Pranayama is an integral part of the ancient Indian healing technique, yoga. It comprises of a set of breathing exercises that boost overall health. Pranayama relaxes you and brings about mental clarity and focus. It is a very good practice if you want to boost your lung power. These exercises will also increase your immunity and help you fight off invading pathogens effectively. Since, we are now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, this may actually be the perfect time for you to start practising pranayama.
Here, we list the different breathing exercises that come under pranayama. Start practicing them today on an empty stomach and you will be surprised to feel the difference it makes to your overall wellness.
Nadi Shodhan or anulom vilom pranayama
This exercise balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It helps you relax and is almost always practiced before starting any meditation.
How to do it: Sit comfortably. Keep your back straight. Now place your right thumb on your right nostril and inhale deeply from your left nostril. Now close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale from your right nostril. After the exhalation, inhale from your right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale from your left nostril. Do this for around 15 times.
Ujjayi pranayama
This boosts immunity and improves mood. It also has a positive affect on speech and memory. Each breathe must be long and smooth.
How to do it: Sit in a comfortable position and keep your back straight. Inhale for a count of six and hold your breath for a count of 4. Now exhale to a count of six. Make sure your lungs are empty of air at every exhalation. Wait for a count of 2 and then repeat. Do this 10 times.
Bhastrika pranayama
This is an energetic breathing technique that can oxygenate each and every cell in your body. It rejuvenates and refreshes you and also boosts blood circulation.
How to do it: This is an intense exercise where you need to control your diaphragm. Sit straight with spine erect and fists closed. Start inhaling slowing. Involve your abdominal muscles and lungs. Raise your hands in the air and open your fist. Exhale while bringing your hands down and make a fist. Repeat this process for around 10 minutes with little breaks.
Kapal Bhati pranayama
This detoxifies the body and increases immunity. It is good for people with high blood pressure and heart disease.
How to do it: Sit comfortably with your spine erect. Place your hands on the knees with palms and facing upwards. Inhale deeply. Now exhale and while doing so pull your stomach in. Pull your navel in towards the spine. Place your right hand on the stomach to feel the abdominal muscles contract. Once you empty your lungs, relax the navel and abdomen while the breath flows into your lungs automatically. Take 20 such breaths to complete one round of Kapal Bhati pranayama. For best results, you need to complete 3 rounds daily.