Sehetmand khana – Food Items to Include in Your Daily Diet:
Green vegetables – Many people do not like to eat green vegetables much, but they forget how much they can benefit from them. Vitamin, calcium, mineral, antioxidant properties present in vegetables work to protect the body from obesity, heart disease and many serious diseases. a healthy life, green vegetables included in the daily diet.
Fruits – Like vegetables, fruits are also very important for health. Be it diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol or weight loss, fruits will help you. Among fruits, apples, oranges, mangoes and any one or two fruits of your choice, you must include in your food routine. Also, keep in mind that fruits should be consumed in balanced quantities
Soup – Be sure to include soup in your diet as well, especially when you are upset with your increasing weight. By incorporating soup into your diet with regular yoga or exercise, you can prevent obesity. Also, sometimes you can also take the soup in your one time diet because it is light.
Vegetable juice – Include vegetable juice with potassium, vitamins, calcium in your diet. Vitamin C-rich juices not only increase the body’s immunity, but they also act to heal injuries and wounds quickly. You can include carrot, tomato and green vegetable juice. Not only juice, but beverages like coconut water can also work to keep you healthy. Coconut water cools the body and can help to a great extent from stomach problems.
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Legumes and lentils – Pulses and legumes that are rich in protein, fiber and other nutrients can act as prevention against fatal diseases like blood pressure, diabetes. Therefore, include pulses and beans in your daily diet.
Cereals – Cereals and cereal products like rice, wheat, oatmeal, corn, brown rice are considered essential for health. They work to supply energy in the body and protect you from diseases. It is therefore important that you include bread, rice and other cereal products in your daily diet.
Milk or milk products – Milk contains many nutrients such as calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, zinc. Milk works to strengthen bones and prevent diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure.
Along with this, try to use less fat or fat free milk because high saturated fat can put the body at risk of increasing harmful cholesterol. Although this has been said in earlier research, there have been some changes in recent research, which has resulted in the belief that full cream milk may be beneficial for the heart , although it has a mixed reaction. If you do not like milk, you can use milk products like cheese, cheese and other ingredients. However, if you are allergic to milk, you can use soy milk, almond milk instead. Apart from this, you can also talk to the doctor about this.
Egg – Egg rich in protein, mineral, vitamins, antioxidants and many other nutritious elements not only gives energy to the body but also keeps it healthy. Egg is one of the foods in which vitamin D is found naturally. It can help in human brain development and prevent cognitive problems. Sometimes the memory starts getting weaker with age, so if you want your memory to be correct with increasing age, then do not forget to include eggs in your diet. Eggs can be consumed by children, old and young people of almost every age. However, if anyone has problems with allergies, then they should consult the doctor once before consuming eggs.
Meat – Like green vegetables and fruits, meat is also very important for a healthy body. It not only contains protein but also contains zinc, which improves immunity, makes skin healthy and maintains reproductive health. Not only this, meat also contains vitamin B12 and omega-3 which can be useful for nervous system, heart and brain health.