Pillar dosha is referred to as clabya in Ayurveda. In this, there is a problem for men to have sex or to maintain arousal in order to have sex. Erectile dysfunction creates impotence in men. Men can have this problem at any age. Stress, problems related to blood pressure, or diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction. Traditional treatment of erectile dysfunction relaxes various soft muscles and provides testosterone injections along with psychotherapy and stress-controlling procedures when needed.
Virechan (method of bowel movement) and Uttara Basti (a type of habitation) are recommended in Ayurveda to control the disease. In Ayurvedic texts, herbs and medicines like Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Shilajit, Chyawanprash treat clabya with Ashwagandha Leh, Dashmularishta, Sukumar Ghrita and Shatavaryadi Ghrita.
Erectile dysfunction from the point of view of Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, erectile dysfunction is also a major cause of impotence. This problem can also be caused by eating too many salty, sour, heavy, inappropriate and unsuitable foods. Drinking too much water can also result in a pillar defect. Other causes of illness include weakness due to an illness, irregular eating, excessive consumption of milk or milk products, sex with animals, living in a dirty environment, and injury to the penis (penile). Clabya can also be caused by genetic causes.
Clabya is classified into five types based on the defect
1. Gout: It is caused by the worsening of vata dosha and symptoms like stiffness and pain in penile and redness in penis.
2. Pitta: Pitta becomes claustic due to worsening of Pitta dosha. It has a wound in the penis such as an abscess.
3. Kaphaj: This type of Ejaculation defect is caused by malfunction of Kapha Dosha. Major symptoms include enlargement of penis, red or dark penile discharge, wounds and round scarring near the root of the penis.
4. Typhoid: Typhus (clot, gall, and phlegm) causes typhus to become claustic. It smells with burning sensation in the bladder and semen vesicle and testicles as well as thin white water from the penis, stiffness in the penile and infection of the penis. In this disease, there may be a problem of the entire penis waning and the last tip of the penis moving.
5. Blood: Blood clotting involves an imbalance of blood metal. It causes burning, fever, vertigo and vomiting. Penile discharge may contain black, red, or blue colored water.
Instead of suppressing these symptoms, ayurvedic treatment helps in healing the natural defect of the body by correcting the pillar defect. To reduce or completely cure the problem with Ayurvedic medicines, the virus is removed from the tissues of the body and overall health is improved.
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Ayurvedic treatment of erectile dysfunction
Medicines are medicated by the person in purchana karma.
Snehapan (method of drinking the medicine) is done for purgation. In this medicine, mixed oils or ghee (clarified butter) from herbs are consumed.When taken together, these therapies expel bad bile and ama (poisonous substance) from various organs like gall bladder, small intestine and liver and tissues.It is used in the treatment of diseases caused by spoiled phlegm. It cleanses the mucus from the body. It is not recommended in diseases caused by the imbalance of Vata.This therapy is effective in controlling vaginal diseases in women. It is also used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, intestinal pain, intestinal worms and poisoning (poison) etc. in men. In a person suffering from an erectile dysfunction, one can use a trivial concavity.
Uttara Basti
In this process herbs with medicinal properties are added to the oil or ghee and then they are injected into the bladder through catheter (a thin tube prepared from medicines) and the medicine is transported inside the body. After this, the patient is asked to rest for 30 minutes and after this he is advised to drink a lot of liquid such as hot water and buttermilk. Disease status is estimated to improve based on the amount of urine and time taken for the first time after Uttara Basti. Fruit butter can be used for Uttara Basti in a person suffering from erectile dysfunction. After Uttara Basti Karma do not stop natural desires such as bowel movements, thirst or urination. Ayurvedic medicine, herbs and medicines for erectile dysfunction – Erectile dysfunction ki ayurvedic dawa aur aushadhi. Ayurvedic Herbs for erectile dysfunction
These herbs work on the nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems. It has aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, contractive (constricting body tissues), energetic and relaxes the body and has sleep-enhancing properties.Ashwagandha increases sperm production and is also effective in controlling erectile dysfunction. It is also useful in treating sexual weakness, infertility, weakness, anemia, fatigue and lack of tissue.
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Gokshura affects the reproductive, urinary, nervous and respiratory systems. It has aphrodisiac, sedative (relaxers), appetite enhancers, phlegm extractors (mucus extractors), pain relievers, heart strengtheners and diuretic properties. Gokshura removes ama from the body and hence it is one of the major herbs used in the treatment of urinary tract problems.Goxura increases testosterone levels and also increases sperm count. It has been considered effective in controlling erectile dysfunction and impotence in men. Gokshura is useful in the treatment of cough, anemia, asthma and inflammation.
Shilajit has aphrodisiacs i.e. libido enhancing properties. It is used extensively to treat men related disorders such as erectile dysfunction. It is commonly used with Ashwagandha to remove sexual weakness.Shilajit is also used to treat other problems such as digestive and nervous disorders, diabetes, bronchitis and kidney stones. (Read more – Kidney stone homeopathic medicine)
Asparagus works on the reproductive, digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems. It has aphrodisiac properties that affect both men and women. It is a natural anti-inflammatory herb which also acts as anti-diarrhea, diuretic, dysentery and antimicrobial. Asparagus roots are known for their energetic, air-tight (relieving flatulence), digestive and appetite-enhancing properties. It is helpful in controlling nervous and rheumatic diseases. This herb can be used as decoction, melted butter, oil or powder. Ayurvedic medicines for erectile dysfunction
Chyawanprash is prepared from Dashamool, Pippali, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Amalaki, Cardamom, Bhoomi Amalaki, Kushta Root, Sesame Oil, Sandalwood, Punarnava and Honey. A mixture of Chyawanprash is usually eaten. Chyawanprash has digestive, hemoglobin enhancers in the blood, antitussive and hygienic properties. This disease increases immunity, health and strength. It is used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, arthritis and metabolic disorders. It is also used to overcome sexual debility and general weakness. The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is weakness, so Chyawanprash is effective in controlling this condition.
Sukumar Ghrita
Sukumar Ghrita is prepared from ingredients like Punarnava, Dashmool, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Castor, Pippali, Yashtimadhu (Mulethi), Ashwagandha, Shunthi (dry gourd), Milk, Ghrita and Gur. Sukumar Ghrita has strong and laxative properties and helps in controlling intestinal and gastric disorders. It is also useful in controlling diseases related to the reproductive system such as impotence and erectile dysfunction.
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