Kya Aap Nipple Ke Baare Me Yeh Janti Hai?
We all have some questions in our minds about nipples, which we do not think to ask or we are ashamed to ask. Here you will find the answers to all those questions about your nipples! We can bet that knowing some things will surprise you a lot;)
1. They are of every size and color
Regardless of the shape and size of your boobs…. When it comes to the size or color of the nipple, you cannot say anything normal – because they can be small or big, dark or light, pink or brown. can be etc. All nipples are of different sizes and colors! And it is quite possible that the lady’s nipples with small boobs are larger or the lady’s nipples with bigger boobs are smaller.
2. Some ladies’ nipples are over sensitive.
The nipple sensitivity of most women depends on which phase of the menstrual cycle. The sensitivity of nipples increases as the woman approaches her period. But, those whose nipples are very sensitive, sometimes suddenly their nipples become hard and sometimes they also experience soreness or chaffing.
3. Nipple stimulation can also make you orgasm!
Yes, that’s right! Getting orgasm is absolutely possible by stimulating your nipples! This is the most erogenous part of your body. Next time you are with your partner, pay more attention (or say it to your partner) here! Ladies whose nipples are highly sensitive can easily achieve climax in this way.
4. Nipple erection can happen even if you are not turned on
Sexual excitement can cause your nipples to become hard, perky and dark, but sometimes it can happen even when you’re feeling very cold or wearing a tight top! When you do not feel comfortable in a situation, it is the fight or flight reaction of your body. (Padded bras are perfect for such an occasion!)
5. It is common to have hair around the nipple
Most women have some hair around their nipples! There is nothing to be ashamed or nervous about it. If you need to get rid of them, pluck or wax them!
6. It is also possible to have more than two nipples
One out of every 17 girls has more than one nipple! Ladies often perceive them as warts or extra skin, while in reality they are extra nipple. And it is absolutely normal! This is not abnormal in any way. Some people get it removed through surgery, but whether it stays or not, your body does not matter.
7. Some women’s nipples are inverted (exactly like the navel)
Inverted nipples means that you are trapped inside … and it is 100% normal! They can sometimes cause problems when weaning (because it is difficult for the baby to hold them), but apart from this it is very common.
8. It is normal to have a lot of bumps on your areola (colored or pigmented skin around nipples)
No, those extras are not nipples. These bumps are called Montgomery Glands and they secrete oil which lubricates the areola area. When you are pregnant or breastfeed, they become slightly larger and also change in color.
9. There are many small openings on your nipples!
The physical function of the nipples is to deliver milk to the baby. So when you start doing lactate (producing milk during pregnancy), then these openings (which you cannot see anyway) come in handy!
10. Occasionally, fluid can leak from your nipples.
This can happen even if you are not lactate. If the breast is pressed too hard then it is normal to happen, but if it happens too often without any reason, you should see your doctor immediately.
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11. Pregnancy can make your nipples bigger and darker
And also brings other changes. The bumps of your areola become larger and visible, and in the last months of pregnancy, thick yellow fluid starts coming out of your nipples (in some women it starts coming out even more or not at all).