Cervical Mucus Ke Baare Me Jaane – Many women who track their body’s basal temperature also notice changes in the cervical mucus. By focusing on your normal vaginal discharge, you can plan your pregnancy better. You can get additional information about ovulation by marking these changes on your breeding calendar. This will help you choose the time of intercourse for conception.
Let us know through this article what are the different types of cervical mucus and how they give an indication of fertile days.
Chart the Cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle for conception
Chart cervical mucus during your menstruation for planning a pregnancy. Fertility and ovulation apps often have an area available to mark your cervical mucus. During your menstruation, you can mark your cervical mucus with B (B) or M (M) on your chart. In general, when you are actively bleeding during your period, you are not fertile. But do not think that if you have intercourse during your period, then you cannot conceive. You can get pregnant if you ovulate early and have a coincidence at the end of your menstrual cycle. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should not worry about having sex during periods. Keep attention on dry cervical mucus for pregnancy
Keep an eye over dry cervical mucus for planning a pregnancy
Dry cervical mucus does not mean that your vagina becomes dry at all. Rather it means that there is less moisture in the vagina than usual. You are not very fertile during this time. Severe vaginal dryness can only occur due to low hormonal levels. Sexual intercourse can be uncomfortable when your cervical discharge is dry. During this time, having sex is not a possibility of conception. But some women experience vaginal dryness even during ovulation. Other causes of abnormal vaginal dryness include hormonal imbalance, old age, side effects of some medicines, and surgery. If you never get fertile cervical mucus (vaginal discharge that produces a wet feeling around the time of ovulation) then you should talk to your doctor about this. If you experience vaginal dryness, use sperm lubricants that are fertility-friendly. This will help make sex more comfortable and will help keep the sperm healthy and alive to travel to the cervix. Regular personal lubricants can damage the sperm and worsen the pH balance of your vagina. As long as you are trying to conceive, keep on using fertility-friendly lubricants. Keep attention on sticky cervical mucus for pregnancy
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Keep an eye over sticky cervical mucus for planning a pregnancy
Sticky cervical mucus is similar to children’s craft paste. It is neither dry nor smooth nor creamy.If you have a sticky cervical mucus on your fingers and if you try to pull it slightly between the index finger and thumb, it will break quickly. It is not considered a fertile cervical mucus.
Keep attention on creamy cervical mucus for pregnancy
Keep an eye over creamy cervical mucus for planning a pregnancy. This cervical mucus may appear white, creamy, and slightly more diffuse than the sticky cervical mucus. It looks like lotion. This fertile cervical mucus is not considered, although some women may notice only creamy cervical mucus before ovulation. However, it is not considered the most fertile cervical mucus. This may occur before your fertile period, which indicates that ovulation is likely to occur soon. If you do not want pregnancy, you will not want to have sex without extra protection at this time. If you want to get pregnant and you see creamy cervical mucus then you should have intercourse right now.
Vaginal White Discharge: Causes and Treatment
When your cervical mucus sends a confusing signal
When your cervical mucus sends confusing signals. Cervical mucus changes are not an ideal ovulation detection method for everyone. For example, some women experience vaginal dryness for various reasons. They never see more than creamy cervical mucus. This can make them feel like they are not fertile even when they are fertile. It is possible that you may not see egg-like white cervical mucus even when ovulating. On the other hand, some women experience several patches of egg-like white cervical mucus throughout the month. In this case, ovulation does not necessarily occur soon. It is particularly common in women with PCOS.