The news of crime against women comes in the country every day. Matters like rape, murder, kidnapping, and women in the street often make newspaper headlines. At the same time, the situation of women is not even better at home. Domestic violence cases against women increased rapidly at the time of lockdown. The National Commission for Women registered a total of 396 women-related cases from 27 February to 22 March. At the same time 587 cases were registered from 23 March to 16 April. The highest number of cases were of domestic violence. During this time, the statement of Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, said that due to the lockdown, Abuser and Victim were locked together and due to this, cases increased. Not only in India, but due to the lockdown in the world, crimes against women have increased. Activists and Survivors everywhere, from Brazil to Germany and Italy to China, have voiced concern over increasing cases. This is why the United Nations called domestic violence a ‘shadow pandemic’ with Kovid 19. In such a situation, the challenge before homemakers and employed women is to protect themselves. But instead of getting upset or nervous by it, be courageous and adopt these techniques related to self-defense to maintain your safety-
Look aware
Many women are not aware of their surroundings and the attackers take advantage of this. When women are listening to songs on earphones or surfing social media while going through public places, they do not pay much attention to the conditions around them. Such situations increase the likelihood of crime against women, so it is very important for women to remain alert. If the abuser is at home then the vigilance should be even higher. This gives a lot of confidence to those who have wrong motives and are afraid of attacking the woman.
Prepare yourself
If you feel danger around you, then immediately appear in the attacking position. For this, make fists of your hands and bring them exactly in front of the chest. Keep your right leg forward and tilt the body forward slightly. This can give the attacker the impression that you are able to give them a befitting reply.
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Cover hair
Many times the attackers resort to their hair to catch the women. In such a situation, if you see danger around you, first cover your hair. You can tie your hair with a scarf. If you are wearing a shirt or T-shirt, then tuck the hair inside your collar. This allows you to face the attacker more easily.
Use everything you have
Instead of being afraid of the attacker, you can instill fear in the small things in your bag. You can use key flakes, safety pins, clutches, filers, pens or pepper spray for safety at this time. If you are afraid from within, then try to bring the attackers to a place where you can get help.

In this way draw attention to people
If somehow you can reach the crowded place, then the attacker does not dare to move forward. In this case, you can get out of there safely and run. But it is not necessary that people respond immediately to you when you ask for help. In such a situation, you can shout ‘thief-thief’ or you can tell in a loud voice about a fire somewhere nearby. This usually brings people into action immediately, which makes the environment more safe for you.
Learn about the weakest parts of the body
If the attacker has completely surrounded you, then you can target the most sensitive and weak parts of his body to come out of his hold. It includes eyes, nose, neck, knees and private parts of men. Strong punch on these parts will help to divert the attention of the attacker, so that you can get rid of his grip.
Run away when you get a chance
If you feel that it is better to run away from facing the attacker, then choose this option. If there is a bus passing in front of you or there is a crowd of autos around you, then you can easily leave the place through public transport. It is possible that once you get out of those situations, you do not have to face them again.
By adopting these easy methods, you can not only give a tough fight to the attacker, but can also ensure your own safety. If you like this information, then share it. Keep visiting every day to get the latest updates on Woman Safety.
Bring your body with yoga
Yoga is a very effective medium to make the body agile. This makes the body more strong and flexible. By incorporating Surya Namaskar, Uttanapadasana, Parvatasana, Dhanurasana, etc. daily, the body remains flexible, agile and strong.\
Read more:Fights in a Relationship
Increase confidence with meditation and pranayama
If you are confident, then you have the strength to face any situation. In such a situation it is very important to be mentally strong. For this, Bhramari Pranayama, Bhrasrika Pranayama, meditation and breathing activities are very beneficial. By including them in the routine, the body remains healthy and the brain functions fast.
Self defense technique
For your protection, it is necessary to strengthen the body and keep yourself alert, as much as it is necessary to be skilled in the art of self-defense. Nowadays, there are various types of self-defense workouts for women not only in schools but also in fitness centers and health clubs. Judo, Karate, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Kung Fu etc. There are many arts which can be used for self-defense in difficult times. These workouts will be very helpful for you, especially in the situation when you are completely unarmed.
Understand the gestures of Sixth Sense
Often in difficult times, our Sixth Sense signals to us where we are safe and said no. This sixth sense of women is even more alert. So if there is any doubt in your mind about your safety, instead of suppressing it, consider it. For this it is also important that you be free from stress and tension and always be ready to take immediate decision. This will make it easier to understand the voice of your mind and you will avoid falling prey to any unexpected event.