Kya Aap Garbvati Hai
If you are pregnant, then you will start seeing early signs of pregnancy right after getting pregnant. However, not all women have these symptoms, but even if you are coming, it does not mean that you are pregnant. If you feel that you are pregnant, then you should first do a pregnancy test or go to your doctor.
Remember when you last had sex:
For the possibility of getting pregnant, you should have natural sex (vaginal sex). Oral sex has no role in this case. Along with this, also think once, if you had safe sex . If you were not using any birth control pills and did not use any other contraceptive (eg, diaphragm or condom), then you are more likely to be pregnant than having such safe sex. There is a possibility.
- After you have sex, it takes about six to ten days for the fertilized egg to begin the implantation process, after which you officially become pregnant. From this time, your body also starts releasing hormones. If you wait till your period is missed and then take a pregnancy test, then it gives you a very accurate result.
Early Signs of Pregnancy
Notice when your period is missed:
Missing a period is the first sign of your pregnancy. If you have been waiting for your period, about a week or more from its start date, then this is a sign of your pregnancy.
- If you track your period (with the help of period tracker), then it will be very easy for you to remember your previous period. If you do not do this, then try to remember, when was the last time you had a period. If you have been over a month, it may mean that you are pregnant.
- However, the sign that is this is not full proof, especially if your periods are always missed like this.
Pay attention to the changes in your breasts:
While your breast size increases during pregnancy, gradually you will see more changes. When you are pregnant, the hormones fluctuate in your body, due to which the swelling and softening in your breasts comes. As you go through hormonal changes, these pains will also reduce.
Note, if you are feeling completely tired:
You often feel tired due to pregnancy. You are raising a small life inside you and it is very difficult work. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, this tiredness also increases as you have an increase in the hormone progesterone, which is the real cause of drowsiness.
Also pay attention to the stomach upset:
“Morning sickness” is a common practice among pregnant women. This means that you have to be sick in the morning, but it can happen at any time of the day. Often, this symptom begins about two weeks after conception and decreases after the first trimester.
- On average, about 70–80% of pregnant women experience morning sickness.
- It is possible that you start hating some pungent smell or some kind of food, but at the same time you will be tempted to take some other food.
- You may also have constipation and other digestive problems.
- The ability to recognize any kind of smell inside many women also increases and they feel any smell like smoke, smell of burning and smell of body. Due to such sensitivity, there may or may not be a feeling of nausea.
Note, if you are repeatedly going to the bathroom to urin:
In the initial symptoms you will find the urge to urin again and again. Like other symptoms, you will feel these symptoms due to the change in hormones.
- Later in pregnancy, the baby can put pressure on your bladder, due to which you will see the symptoms of going to the bathroom again and again. However, at the beginning of pregnancy, the real reason for such frequent bathroom visits is the change in hormones.