Coriander leaves and seeds are common in most Indian kitchens. The fragrant leaves give flavour to dishes and make it more appetising. These can provide flavour to many dishes and salads. Most people use the seeds for tempering and adding flavour to various food items. This culinary herb is also common in many international cuisines. Coriander essential oil is extracted from the seeds of this herbs. It comes with many health benefits. This is an amazing oil that can be consumed and also used topically to get relief from many conditions. You can consume it to get relief from digestive problems, lose weight and for its many other benefits.
Many of us look for natural remedies to heal different conditions. Coriander essential oil come with many benefits and perks that boost proper function in the internal organs as well as the external parts of our bodies.
Coriander is a popular spice known for its culinary purposes. Like coriander, its essential oil not only has a wonderful aroma and taste but also possesses several medicinal properties. Coriander essential oil is taken from the seeds of coriander through the extraction process of steam distillation. The oil is pale yellow and has a sweet woody fragrance.
Coriander oil blends with other essential oils such as cinnamon, ginger, orange, bergamot, grapefruit, lime, neroli and other citrus fruit oils. Coriander oil is a powerful essential oil that has a healthy influence on both body and mind.
Coriander essential oil can be used in the following ways:
As a flavouring agent in confectionary and seasonings
Ingredient in gins, tobacco and liquor
As a deodorant
As a mouth freshener
In pain balms
In aromatherapy
Coriander oil benefits are due to its depurative, fungicidal, stimulant, stomachic, lipolytic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, digestive, carminative and antispasmodic properties. The health benefits of coriander oil are listed below:
Aids weight loss
Those who are looking to lose weight can resort to coriander essential oil. Coriander oil has lipolytic properties that promote lipolysis, which causes hydrolysis of cholesterol and fat. The quicker the process of lipolysis, the sooner you can lose weight.
Blood purification
Coriander oil acts as a blood purifier due to its detoxifying properties. It helps to eliminate toxins like heavy metals, certain hormones, uric acid and other foreign toxins from the blood.
Decreases pain
Coriander oil is rich in components like terpinolene and terpineol, which act as an analgesic to decrease pain. It reduces the pain by desensitizing the affected area. The oil helps in treating muscular pain, joint pain, headaches and toothaches. It also reduces pain from surgeries and injuries.
Eliminates gas
Gas can cause severe pain in the chest, stomach and intestines. Coriander oil contains stomachic properties that help eliminate gas from the chest and digestive system. Regular consumption of coriander oil helps prevent gas formation.
Treats spasms
Spasms and cramps are excruciating if left untreated. Coriander oil contains antispasmodic properties that provide relief from spasmodic cramps related to a cough, intestines and limbs. It helps reduce convulsions and relaxes the body and mind.
Inhibits fungal infections
Coriander is an effective fungicide that prevents the growth of fungus and helps treat fungal infections. It helps treat other diseases like dysentery.
Stimulates hormonal production
Hormones play a significant role in carrying out the essential functions of the body. Coriander oil warms up the organs and stimulates hormones necessary for brain functions, digestion, nervous system and excretion. Using coriander oil also helps to uplift the mood and fight depression.
Used in the right quantities, coriander oil poses no side effects. Pregnant and breastfeeding women must not to use coriander oil. Those having sensitive skin must do a patch test before using this essential oil.