Everyone’s schedule has changed during the lockdown and there are many of us who now like to do our jobs in a relaxed way. They feel that now where to go, all the work can be done easily. Let’s get this thing done, but if you are eating comfortably at night also means that you are eating late at night then it can harm your health .Let’s see what are the problems by eating late :
Increases weight
Metabolism of the body remains slow and weak at night, due to which there is difficulty in digesting food eaten late at night. Due to this, excessive amount of calories are not burnt at night and weight gain occurs.
Increases blood pressure
According to many experts, eating food late at night, along with blood pressure, also increases the level of sugar in the blood, which damages health.
Trouble sleeping
According to a report, sleep cycle is also disturbed by eating snacks or food late at night, which can cause problems in falling asleep. Also there can be gastric problems, so different.
If you are not able to get enough sleep, it also affects your mental health. The brain does not get enough rest, resulting in irritability.