Apne Dimag Ko Shant Kaise Rakhe
Are you stressed or unhappy? Do you need to be calm? When you practice and calm your mind, you will feel relaxed and will find yourself ready to work all the time, and it is easy to do so. When you find suitable methods for you, practice them continuously. If needed, you will be able to calm your mind at a more rapid pace and for this, you can use the following.
Deep breathing exercises:
Although this suggestion may seem strange to you, deep breathing exercises are surprisingly effective in keeping your brain calm. Practice them daily and in times of stress, it will help in reducing it.
- Close your mouth and take a deep breath through your nose. Try to take a little extra time to breathe so that you can hold it for four seconds. Hold your breath for four seconds, then release your breath after completing the count of eight seconds. Repeat this exercise a total of four times.
- If you have trouble keeping your breath slow for so long, reduce the breathing interval and try to increase the duration gradually.
- Make changes in the duration of each inhalation and exhalation according to your naturalness, but ensure that it takes twice as long to exhale than you breathe. Stop for a few turns in between every time you breathe.
Keep Trying for Meditation or happiness and pray sadhana:
It is the process of purifying your mind or brain by focusing on a specific thought, place, words, color or substance. To meditate, first sit in a comfortable position (kneeling or lying posture) and then focus (or pray) on a particular thing. It may take upwards of ten minutes for your brain to be completely clean and calm, but it is normal to spend so much time.
- During the practice of meditation, you can sit and lie down on the ground, but during this time you should always keep your eyes closed, it helps you to focus your mind mentally / spiritually.
- It is a normal thing to disturb your meditation through disturbing thoughts. Keep trying to dispel those unrestrained thoughts, and as far as possible focus on focusing on one specific thing (cherishing/praising/praising).
Try visualization:
It is like guided imagery in a meditative posture in which you softly visualize a peaceful scene. Put the image of that scene in your brain for as long as you want, but put all your thoughts and energy into focusing your mind and brain for the mental imagery of this particular place.
Practice continuous muscle relaxation:
Through this process you can bring the entire muscles of your body from a stressful state to a relaxed state. After disturbing your muscles, trying to calm them down also changes your mental state and helps to calm your brain as well as the body equally.
- Start this activity from the muscles of your face and do it on one muscle at a time. This includes frowning, eyebrowing, thrusting on your forehead and joining your jaw. After this, allow all the muscles to calm down.
- When your facial exercise is over, keep your body in a leaning posture until you have completed this exercise with all your muscles.
- To gain more comfort from this process, hold the strained muscles for 5–10 seconds before releasing them loose.
Drink plenty of water.
Water is very important to keep your body hydrated well and to keep the body free from harmful chemicals, which helps your brain to concentrate better. To help with other relaxation exercises, drink plenty of water.
Take food that provides comfort to your body:
Certain foods help to reduce hormones that cause anxiety, while also increasing hormones that increase the feeling of happiness and peace. Are responsible for generating
- High selenium-rich foods help reduce anxiety and depression and may include nuts (especially Brazilian nuts), shiitake, mushrooms, tuna, cod, or salmon ( salmon).
- Eat foods that contain a high amount of magnesium, such as spinach, kaddu seeds, and halibut.
Exercise moderately:
Exercise is responsible for producing endorphins, resulting in a feeling of happiness. After settling on a stressful schedule, try exercising for a while to relax your brain.
- Always exercise in quiet places or take time out for it alone. Exercise in your gym or look for an area or room where it is mostly secluded so that you do not get distracted by things around you.
- Try to do poorly understood and repetitive exercises. This can include swimming or running etc.
Participate in your favorite activities:
If you like to cook, study or participate in sports, do the same things! By doing the things you like, it will help your brain to feel good by relieving stress, and which in turn creates an excess amount of endorphins which helps in creating a feeling of happiness.
Keep yourself busy with repetitive activities:
Your brain is also used less in this. It is true that to do something, one needs to keep working, but only by not focusing on it, you will be able to keep your mind calm.
- Try to make a painting or painting. For this you will be obliged to concentrate on the work of drawing and you will not have time to think about the stress of your life.
- Physical activities with consistent activity can increase your mental comfort. For this you can think about lifting tree leaves, sweeping the floor, or folding clothes.
Some More Remedies to keep your mind calm
1. Practice Yoga –
Yoga practice stretches the body and does not require much movement. Doing yoga relaxes the muscles of the body. Doing yoga calms the mind completely and does not feel any disturbance. Do the help of a trained trainer to do yoga. If you have health problems like slip discs , osteoporosis etc. then we recommend that you do not practice yoga.
2. Go for a walk –
If you want to calm your mind and mind, then take time for yourself from your busy lifestyle and make a plan to roam outside. For walking, you can go to the hilly area, every place, snowy place etc. Sometimes it is extremely important to take time for yourself as well.
3. Laugh to calm the mind and the mind –
Whenever you feel tense or your mind never seems calm, make a habit of laughing out loud. You may find it a bit strange to hear, but it’s true. Laughing increases blood circulation in your body and brings peace to mind and mind. Sit among your friends with whom you enjoy, watch such a comedy film that removes negative thoughts from your mind. Do such activities daily to keep yourself happy.
4. Massage the hands –
Hands-on massage to get if you do not have time to go into the parlor, or do not have time to go to a trained massage trainer you can massage himself hands. Throughout the day, your hands are busy with some work. Massaging hands provides relief from stress. To massage your hands, you can massage yourself with a lotion or oil. Not only hands, you can also massage on the skin of shoulders, neck and head.
Also Read : The Magical Benefits of Meditation for Stress Management
5. Do not smoke cigarettes and alcohol
Everyone knows the disadvantages of drinking alcohol and cigarettes. But they often find that cigarettes and alcohol help them to feel relaxed. This is the opposite of what actually happens. Doctors say that smoking cigarette seems to reduce stress and anxiety just for a short time, but it is simply short-lived. Worry, tension, tension are all there. The same happens with drinking alcohol. In the end, all that happens is that your health is damaged.