If you and your partner are planning for the child, then you will want to do everything possible so that you can conceive. You should know that a woman’s cervical mucus changes during the period. When it is your ovulation time, the consistency of your cervical mucus will be different from normal days. If you track changes in your cervical mucus, you can find out if you are pregnant. If you are not pregnant, make frequent physical relationships with your partner to conceive soon. Read on to find out how your pregnancy can be detected with the help of cervical mucus.
What is cervical mucus?
Cervical mucus is a fluid that is secreted by the gland near the cervix, which is above the vaginal tunnel. The reproductive cycle of a woman also changes due to hormonal changes. It varies before pregnancy and also during pregnancy. Cervical mucus is also known as ‘leucorrhea’. Although leucorrhea is used for all types of vaginal discharge, it is more commonly used to describe vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Vaginal discharge lubricates the vagina and cleans it and helps maintain a healthy environment for the vagina. The amount, thickness, and color changes of vaginal discharge depends on periods. Therefore it is a good indicator of ovulation and fertility. On average, every woman has about 4 ml of vaginal discharge every day.
Cervical mucus during pregnancy
Some women report an increase in vaginal discharge early in pregnancy. In the days following conception, it appears discharge, creamy or clean and sticky. However, this may not be considered a completely true sign of pregnancy. Even when you feel breast pain and other changes like frequent urination, which can be a sign of early pregnancy, it is also not considered a sure way to confirm pregnancy. is.
The amount of cervical mucus varies during pregnancy. Production of cervical mucus during pregnancy is increased due to increased estrogen and blood flow to the vaginal area. However, it does not appear until the eighth week. As the pregnancy progresses, the cervical mucus also grows, and the mucus becomes plug-like in form, acting as a barrier to the uterus. This prevents any infection from occurring. Vaginal discharge decreases after plugging during pregnancy. However, it does not stop completely and it increases again in the later stages of pregnancy. In the late stages of pregnancy, when the cervical mucus starts to thin and prepares you for delivery, the mucus plug breaks. It may come out of the vagina in greater quantity or less.
How Can You Check Cervical Mucus
The best way to check your cervical mucus is to track your periods and note down the days when you are in the process of ovulation. There are three ways to check your cervical mucus. However, wash your hands thoroughly before and after performing the methods described below.
Toilet paper:
Before urinating, wipe your vagina with a white toilet paper. Notice the color of the discharge present on the tissue and touch it.
In this method, you just check the discharge on your underwear. You will notice that vaginal discharge will increase when you are ovulating. However, in this way you will not get much information in the remaining days.
This is the way you can get the most accurate information. Clean your hands well first. Insert two fingers into your vagina and check the color, consistency and viscosity of the discharge.
Read more:11 importent things to know about pregnancy
The following are the results found during periods:
1.No color and is mostly dry: You may notice immediately after your periods are over. It will be completely dry for a few days and you will not see any discharge at this time.
2.Thick and foggy: You will see thick and foggy discharge for a week after the cycle. At this point, you will have reached the ovulation process.
3.The egg will be as clean, less sticky, and in greater quantity as the whitewash: this is the best time to attempt pregnancy.
4.Thick, viscous and foggy: It resembles the discharge just before ovulation. This usually happens during the third week of your periods. This is the time when women are trying to find out if they have actually conceived or not, but the only way they can know this is through proper investigation
What if you notice pink or brown cervical mucus?
Some women sometimes see pink or brown spots between the 6th and 12th day of pregnancy. This is called “implantation bleeding”. This process is believed to be due to the paste of fertilized eggs on the uterus wall. However, the reason behind this is not completely clear yet. A brown discharge is usually seen when the periods are ending and it is working to clean old blood. Pinkish brown discharge can occur for various reasons and pregnancy can be one of them.
What if you saw an increased discharge before periods?
Usually, vaginal discharge is reduced after ovulation, so many women who are trying to conceive and have increased discharge after ovulation consider it a sign of conception. However, this can happen for many different reasons. If it is watery and clean, then it is just preparing your body for periods. However, after ovulation your cervical mucus will not be clean and thin if you are pregnant. In early pregnancy it is rare to have no discharge or dry cervical mucus. If conception was successful, you are more likely to see thick, clean or creamy cervical mucus before and after ovulation.
When to consult a doctor
If you have been monitoring your cervical cycle for months to become pregnant, but you notice an abnormal discharge, you should immediately go to your doctor. An abnormal discharge can be a sign of an infection, and are you aware that it may interfere with your pregnancy process. So in the following situations you should consult your doctor:
1.If you notice yellow or green mucus discharge
2.If you smell discharge
3.If you feel a burning sensation in your vagina
4.If you have been tracking changes in vaginal discharge for a few months and you have been getting more or less, you may be able to properly examine changes in cervical fluid during pregnancy. However, changes in cervical mucus are not a clear sign of pregnancy and cannot be fully believed. The best way to detect pregnancy is to get a pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy completely.