These 10 Things are Signs of Mental Illness. Know it’s Symptoms

Yeh 10 Mansik Bimari Ki Nishaani Hai

Mental illness can be better treated and managed provided that one can seek advice from a mental health expert as soon as possible. Just as there is a special cure for physical diseases, scientifically proven and medically certified treatment of many psychiatrists is possible. We should understand what mental illness means. In physical illnesses such as fever, diabetes, thyroid problems or heart disease, medicines or surgeries act as treatment and improve the patient’s health. On the other hand, mental illness may require other treatments. In most cases, the person needs medication along with psychological management (this depends on the severity of the disease and the person’s physical and emotional condition.


Being psychiatric does not mean that the patient is constrained or is not able to live an independent, active life. This is only a sign that the person is in an emotionally weak state where he may need help for some time. With proper help and special treatment plan, he can regain his health and lead a normal life. As he is spending before the illness.


There are some mental disorders that people associate only with common illness and later they become serious problems. The number of mental patients in India is constantly increasing because people underestimate it and do not even consult psychiatrists about it. Generally, people are not even aware of these diseases. There are ten such mental illnesses that people underestimate.


Stress is the lowest rated by people, but it is the most dangerous mental disorder. Depression is becoming a major cause of suicide among people. In 2012, 1.3 lakh people died in India due to depression.


Cyclomithia is basically a minor form of bipolar disorder that occurs in the brain. It is not yet known what the main causes are, but it may be genetically. It affects man and woman alike.


It is a type of mental illness of stealing. However, people with this do not intentionally steal, but because of mental disorder they steal only the things.


People with this mental disorder resort to arson for personal gain. People suffering from this disease use fire to control their anger. This type of disorder is more common in children and adolescents.


Sleep paralysis can be a scary disease for us. If someone suffers from this disease, he wakes up all night and does not sleep at all. This can be a frightening problem and is also a matter of concern for the people suffering from it.


It is one of a kind of strange strange psychological disorder, a person suffering from this disease pulls his hair. People with this pull hair with impulse, and some even eat hair. This disorder is usually fatal and difficult to treat. Stress also increases in people with PTSD.


Most people are not aware of this type of mental disorder. Such people steal life from work, mostly stay out of their offices.


People with this mental disorder find the outside world to be untrue, because they lack depth and naturalness. These symptoms are common in people, which may be due to epilepsy, migraine and mild head injury. Symptoms of sleeplessness, borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia are seen.


When a person becomes completely dependent on cannabis, then he gets a mental disorder like Cannabis Dependence. If people do not consume cannabis from this, then they start having problems of restlessness and insomnia.

Also Read : Loneliness & Mental Stress are a major health problem. Read to Know


Such people are afraid of the crowd. Such people feel that going into the crowd can cause problems, so they are afraid of going to a crowded place. In some cases, such patients also avoid leaving the house.