Ling Ko Bada karne Ke Prakratik Upay
In today’s time, people do not do anything to make their personal organs look attractive. In such a situation, it is often seen in men that they do millions to increase and thicken their private parts but are not able to succeed. Now today we are going to tell you that we are going to tell you the fruits of increasing fat and increasing the personal part of the man, which will benefit from the intake.
People looking for a penis enlargement method often seem concerned about whether their penis is too short, is too long or the penis is too thick. On the other hand, research suggests that most of the people who are concerned about penis or penis size have a normally thick long penis and have no medical problems of any kind.
It is not a crime to want a thick, long, and big penis, but for this you should not use things like penis enlargement medicine, pill, cream, oil. They are not scientifically proven and may also have an incorrect effect on your penis. You may be thinking, why are we stopping you from adopting these methods or methods of enlarging your penis ? Do we have natural methods or methods to enlarge your penis?
You are thinking absolutely right! In this blog, we are telling you the natural remedies and tips to increase penis size. These measures can get you “desired benefits” without causing any harm. So let’s know the home remedies and tips to enlarge the penis.
Home remedies to thicken and enlarge the private part-
Onion – In fact, in many types of research, it has been found that onion contains all the ingredients to lengthen the private part of a man. Actually, the elements present in the onions prevent the blood from freezing. Along with this, they smooth the flow of blood flowing from the heart. Due to which the size of the private part of the male starts increasing.
Salmon fish – Salmon fish work to increase the male’s private part because it contains omeg3 and other nutrients, which act to lengthen the private part of the male.
Banana – Banana is necessary to make a person’s private part thick and long. In fact, banana is considered a useful food item for heart and blood cells and at the same time it also increases the size of the private part of the male.
Watermelon – Watermelon should be consumed to increase the private part of the male. This causes excitement in the private part of the man. In fact, amino acids are found in watermelon, which maintains the spread of veins.
Gokharu – Gokharu is an indigenous medicine and is found in hot areas. At the same time, bunions are said to increase testosterone levels and testosterone is a hormone that increases a man’s sexual strength, the size and hardness of a man’s private organ.
Ginko biloba – Ginko biloba increases blood circulation in the male’s private organ. Along with this, it is used as a medicine to lengthen the private part of the male.
Remove hair from around the penis
A research has revealed that people who do not cut the hair around their penis for a long time may see their penis shorter or less. Actually, when the hair of the genitals becomes too big, you do not see the root of your penis because these hairs cover your penis too much. Therefore, according to experts, a home remedy or method to enlarge the small penis (ling bada karne ka gharelu upay tarika) is to shorten the hair around the penis. Therefore, you should regularly clear the ‘forest’ around your penis.
You will only be aware of thousands of benefits of exercise. It plays a very important role in keeping you physically and mentally healthy. Often, people also call sex as ‘love muscle’, ie the muscle of love. Some people believe that the way the other muscles of the body become bigger by exercising, similarly the penis can also be enlarged by exercise. But it is not so, your penis is made of a sponge-like tissue, which contains a network of blood veins.
Now you must be thinking, how will the penis be bigger than exercise (exercise se ling bada kaise hoga)? In fact, through exercise, blood flow throughout your body is better and your veins are healthy. As you have just known, there is a network of nerves in your penis. When enough blood flows in the veins, your penis will also be able to stand up better. Exercise in this way is also a home remedy or method of enlarging the small penis (ling bada karne ka gharelu upay tarika).
Reduce abdominal fat
When fat or fat starts to accumulate on the stomach, then slowly it starts coming down and accumulating around the penis. Because of this, the penis starts appearing shorter or less taller than fat. Therefore, a home remedy or method of enlarging the small penis (ling bada karne ka gharelu upay tarika) is to reduce the fat around the abdomen and penis.
To reduce or remove the fat around the penis and abdomen, first of all you have to control your diet. Stay away from fried and more sweet things because they contain a lot of things like sugar, oil. They can make you even more fat. You should also do regular exercise (ling bada karne ke gharelu upay tarike) to remove the fat around the abdomen and penis.
Also, if you are suffering from obesity and you feel that you will not be able to reduce belly and penis fat by exercising or eating, then you can also take the help of a surgery called liposuction. In this surgery, the doctor removes the fat around your abdomen and penis with the help of a tool. By this, your penis will come out and it will look bigger.
Also read:Important 5 Penis Enlargement Exercises for You
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
Meat and fish have a lot of fat. In this case, you should avoid eating them excessively. Excess fat can build up in your veins, and less blood in the vein may make the penis appear smaller. If you want to make your penis longer (ling lamba mota karna), instead of eating them, you should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating them brings energy to your body and improves blood flow.
Due to the correct flow of blood in the veins of the penis, your penis stands up well and you are able to have better sex. We will not call it a home remedy or method to enlarge the small penis (ling bada karne ka gharelu upay tarika), but it is definitely very helpful in keeping you physically and mentally healthy.
Keep body warm – Home remedy to enlarge penis
You must have often noticed that in winter your penis starts shrinking and appearing smaller. But after bathing with lukewarm water or during summer, it looks big. Actually, the penis gets relief from warmth. Due to the heat, the veins of the penis open and there is a lot of bleeding in them.
In such a situation, a home remedy or method to enlarge the small penisis that you take a bath with lukewarm water before sex. The heat of the water will remove the stiffness of the veins of your penis and make it soft and powerful.
Read more:How to increase penis size?