Pimples around the vagina- Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

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It is a common practice for women to have pimples around the genital or vaginal area. Vaginal pimples can occur in the vagina due to various factors. These pimples can cause discomfort and irritability, but in most cases they are not serious.

Vaginal pimples are similar to the presence of acne in other parts of the body. In some cases, vaginal pimples may have different characteristics. As such, they can be in the form of flakes or alone, painful or painless, irritating, pus-filled, itching, and in different sizes.

Vaginal Pimples symptoms

The symptoms of acne or pimples (vaginal pimples) around the genital or vaginal area of ​​women are similar to those of normal skin pimples. Symptoms may also vary depending on the cause of acne in the vagina. If pimples are caused by an infection, the patient may feel a leak, itching, swelling, redness, and irritation from the vagina during urination.

Common symptoms include excessive itching and burning sensation when sweating, pus in the pimples and feeling discomfort while walking.

Causes of pimples in vagina

Most causes of acne (vaginal pimples) around the genital or vaginal area include excess production of sebum due to hormonal imbalance. Sebum is an oil-like fluid produced on the skin. Sebum blocks the pores of the skin , and attracts dirt and germs from sweat as well as dead skin cells. This blocks the pores of the skin, and eventually pimples the vaginal area.

The cause of vaginal pimples is always unclear, but some possible causes of acne around the genitals or vagina can be found below.

Skin allergies can cause acne in the vagina due to lotions, powders, scented soaps, laundry detergents, medicinal ointments or gels .
Use of personal lubricants, spermicides or condoms also causes this.
Exposure to sweat, urine, semen in the vulva .
Folliculitis is another cause of acne in the vagina, or an infection caused by hair.
There are also acne or pimples in the vagina due to getting cut

Home Remedies for Vaginal Pimples

Apple cider vinegar

It also acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is able to effectively destroy bacteria and is effective in treating acne.

In a cup of water, mix one cup of Apple cider vinegar well and then wash the vaginal area related to acne. Follow this procedure 2 to 3 times per day until the vaginal pimples heal.

Epsom salt for vaginal rash removal

Bathing with Epsom salt water helps in reducing pain as well as keeping the affected area clean and dry.

Half fill a tub or bucket with water. Mix well a cup of Epsom Salt in it. Then clean the pimpled area thoroughly and then dry the area. Repeat this process twice a day.

Marigold to cure pimples

Marigold or calendula have astringents, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Olive oil to make an enlarged spoon (olive oil) and heat it. Put marigold flowers in it. Leave it overnight and then squeeze it in the morning. After that apply a few drops of this oil to the affected area 3 times a day. Additionally, calendula cream and ointments are also available in the market.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is very effective in treating various types of skin in addition to vaginal pimples. To use it, mix one drop of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply a drop of this mixture of oil on the acne and leave it on. Use this oil 2 times a day.

6 Home Remedies to Remove Vaginal Dryness

Use cotton cloth to avoid acne in the vagina

Wear cotton clothes or underwear to prevent the spread of infection. Use of cotton or cotton cloth gives relief. Because cotton absorbs moisture from the skin and helps to keep the skin cool and dry.