Experts across the world suggest that you need to keep your immune system strong during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Giloy, an Ayurvedic herb, helps you do just that. Scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia, this herb has been used in traditional Indian medicines since ancient times. It is also known by names like Heart-leaved moonseed and Gaduchi. Since many people these days are adopting more natural ways to stay fit, choosing this herb makes sense because its abundant medical properties can work wonders. Giloy is a powerhouse of antioxidants, which keep our body cells healthy by removing disease-causing bacteria and toxins. Besides the stem, its root can also be beneficial. You can take this in the form of a powder, as a juice and or in capsule form. Apart from boosting your immunity, there are several other health benefits that this herb offers. Take a look.
It can treat chronic fever
Giloy is anti-pyretic in nature. It offers protection from dengue, malaria and swine flu symptoms. This nutritious herb helps in preventing the recurrence of dangerous fevers.
It improves your digestive system
This herb can regulate bowel movement and improve your digestive health. If you are suffering from stomach problems like constipation, try having ½ gram of Giloy in powder form with a little amla every day to combat it. You can even have the powder with jaggery.
It can regulate your blood sugar levels
This herb has hypoglycaemic properties, which helps in treating diabetes. It is especially good for patients of type 2 diabetes.
It is good for anxiety and stress
Giloy has amazing properties and can be used as an adaptogenic herb, which helps in reducing mental problems like anxiety and stress. This herb calms you down by getting rid of all the unnecessary toxins and it also boosts your cognitive abilities. It can also turn out to be a great health tonic if mixed with other herbs.
It provides relief from respiratory problems
This herb can be effective in treating respiratory issues like cold, cough, etc. as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
It can help you deal with arthritis
Giloy is loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, which can help in treating arthritis and its many symptoms. Have Giloy stem’s powder mixed with milk to get rid of joint pain.
It offers relief from symptoms of asthma
Drinking Giloy juice or chewing the plant directly can reduce asthma symptoms shortness of breath, cough, etc. It improves your vision This herb can boost vision and clarity. Boil Giloy powder in water and apply it on your eyelids after it cools down. Do this regularly for best results.
It reduces signs of ageing
This natural herb also contains anti-ageing properties, which help in combating pimples, dark spots and wrinkles. It can leave your skin with a beautiful glow.