A sexual disorder can occur in any woman or man. Organism disorder can be the biggest reason for this, in which the problem of dry organism can also be a major problem. Most men may also be unaware of the problem of dry organism. But, this problem can affect their sex life the most.
What is dry orgasm?
Dry organism is a condition when the sperm does not ejaculate after sexual intercourse. In addition, if the organisms reach the organism even during masturbation, but the sperm does not come, this condition is also called dry organism.
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What can cause dry orgasm?
According to experts, there may be a number of reasons for organism to dry in men, including side effects of medication, prolonged sex, mis-eating, depression, and experiencing orgasm several times over a short period of time. Many times the problem of dry organism resolves on its own but in many cases it may be temporary, which can affect the birth rate.
In addition, it is also seen in most cases that it can be a problem even after bladder or prostate removal surgery. Also, there are other conditions that can make it serious, such as:
1. Having diabetes
2. Spinal cord injury
3. High blood pressure
4. Testosterone deficiency
5. Surgery
6. Genetic abnormalities
7. Multiple Sclerosis
8. Transurethral incision of the prostate
9. Transurethral microwave therapy
10. Transurethral resection of the prostate
11. Dry organism problem can also be seen due to blockages in the urethra or ejaculatory tubes.
There is confusion about dry organism and retrograde organism. The result of both is almost that a person is unable to ejaculate sperm during sexual intercourse. However, the situation is slightly different when there is retrograde organism. Sperm is formed in it, but it does not come out of the penis and reaches directly into the bladder.
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Apart from this, there are other reasons which can cause dry organ problems.
1. Blocked sperm duct
2. Seminal vesicle obstruction
3. Abnormal (existing at birth) reproductive system abnormalities
4. Some medicines for high blood pressure
5. Prostatic enlargement
6. Mood disorder
7.Spinal cord injury
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Under what conditions should you take doctor’s advice?
The problem of dry organism can be overcome with proper diet and healthy habits. However, this can sometimes become a serious matter but, if you see any symptoms of any problem associated with dry organism, do not ignore it. Talk to your doctor about this as soon as possible.
For example, if you use the drug Tamsulosin, you may have a problem of dry organism. After you stop using the drug, your ability to ejaculate should return to normal. If dry organisms are situational and are related to psychological stress, counseling can be helpful in correcting your problems. If your dry organisms are due to premature ejaculation, your doctor may recommend your medication to help keep the bladder neck muscles closed during the climax.
What should we eat?
Men who have problems with dry organism can include onions, berries, green vegetables and dark chocolate in their diet. Because, all these foods have semen enhancing properties. Onions are rich in sulfur, which increases antioxidants. Additionally, it also increases fertility in men.
Know the effect of dry orgasm on your sex life
There is no doubt that its problems can be harmful to your fertility. If there is a plan to become a father and symptoms show up, then a doctor’s help may be necessary. To diagnose this problem, a doctor can treat you through a vibrator therapy.
There is no specific treatment yet to diagnose the problem of dry organism. However, following the instructions given by your doctor can get rid of this problem. For this, you may also have to stop taking such medicines, which can cause this problem.
How to treat dry orgasm
It is not possible to treat dry organism on its own. However, in some cases treating its cause will prevent future dry organisms. For example, if a person takes some medicines that cause dry organism, the doctor may recommend switching to a different medicine that may resolve the symptom. Dry organisms are not curable in other cases. Such as surgery to remove part of the prostate.
Although dry organisms do not affect health, they can affect a person’s fertility. Anyone trying to conceive should talk to a doctor, who can make a referral to a fertility specialist to discuss treatments and treatments to help heal the ability of dry organism. Even if the person cannot conceive through sex, there are other options to retrieve sperm and fertilize an egg. Always talk to a doctor for dry organism. The doctor will tell you the right treatment for it. Always keep in mind that do not try to cure this disease yourself. Hesitation to the doctor may increase your discomfort.
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Dry orgasm affect relationship
Dry organism directly affects a person’s sex life. Lack of ejaculation causes embarrassment to the partner. Apart from this, if children are planning, then there is also a problem. Overall, it affects the dry organism relationship.
What to do?
In the case of dry organisms, talk openly to the partner. Tell him about your problem. Instead of worrying alone, share your trouble with them. Your small and big problem must be known to the partner and if this problem is related to sex life then the partner has the right to know everything about it.
After telling the partner, if you feel that this problem was increasing by increasing the number of sex, then some days get away from sex life. Take a long break. During this, make a good diet and spend a romantic moment with your partner. Only keep emotional engagement.