Learn 5 home remedies with periods and symptoms due to irregular periods
Irregular periods
It is common to have minor problems associated with periods. These problems are usually a sign of hormonal imbalance. A correct menstrual cycle is about 28 days, for women or adolescent women who have periods or menstruation on the 29th day, their menstrual cycle is perfect. But if you start menstruating on or before 21 days and your menstruation lasts longer than 8 days, then you suffer from irregular menstrual problem. Learn about some of the homely ways to regularize periods.
Why is irregular menstruation? (Causes of Irregular Periods)
Around 35 percent of women have irregular menstrual problems, this is common. Yes, it may be ‘alarming’ if it sounds a bit unnatural or if the delay in the cycle increases too much. In that case, contacting the doctor is the best option.However, there can be many reasons for irregular menstruation, which are sometimes not very serious. But it has been seen that the problem of irregular menstruation is often more in adolescent girls, in which menstruation has just started. There are several common reasons for irregular menstruation such as-
Sudden weight gain or loss
Increased tension
Nutritional deficiency in the diet
In menopause months
More exercise
Birth control pills
Irregular Periods Symptoms
irregular periods
The first identification of ergular periods is pain in the uterus, pain in the waist, legs, arms and breasts, loss of appetite, feeling tired, constipation etc. The formation of blood clots in the urine is also a symptom of this.According to Ayurveda, women can get rid of this problem by making some changes in their food and lifestyle, such as-
Do not consume sour and strong food (which is not easy to digest) during menstruation.
Do not eat too much spicy things.
Avoid intake of tea, coffee and cold drinks.
As a home remedy, boil 1 teaspoon coriander seeds and lentil sugar powder in a cup of water. When the water remains half, add half a teaspoon of boora (powdered sugar) to it. Drink this water 2 times a day. This also makes menstruation regular.
During periods, you should avoid body fatiguing tasks.
Eat desi ghee in food. how is the food? You decide this yourself. You can take desi ghee in milk, eat it in vegetable or eat it on bread.
Most important, take special care of physical cleanliness.
Home Remedies for Irregular Periods
healthy diet
There are many home remedies for irregular menstruation, which can help improve the condition. like-
If stress is the cause of your menstrual cycle, make yoga and meditation a part of your daily routine for a stress-free life. Regular exercise solves a lot of problems anyway. With this, the body is protected from many diseases.Acupuncture also proves beneficial for women suffering from menstrual irregularities.Most important, eat a balanced and nutritious diet. A good diet is very important for hormonal balance.
If hormonal imbalance is the reason for irregular menstruation, first of all seek medical advice. That would be appropriate.Treatment properties are hidden in your kitchen too.Home treatment is a simple way to deal with the problem of irregular menstruation. Because they do not have any side effects. Many times you can get rid of irregular menstrual problems only by small things present in the kitchen. There are many problems during periods, and home remedies are best for such problems of periods.
Raw Papaya: Should One Have Sex During Periods? Read to Know Disadvantages
It can prove to be a panacea in correcting irregularities of periods. It not only regulates periods regularly, but also relieves acute pain during menstruation. The hydroxy clone present in it maintains insulin levels during periods.
Method of using cinnamon: Mix half a teaspoon of PC cinnamon in a glass of milk and drink it. During periods, sleeping by drinking warm milk in any way relieves the stomach and sleep is good. But if you mix cinnamon in it, then it will work like icing on gold.
Ginger or dry ginger
Both ginger and dry ginger are considered helpful in regulating periods. One is that the ginger effect is hot, due to which the flow of periods is right. Secondly, ginger relaxes the stomach and increases immunity of the body.
How to use ginger: Ginger can be eaten raw easily. But an easier and more efficient way is to make and drink a nice bitter ginger tea. She will benefit equally. Ginger is very beneficial for health.
Raw Papaya: Symptoms,Causes and Home Remedies for Less Bleeding During Periods
By eating beetroot, blood cells i.e. blood cells are formed in the body. But apart from this, iron and folic acid are also found in beetroot. Both of these help in removing the irregularity of menstruation. Beetroot balances hormones.
Eating beetroot in this way will be beneficial – Along with beet periods, it is also very beneficial for health. Whether you eat it as a salad or drink its juice or eat raita. It will only benefit the body in every form.
Tamarind or sour substances
It is believed that sour food should be avoided during menstruation, but in case of irregular menstruation, pulp of ripe tamarind can work magic.
Eat ripe tamarind – soaked red tamarind in water for one hour. Then filter its water and add sugar, a little salt and cumin powder to it. Take this drink once in two days. You will feel the difference yourself.
Read more: Late Period: Major Reasons Including Pregnancy
Raw Papaya
Raw papaya is beneficial in menstrual problems due to stress and menopause. The iron, keratin, calcium, vitamins A and C present in raw papaya act as fiber to the contracted muscles of the uterus. Eat raw papaya for breakfast. Try this recipe for a few months, you will feel the benefit yourself.