Today, the problem of watery semen is a common problem in men, which can affect the fertility of men. There can be many reasons for the production of thin semen like water, some causes are temporary which do not require treatment. While in some situations, serious health problems can cause diluted semen such as water. Therefore, in case of problem of thin semen like water, one should consult a health advisor.
What is watery semen
Watery semen is a problem or disease related to a male reproductive organ, in which case a small amount of sperm is present in the semen and the semen is diluted like water.
Semen is a white, thick fluid flowing through the male urethra during ejaculation. It serves the transport of sperm and fluid from the prostate gland and other male reproductive organs. However, many conditions can change the color and thickness of the semen.
The condition of thin semen such as water is mostly temporary, and may go away on its own. Watery semen such as water can be a sign of low sperm count, which is a sign of potential reproductive problems. Thin, palpable semen ejaculation can be a sign of a temporary and risk-free health condition. Therefore, due to low sperm count, lifestyle factors and nutritional deficiencies, thin semen like water can also be produced.
Read more:Symptoms, Causes of Semen Leakage and It’s Solutions
Causes of watery thin semen
There are several possible reasons for watery semen like water. Most of which can be overcome by treatment. Low sperm count, smoking, drug abuse, stress, hormonal imbalance, fructose deficiency and unbalanced dietary intake can all be some of the common causes of thin and watery semen. Therefore, possible reasons for watery semen like water can be included, such as:
Watery semen cause low sperm count
The most common causes of watery semen, such as water, include low sperm count. It is also known as oligospermia. Low sperm count means less than normal sperm in the semen. The presence of less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen is called low sperm count (oligospermia).
Some of the possible causes of low sperm count (oligospermia) include:
1. Varicocele – swelling of the veins of the testicles.
2. Infection – such as gonorrhea, chlamydia.
3. Testicles tumors
4. Hormone imbalances
5. Ejaculation problems, such as retrograde ejaculation
Watery semen like water due to frequent ejaculation
Frequent ejaculation may also reduce semen production. If a person masturbates several times a day, the semen becomes thin and watery after the first ejaculation. Because the body needs a few hours to produce normal, healthy amounts of semen. As this condition is not fatal and does not require any kind of medical treatment. Hence it is a temporary cause of water like semen.
Zinc deficiency causes watery semen like water
Another possible cause of watery semen is zinc deficiency. Research has shown that men who have a sufficient amount of zinc or who consume zinc sulfate supplements to overcome zinc deficiency may improve the effects of anti-sperm antibodies. Can disable from. These anti-sperm antibodies are produced by the immune system, and accidentally damage sperm by reacting.
Premature ejaculation is the cause of thin semen like water
If a person’s semen looks like water, attention should be paid to the color and clarity of the semen. In fact, very clear semen may be pre-ejaculation fluid, which comes out during foreplay. Therefore, watery semen such as water can cause pre-ejaculation fluid production.
Read more:Watery Semen: Causes, Effects on Fertility, Treatment, and More
What does discolor semen mean
If a person notices that semen is discolored, its different colors can indicate several health problems.
The presence of pink or reddish-brown color in the semen may indicate inflammation of the prostate or presence of blood in the semen or indicate inflammation in the seminal vesicle.
Yellow semen can indicate small amounts of urine or abnormally high levels of white blood cells (WBC).
Yellowish-green semen can mean an infection in the prostate or reproductive organs.
Can watery semen affect fertility
The production of watery semen like water can be a temporary problem and can go away without any treatment. The release of thin semen, such as continuous water, can sometimes be a sign of fertility affecting conditions such as low sperm count or any other condition.
But conditions such as diluted semen or low sperm count, such as water, does not indicate a person’s infertility, but these conditions can make it difficult to conceive.
When to see a doctor for water semen
If a person feels that their semen is diluted like water (Watery semen), a physician or urologist should be consulted to get first aid in this condition. If a person and his or her partner want to try to conceive, then in this situation a fertility specialist should be consulted.
Diagnosis of thin semen like water
Useful tests to diagnose the causes of dilute semen such as water can include semen analysis. This test is useful to check sperm and semen health. Apart from this, in the diagnosis process of watery thin semen like water can be checked by the doctor, such as:
Semen volume test during ejaculation
Examination of liquefaction time – The liquefaction time is the time it takes to convert semen from a thick, gel-like fluid to a water-like fluid.
1. Hormone level check
2. Acidity test
3. Sperm count check
4. Sperm motility test
5. Sperm morphology, or examination of sperm size and shape
Additionally, the doctor will ask the victim some questions about the medical history and conduct a physical examination.
Read more:Everything you need to know about Semen test
Treatment of thin semen like water
Watery semen caused by low sperm count does not require treatment. Since a low semen count does not mean that the concerned male cannot conceive. Additionally, some infection conditions may also cause temporarily low sperm count.
If infection is diagnosed due to dilute semen such as water, antibiotic therapy may be included in the treatment of the infection. Additionally, in the event of hormone imbalance, low sperm count can be treated by hormone therapy.
If a varicocele is diagnosed in a dilute semen condition such as water, surgery such as laparoscopic surgery, percutaneous embolization, etc. may be recommended for successful treatment.
Home remedies for thin semen like water
In some cases, sperm count can be increased by lifestyle changes, and the problem of watery semen such as water can be relieved. Under this, the following home remedies can be adopted, such as:
1. Don’t smoke
2. Maintain a balanced weight
3. Reduce alcohol consumption
4. Avoid hot bath
5. Reduce stress
6. Get enough sleep
7. Exercise regularly,
8. Avoid masturbation, ie keep a gap of about 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
9. Eat a diet rich in carbohydrates, such as apple, berries, pears, grapes, guava, mangoes, and cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce and onions, etc. in watermelon and vegetables.
Eat zinc rich foods, such as almonds, peanuts, chilgoza (pine nuts), cashew nuts and sunflower seeds, etc.
In addition, during the treatment of thin semen like water, the doctor may advise the person concerned to abstain from sexual intercourse for some time.
Read more:What is Semen analysis and what’s in the report?