighten your legs while exhaling. Slowly bring the feet to the ground and then lie down. Its daily practice will prove to be helpful in increasing your length.
Also, this asana will also give you relief from gas and acidity. This asana is also very helpful in preventing hair loss.
3. Bhujangasan: (Yoga Poses For Increasing Height)
To do Bhujangasana, first of all lie down on your stomach and mix your eddy and claw. Your elbows should be close to your waist and the palms facing up . Now bend the arm slowly with the elbows and keep the palms under your arms, then press the chin in the neck and place the head on the ground and again raise the head towards the sky while touching the nose
in the ground.
You can move the head and chest as much as possible, but the navel should remain attached to the ground. After remaining in this situation for 20 seconds, after exhaling, bring the head slowly to the ground and repeat this process. Along with increasing the height, this posture greatly benefits the reed bone and waist.
4. Paschimottanasana: (Yoga Poses For Increasing Height)
To perform Paschimontanasana, first of all sit on the ground. After that, forward your legs and try to catch the toes by bending the hands forward .Repeating this asana many times will give new energy to your waist and back muscles. This posture helps in increasing the length due to stretching of the reed bone .
These Yogasanas are necessary for a healthy Body
5. Sarvangasana: (Yoga Poses For Increasing Height)
To perform Sarvangasana, first of all lie down on your back. Keep your feet and body taut. Breathing slowly, raise your legs upwards. After this, raise your waist and chest too. Then bend both hands with elbows and hold them at the waist. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and breathe normally.