Stan Bada Karne ke Tarike – Every woman dreams that her body looks beautiful. For this, the size of the breasts is very important. Many women always complain about the size of their breasts. Their breasts do not develop properly with age, making them suffer from an inferiority complex. Many times women try different ways to enlarge the breast. Some women take medicines and face side effects as a result, but we can overcome your anxiety to a great extent. In this article, we are telling you easy ways to increase the size of the breasts.
Reasons for Small Breasts (Chote Stan Ke Kaaran)
Before knowing the ways to increase breasts, it is important to know the reason for not developing breasts. Some such reasons are being mentioned here.
- Not taking the right diet or nutritious ingredients.
- Hormone deficiency or imbalanced hormones during puberty.
- Weight loss
- Sometimes the reason for the breasts not growing is also genetic. If a woman in the family has had this problem, then the next generation may also have to face it.
- Sometimes hormones become imbalanced due to stress, due to which the breasts do not develop properly.
- Effect of any kind of medicine.
Exercises For Increasing Breast Size (Stan Bada Karne ke Tarike):
Bhujangasana or Cobra pose
Bhujang, which is called cobra in English, and since it makes a snake-like posher with a funky appearance, it is named Bhujangasana. You must have read about this asana in many blogs and websites. So you do not need to tell how it works in breast augmentation, but still you know that it is very much helpful in increasing the size of the breast. So let’s know the method of doing this.
How to do – Lie on the ground on the stomach for this. Now, with both hands, lift the upper part of the body from the waist upwards, but your elbow should be bent. The palm should be open and spread on the ground. Now move the face upwards without moving the rest of the body. Keep this posture for some time. You just have to do this 10-15 times.
Also Read – Some of the Breast Related Facts One Should be Aware of
Binocular or double angle posture
This is called a double angle pose. This is a little difficult posture from Bhujangasana, but by practicing it you will soon learn it. This asana is also very popular for increasing the size of the breast.
How to do it – To do this, stand with your feet together. Now join your hands behind your waist. After that, while bending your waist, pull your hands outward. Take care not to bend your knees and your face is close to your knees. Also have your hands stretched. Stay in this state for a while, then come back to normal. Repeat this asana at least 6 times.
Ustasana or Camel pose
Ustasana means that while doing such a posture, your body becomes like a camel. Hence this asana is called Utsasana. It is also called Camel pose posture. Which helps to reduce fat on the thighs and increase breast size.
How to do it – To do this, you should stand on your knees and try to touch the ankle of your straight leg with your straight hand and the reverse leg with the opposite hand while slowly bending backward. You should remain in this state for at least 8 to 10 minutes. You have to repeat this action 10 times.
Apart from this, know that “Gomukhasana”, which has to do more work on the upper part of your body. At the same time, the second “Stabhaasana” works to increase the size of the breast and develop the pectoral muscles. Also, yoga asanas are also very important for good health.
Also Read –Increase Breast Size- Home Remedies
Ways to increase the size of the breast naturally at home(Stan Bada Karne ke Tarike)
Exercise is the easiest way to increase breast size. While doing this improves the beauty of the body, on the other hand, by exercising, there is development in the mammary glands. Today we are going to tell you about the exercise that increases the breast size. Believe me the exercises we are going to tell you today will definitely be helpful for you.
To do push-ups, lie down on the ground on your stomach, then keep your body weight on your hands and knees. For this, you have to lift your body on the strength of the palm, making sure that both your hands are under the shoulders. Keep the waist straight, then bend your elbows and bring the chest closer to the floor. Then return to the previous position. Repeat this process, again and again, this process is called push up.
Wall-mounted push-ups
This is also similar to push-ups. All you have to do is stand upright on the wall. Then at the same time, you have to join your hands with your shoulders against the wall. In this, you keep your feet very stable. Then stretch while stretching over your entire body. Also keep your hands very straight. Know that you have to do this 10 to 15 times daily.
Free weight
You might not know about it, but we hope you know well about dumbbells. For this, you just have to take 3 to 5 pounds of weight according to the weight. Then lifting it with your feet, holding it up to the shoulder in both your hands, holding it up. Then slowly straighten your hands and reduce the emphasis on arms. You have to do this at least 10 to 15 times daily.
Bench press
The most effective exercise to increase breast size is known as the bench press. It works to make the muscles of the breast very strong. To press the bench, lie down on the bench and hold the barbell with both hands. Now lift it 12 to 15 times and bring it down. By this, the muscles of the breasts and the place around it will become strong and the breast size also increases.
Also Read – Some of the Breast Related Facts One Should be Aware of
Oils that Help in Increasing Breast Size(Stan Bada Karne ke Tarike):
- Flaxseed / Flaccid Oil
- fennel oil
- Olive oil
- Creams and lotions for breast augmentation, they are very cheap and effective. These are mostly made of natural materials.
How to massage breasts?
For this, apply oil or cream on the palms of your hands. Then in the beginning, you gently rub your palms on the breasts. This provides warmth and energy to your breasts. Now massage your breasts in a circular manner with both your hands. Gently press your breasts inward. In this way you massage your breasts for at least 15 minutes. Keep in mind that you massage or massage both breasts equally. For this, you can also resort to counting. Massaging in this way makes your breasts look attractive within 1 month.
Also Read – Best Ways to Increase Your Breast Size
Home Remedies to Increase Breast Size(Stan Bada Karne ke Tarike):
- Fenugreek oil or capsules
What to do?
- Massage the breasts by applying two spoons of fenugreek oil on the palm.
- You can massage every night before bed.
- You can also take fenugreek capsules by talking to a doctor.
How beneficial?
Fenugreek naturally contains estrogenic (a type of hormone), which helps in the development of breasts (1). Also, if you massage the breasts with fenugreek oil, it spreads the skin around your chest. Breast starts developing by using it daily.
- A spoonful of anise seeds
- A cup of water
- Honey (as per desire)
What to do?
- Put water and anise in a pan and boil it.
- Boil it for five-ten minutes.
- When it becomes drinkable, drink it hot.
- You can also add honey to it for taste.
- Drink it at least twice daily.
How beneficial?
Anise seeds are rich in flavonoids, which have estrogenic activity (3). This increases the production of estrogen in the body and helps in the development of breasts.
Also Read – Some of the Breast Related Facts One Should be Aware of
Three leaved or Trifoliate yam –
- Two spoons wild yam root
- A cup of water
- Honey (as per desire)
What to do?
- Boil the root of wild yam in a cup of water for a while.
- Drink as soon as the water becomes normal.
- If you want, you can add honey to taste.
- You can drink it twice daily.
How beneficial?
Wild yam keeps the breast tissue healthy and also beneficial for the female reproductive system. Wild yam contains phytoestrogen, also known as diosgenin. It helps in the growth of breast tissue (2).
The nutrients in flaxseed are beneficial for health. It contains the miraculous element lignans. You can use linseed oil to increase the size of the breasts.
You can consume dairy products such as milk. Milk contains many nutrients. In addition to hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, vitamin-D is also present in cow’s milk (8). All these elements are helpful in increasing the size of the breasts.