Here are some easy tips and tricks that you can try to ease your muscle pain.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is something every fitness enthusiast faces after a grueling workout session. Usually, the pain intensifies around 24- 48 hours after your workout. Your muscles break down and that triggers the pain, which takes around two-three days to subside.
Muscle breakdown is not necessarily a bad thing. Firstly, DOMS is usually caused by the increased intensity in a workout, which simply means that you are pushing your limits. Secondly, muscle pain means that you are getting stronger. Your body is adapting to the concept of enduring more stress. There is no gain without pain!
Despite knowing that this is good for our body, the pain can be quite demotivating, and we might just want to take a break and give our sore muscles some rest. If you think that taking a break can help you with the soreness, you are just going to increase your uneasiness. Here are some easy tips and tricks you can try to ease your muscle pain.
Cardio day after leg day:
In the world of fitness, this is known as active recovery. This involves light-medium intensity non-resistance cardio that can accelerate workout recovery. Especially after your leg day, it is advisable that you do cycling for a minimum of 10 minutes as it helps in reviving the energy systems. Take it easy, take it slow with light treadmill wall, cross trainer or maybe cycling.
Stretch out:
When it comes to sore muscles, stretching can be a saviour. It helps in the elimination of lactic acid, produced immediately in the body after the workout. It further helps in enhancing flexibility, improves blood circulation, helps in boosting energy, increases muscle co-ordination, gradually slows down the body and improves the range of motion. In the case of sore muscles, it can help in untightening your muscles.
Be mindful of what you eat and drink:
Alcohol or painkillers is not the apt solution to your problem. Various researches suggest that consuming food that is rich in antioxidants can relieve muscle tension. Watermelon, pineapple, ginger, and cherries can be effective in reducing pain.
Drinking coffee can also reduce muscle soreness, as it has caffeine, which is analgesic in nature. Numerous studies have shown that pre-workout consumption of caffeine can give you the desired amount of kick and energy to workout.
Keep yourself hydrated:
Keeping your body hydrated is of paramount significance. Any change in the electrolyte balance in the body can have an adverse effect. It is advisable, that you keep yourself well hydrated even when you are not working out. Water helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
Increase your protein intake:
During your workout session, the body directs energy and amino acids directly to support muscle contractions. After the workout, the recovery phase commences. for the muscle to restore protein is required. So, adding protein shakes, nuts, egg white, paneer can be quite beneficial.