What is diabetes
An excess amount of sugar in the blood is called diabetes. This problem arises when insulin work is interrupted. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin helps in converting glucose into energy. At the same time, when its functioning is interrupted, glucose stops in the blood instead of converting it into energy and when the glucose level starts increasing in the blood, then diabetes problem arises. At the same time, if measures are not taken to reduce sugar in time, many problems related to heart, kidney, eye, nerve and skin may arise due to diabetes.
After the symptoms of sugar, now comes the information related to the cause of sugar.
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Causes of diabetes
Before home treatment of diabetes, we are giving information about the cause of diabetes, which is as follows:
Causes of type 1 diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes may occur in the following situations:
1. When the immune system destroys the cells that produce insulin.
2. Due to infection.
3. It can also be genetic.
Causes of type 2 diabetes:
This is the most common type of diabetes, which may be due to the following reasons:
1. Due to obesity
2. Decreased physical activity.
3. Insulin resistance means when insulin work is interrupted.
Like Type 1 it can also be genetic.
Gestational diabetes
It is a diabetes occurring during pregnancy, some of the reasons are as follows:
1. During pregnancy if the age is more than 25 years.
2. If someone in a woman’s family had diabetes.
3. If a woman has a high BP problem.
4. There is too much amniotic fluid.
5. Weight gain before pregnancy.
6. Have had an abortion before.
7. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
8. If you have given birth to a child weighing more than 4 kg.
After the cause of sugar, we now know which people are at higher risk of diabetes.
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Risk factors of diabetes
It is important to pay attention to the cause of sugar as well as its risk factors. So know below what are the risk factors for diabetes
Risk factors for type 1 diabetes
The risk factors for type 1 diabetes are as follows
Someone in the family has diabetes. Age can also be a reason. However, it can occur at any age, but the highest risk remains in children, adolescents and young adults.
Type 2 diabetes risk factors
The risk factors for type 2 diabetes are:
1. If someone has pre-diabetes, that is, the level of sugar in the blood is already high, but not as much as it can be called diabetes.
2. Overweight.
3. Over 40 or 45 years old.
4. If someone in the family has type 2 diabetes.
5. Which is not physically fit.
6. If a woman has gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
7. Risk factors for gestational diabetes
If seen, these risk factors are similar to the causes of gestational diabetes. Some of the risk factors for gestational diabetes are:
1. If gestational diabetes occurred during the first pregnancy.
2. If the woman is overweight.
3. At birth the baby should weigh more than 4 kg.
4. If someone in the family has type 2 diabetes.
5. The woman should be over 25 years of age during pregnancy.
6. The woman has PCOS.
Now it is time to know about home remedies for diabetes, about which we are giving information in this part of the article.
Now we will know how to diagnose diabetes. After this, treatment of diabetes will be told.
Diagnosis of diabetes
The doctor suspects diabetes when a person’s blood sugar level exceeds 200 mg / dL (11.1 mmol / L). The following tests may be recommended in the diagnosis of diabetes (35):
1. Glucose Fasting Test: This blood test is very common. This test is done in the morning without eating or drinking anything. This helps in knowing the right level of blood sugar.
2. Random blood sugar test: This is done when the doctor shows signs of diabetes in the patient and does not want to wait for the fasting test. This blood test can be done at any time throughout the day.
3. A1C test: In this test, instead of checking the fluctuations of blood sugar everyday, the level of the last three to four months is detected. In this test, the patient does not need to be hungry and it can be done at any time of the day.
4. Glucose Challenge Test: If a woman is pregnant and the doctor shows risk of gestational diabetes in them, then this test can be advised. There is no need to be hungry for this test. In this too, the person is given sweet beverages and this test is done one hour after its intake. It is also called glucose screening test.
5. Oral glucose tolerance test: Oral glucose tolerance test can also be done to check for signs of diabetes. There is no food for this test at least overnight or eight hours. Glucose water is to be drunk about two hours before the test. After this, blood sugar level is regularly tested for the next two hours.
6. General Inquiries: Doctors may ask the patient about him or his family. Like if someone has had diabetes or not. Also, can do weight checks and ask about some symptoms.
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Treatment of diabetes
Read below whether diabetes treatment is possible? If yes, in what ways can diabetes be treated?
Treatment of type 1 sugar:
If anyone asks how blood sugar is cured, let us tell that no complete cure exists . However, as a temporary treatment, the patient may need to take insulin medications repeatedly. Not only this, the patient may also need to take medication through insulin pump throughout the day .
Treatment of type 2 sugar:
Type 2 sugar disease can be treated in the following ways
1. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with medicines.
2. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with a healthy diet.
3. Type 2 diabetes can also be treated by making lifestyle changes. Talking about lifestyle changes, it includes things like exercise and weight loss.
4. Treatment of gestational sugar disease
Options of treating gestational sugar disease
1. A healthy diet may be recommended as a treatment for gestational diabetes.
2. For the treatment of gestational diabetes, a balanced intake of fat and protein rich diet may be advised.
3. It may be advisable to consume carbohydrate rich fruits and vegetables.
4. Avoiding intake of sugar-rich foods.
5. It may be advisable to remain physically active.
6. If blood sugar increases too much, doctors can also give medicine.
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