Shukranu Kaise Badhaien – In many countries around the world, the declining male sperm count remains a matter of concern. The decline in sperm count is directly related to fertility. How much is your sperm count i.e. sperm count, it is also related to food and drink. All the activities of the body are determined by what you eat. 1If the amount of fat in your diet is high then the sperm count definitely declines. 99 men have been studied in a fertility clinic in the United States. In this study, it was found that the sperm quality of those who eat more junk food was very poor. Those who have enough omega-3 fatty acids in their body have the best quality of sperm. This acid is found in fish and vegetable oils.
Also Read – Semen Analysis: Sperm Count Test Procedure and Results
According to this study, the sperm count of those who eat more fat is reduced by 43% and the density of sperm is also reduced. Those who take adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids have very good quality of sperm. According to the World Health Organization, if the sperm count in milliliters per milliliter is 1.5 to 39 million, it is considered normal. Many studies even say that if the decline in sperm count does not stop then human will join the list of a rare species. Several studies have revealed that the sperm count has reduced by half in the last 40 years in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. When the number of sperm in a man’s semen is from 5 crore to 15 crore, then it starts floating in the fallopian tube of women. However, everything is not so easy. Sometimes a single sperm is sufficient for the ovum of women.The masculine power of any man depends on his health. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate measures to treat any type of body problem on time. Many men also face a lot of problem to increase sperm count, but we are going to tell them here some special foods and tips that they can use very easily.
If you want to maintain a sperm count, then do these tasks(Increase Sperm Count):
- Do not wear too tight underwear and avoid bathing even with hot water.
- Avoid sexual infection.
- Stop drinking alcohol at all. Consumption of alcohol decreases the health of your testosterone hormones. This hormone is directly related to sexual ability.
- Keep yourself fit and do not let the belly bulge out.
- Workout, but do not do too much.
- How much sleep you get is directly related to your health. If you do not sleep for seven to eight hours every day, then bad days of fertility start.
- According to a study, those who take less than 6 hours of sleep every day have a lower probability of 31% in their fertility. Good sleep is very important to maintain your health and fertility.
- Avoid bathing with hot water. It has been revealed in many studies that it is in his right to have low temperature for sperm production. The temperature of your testicle is interrupted while bathing with hot water and this directly affects the sperm count.
Also Read – Semen Analysis: Sperm Count Test Procedure and Results
Eat these things daily to increase sperm count:
Reduced sperm count in men affects their fertility. According to British Nutritionist Izabella Obert , in addition to the quantity of sperm in men, quality is also very important. We are telling about 10 such foods which will increase the sperm count of men by taking regular, which will improve their fertility. By eating these foods, the quantity, quality and size of the sperm will also be good, so that the incoming children will also be healthy.
- Pomegranate-
According to research conducted in Turkey, pomegranate juice increases sperm count and quality.
Drinking one glass of pomegranate juice every day increases male fertility.
- Pumpkin seeds-
The zinc and omega 3 fatty acids present in it increase blood circulation in male organisms.
Eating a handful of pumpkin seeds daily increases testosterone and sperm count.
- Tomato-
The lycopene present in it improves sperm count, quality and structure.
Cooking tomatoes in olive oil and eating it benefits a lot.
- Walnuts –
The omega 3 fatty acids present in it are helpful in increasing blood flow in male organisms.
Eating a handful (75 grams) of walnuts daily improves the number and size of sperm.
- Dark Chocolate-
The amino acid present in it increases the volume and quality of the sperm amino acid.
The darker the chocolate, the more beneficial it will be in increasing the sperm count.
Other Home Remedies (Increase Sperm Count):
1- Soak four-five almonds in water overnight, grind it in the morning and make a fine paste and put it in a glass of milk and boil milk. Add a spoonful of desi ghee and sugar candy to it.
2- Donate one gram of cardamom, one gram mace, 10 grams of sugar candy mixed with five almond paste and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
3- Take half a gram nutmeg powder with water daily.
4- Prepare powder by mixing asparagus, ashwagandha and safel musli. Take this mixture with three glasses of milk in the morning and evening.
5. Drink equal quantity of onion juice and ginger juice in one spoon of honey. Will be of great benefit.
Also Read – Semen Analysis: Sperm Count Test Procedure and Results
Always Keep these things in mind(Increase Sperm Count):
1-Use yoga to increase sperm count. Do Bhastrika Pranayam, Halasana, Suryanamaskar, Sethubanghasana and Dhanurasana daily. This helps in increasing fertility and sperm count.
2- Stay away from stress. Always being under stress adversely affects sperm count and their quality.
3- Avoid drinking alcohol and cigarettes.
4. Do not wear over-tight underwear. Do not sleep at night wearing jeans. Get into the habit of sleeping by wearing loose pajamas.
5- Do not work by keeping the laptop on the thigh.
6- Do not always keep the mobile in your pants pocket.
7-Do not use excessive lubricant. This can cause sperm to die.
8-Do not consume soya milk, because they harm sperm.
9- A study has shown that men who consume three or more cups of coffee every day have low sperm count and quality. So avoid drinking too much tea or coffee.
10. Avoid steam or gold baths. A steam bath once a week is correct, but a bath with warm water above 40 degrees may reduce sperm count.