Yoni Me Khujli Ke Liye Upchar – Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable and painful sensation that can be caused by infection, menopause or irritable substances. You may also experience vaginal itching due to certain skin disorders or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If the itching is persistent and continues for more than a week, you should consult a dermatologist. You should also seek professional advice as soon as you feel pain in the genital area, discomfort while urinating, abnormal vaginal discharge or blisters on the vulva. In extreme cases, it may be due to stress or vulva cancer. The treatments suggested by your dermatologist will be according to the type of vaginitides such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, trichomoniasis, and vaginal atrophy. Itching or burning in the vagina of women may mean they have a yeast infection, which is a common practice. According to statistics, 3 out of 4 women experience it at least once in their lifetime. Vagina is accompanied by pain, tingling, and severe itching, which is very uncomfortable. Vaginal bacterial infections occur most commonly in women between the ages of 25 and 35. Vaginal itching can occur due to many reasons such as dryness of the vagina, non-maintenance of cleanliness, use of chemical things or using a bad razor. Let us know how to overcome the itching problem in vagina.
How to diagnose vaginal itching?
The doctor will diagnose the itching of the vagina in various ways. You will be asked about the symptoms you are going through and how long these things have been happening. The doctor also asks about sexual activity and performs a pelvic exam. Itching in the vagina or genitalia is a common problem and every woman has to face it at some point in her life. This is because vaginal itching is a sign of many problems. Such as menstruation occurring during hormonal Ansutln, pregnancy, menopause, ranging from yeast infection. A lot of the problem of itchy cases, sexually transmitted disease may be early signs of STD like Troikomoniaesis.
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Usually, the problem of itching in the vagina is also cured on its own without any treatment. But if there is any mild bacterial or fungal infection, then applying for OTC medicine like Hydrocortisone ointment will relieve itching. In some cases, using home remedies such as aloe vera gel can also relieve the itching problem. But at times, vaginal itching is accompanied by many other symptoms such as vaginal pain, genital pimples, blisters or lumps, or a burning sensation in the vagina during urination. All these things can be a sign of some serious disease, for which it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately. Treatment of vaginal itching depends on its cause. So talk to the doctor to know what is the main cause of itching. It may be that the doctor examines your pelvic for this or recommend some other tests so that there is no information about STD or any other problem.
The doctor performs the pelvic examination carefully and during the examination, a speculum is inserted into the vagina to get a proper view.
Can antibiotics cause vaginal itching?
Antibiotics are prescribed to kill the bad bacteria present in the body. But sometimes good bacteria are also killed by them which leads to yeast or fungal infection. This infection causes intense itching in the vagina and other genital areas.
Vaginal Itching Symptoms
Constant burning sensation and sensation is felt in the vagina and around the skin, and along with itching, then all these symptoms can be a sign of some disease. After all, the reason for all this depends on what other symptoms of itching in the female genitalia can be:
- Swelling and redness
- Vaginal discharge which may be white or green in color
- Burning or pain during urination
- Vaginal pain
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal burning sensation
How to stop vaginal itching?
These are the ways in which vaginal itching can be prevented:
- Stop wearing tight fighting clothes
- Wear comfortable underwear
- Never keep your genital areas moist
- Regularly rub or wash the area
- Do not use soap, deodorant, perfume, bubble bath, scented cream, fabric softener or other such things
- Never duchess because it removes healthy bacteria
- Keep your blood sugar under control if suffering from diabetes
- Avoid very hot baths or hot baths as yeast grows in hot and moist environments.
But if itching persists for a long time, it is important to see a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.
What home remedies can I use to stop vaginal itching?
These are home remedies that can prevent vaginal itching:
- Baking Soda Bath: Baking soda has properties that can treat yeast infections as well as itchy skin. You can take 4 cups of baking soda and dissolve it in water. Then you can soak in water for about 30-40 minutes. Greek yogurt: It is one of the most common remedies for yeast infection as yogurt promotes the growth of good bacteria and thus it helps in killing the bad bacteria present in the vagina.
- Wearing cotton underwear: If you are suffering from vaginal itching or discomfort, wearing cotton underwear is always helpful. Therefore you should wear cotton underwear which protects the vagina from yeast infection as the yeast does not grow in an area that is well ventilated.
- Bathing with apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps in relieving yeast infection. In this way, you can add apple cider vinegar to water and take a bath with it.
- Probiotic Supplement: Probiotic promotes the growth of good bacteria and kills the bad bacteria present in the vagina. You can take probiotics in any form that can be a capsule or tonic. If you want, you can also consult your doctor before taking any probiotic.
- Coconut oil: Very useful in killing bacteria which causes yeast infection. You can apply coconut oil in your vagina for relief.
- Hygiene: Good vaginal health should be practiced to keep the vagina healthy. The vagina should be cleaned regularly.
What are the treatment options?
You can use some home remedies to get rid of vaginal itching. Wash your genital area with warm water and a mild cleanser. Change your underwear every day and wash your clothes well. Avoid using scented soap or lotion near your vagina. Having yogurt with living cultures reduces the likelihood of yeast infection.