Sperm Leakage : Symptoms, Risk factors and Treatment

Shukranu ka Leak Hona

What is  metal (metal) disease ?

Metal disease means involuntary ejaculation of semen, which usually occurs during sleep or other conditions such as urination or bowel movements.

It is a men’s sexual problem  , in which involuntary ejaculation (ejaculation or ejaculation) occurs, usually without sexual stimulation and sexual intercourse.

This problem is often associated with the patient’s irritability and weakness in his sex organs. In some types of cases, the semen along with urine starts coming out from the force applied to the bowel during constipation . In some cases, the semen is released before the urine, or starts coming out of the urine.

What can be the signs and symptoms of metal disease ?

Morning fall is more of a symptom than a disease.

If the problem is due to excessive masturbation or sex, then the following symptoms related to chronic sexual fatigue may appear:

Back pain (especially in the lower back)
Pain in the lower back whose waves of pain go to the legs
Pain in the testicles or perineum,
Dizziness ;
general weakness,
Night sweats
Sweating in the testicle area,
Warm and moist skin,
Hot and moist palms and soles.

What are the causes and risk factors of metal disease?

The main causes of metallic disease include:

  • Male genital testes (testes) should be kept somewhat colder than the rest of the body temperature. When the testes come under the influence of excess heat, (such as after bathing in a tub of hot water), sperm are released after sleeping at night, as the supply of sperm is damaged.
  • Visions or thoughts affecting sexual stimuli can also cause this problem.
  • Kharb diet is also a reason for this problem.  Eating a low protein diet , or a diet without eggs , can also prove beneficial.
  • Excessive masturbation or sex can also cause metal disease.
  • Dhat disease also occurs due to weak digestive system or general physical weakness.
  • A man can clean his stomach completely with his daily feces. However, the situation is completely different in Western countries. When there is no recurring problem of involuntary semen in people there, it is seen as a sign of sperm production.
  • This is a common problem in men from countries in Southeast Asian countries such as China and India. China, India and South Asian countries have tropical regions. People in these countries eat spicy food tokeep the body temperature low , because it is very common for men to have constipation problems. In addition, most eastern cities are devoid of Vestran toilets (Western-type toilets). Their toilets are placed on the ground because men need to squat on them. In this state, when excessive force is applied to pass the bowel movement, the semen starts coming out automatically. If the problem of semen starts happening daily then it can be a serious situation.
  • Weakness of the nervous system.
  • Alkalosis of urine and genital organs.
  • The habit of masturbating too much.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Testicular problems due to skin etc.
  • Narrow (tight) urinary exit route.
  • Bladder filling.
  • Stimulation due to contact (friction) with a mattress or blanket.

Causes of male ejaculation disorders

How can metal disease be treated ?

  • Correct pathological treatment requires correct visualization of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet.
  • Avoid alcohol, etc.
  • Eat less food at night,
  • Urination after leaving bed.
  • Try sleeping on slightly harder mattresses.
  • Do not use tight underwear while sleeping at night.
  • Try to get up early in the morning with the help of an alarm, this ejaculation problem usually occurs within a few hours of the morning.
  • Instead of focusing in rational thoughts, try to bring your energy and potential to creative and constructive work.
  • Try to get involved in healthy bowel movements so that hemorrhoids and other anal disorders can be examined.
  • Keep the genitals completely clean, to check for irritation of the area and involuntary ejaculation.