It’s important to stay informed about COVID-19 and take preventive measures to ensure the safety and health of yourself and your loved ones. Practice physical distancing, wash your hands frequently, keep your fingers off your face, regularly disinfect frequently touched hard surfaces, keep your house clean – experts say these can reduce your risk of catching the COVID-19 virus.
But this is not a 100 percent guarantee that you won’t get the virus. With the growing number of COVID-19 cases, you never know anything can happen anytime. What if you do get the disease? Are you prepared to tackle the possible situation? If not, it’s time you make a plan to cope with the COVID-19 because the best way to cope with a disaster is to have a plan before it strikes.
First of all, it will prevent stress from escalating amidst this uncertain time. Preparing a plan can help keep your anxiety in check during this pandemic. Experts say taking positive action increases our sense of control and distracts us from obsessing over uncontrollable things. Preparing for the disaster in advice also means you won’t be stuck making emotional decisions when you or a family member fall ill. When you have a well thought out plan, you’ll be able to react and behave accordingly and handle the situation in a better way. This will also ease the responsibility on your loved ones when you are sick.
If you are emotionally prepared with a solid game plan, you will be able to face the challenge more confidently. These basic steps will help you prepare for the possibility of COVID-19 infection:
Buy essential medicines
You might have already done this, as experts have been recommending for this since the pandemic began. You should keep essential items, including basic cough and cold medicines and a thermometer, at home. Get it before the disease becomes rampant in your area and they get sell out of local drugstores.
Health experts recommends people to avoid visiting hospitals for regular check-ups or minor illnesses to prevent exposure to the virus. They also encourage those with suspected COVID-19 symptoms to reach out to their doctors via telemedicine to minimize infecting others. So, while you’re still healthy, find out the apps that offer telemedicine and download it onto your phone.
People with COVID-19 virus should maintain distance from family members in their home. Therefore, it is also necessary to plan ahead about how you would logistically do that. There should be a dedicated bedroom and bathroom for the sick person.
Research on the Warning Signs
Experts say that most people who get COVID-19 have a mild illness that can be treated at home. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, runny nose, headache, labored breathing, and nausea or diarrhea.
When the illness escalates, one may experience difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, bluish lips or face, an unusual level of confusion, loss of alertness, or loss of consciousness. There are the warning signs that require immediate medical attention.
Make a List of Key Health Info
It is important that you share your health information with others who can help you when you are sick. Put your health insurance card in an obvious and accessible location. Write down a list of all medicines you are taking, mentioning dosages and schedules. The doctors need to know this before giving you any new drug. Also note down any drug allergies you have.
Built a Support Network
Look for people you can rely on if COVID-19 strikes you. Share detailed contact information with your them and let them know where they can find your documents. You may also provide them with a key to your home in case of emergency.