Kadi Patte Ke Khaas Fayde
Most people think that curry leaves are just to add flavor to the food. But curry leaves are important for health benefits. Curry leaves are a natural spice agent that makes food tasty with a healthy and pleasing aroma. Curry leaves have various antioxidant properties.
Health benefits of curry leaves ( Kadi Patte Ke Swasth ke Liye Fayde)
It has the ability to control diarrhea, indigestion, excessive acid secretion, peptic ulcer, dysentery, diabetes and unhealthy cholesterol. It also has the properties of fighting cancer and it also helps in protecting the heart. So, there are many health benefits of curry leaves.Actually in our daily life we are so busy that we can’t see the herbs near us for our routine illness.
Helps control diarrhea ( Julab Rokne me Kargar)
Alkaloids present in curry leaves have anti diarrhea properties. A bunch of curry leaves can be grown on the ground and its paste can be eaten or the juice of the leaves can be consumed. So next time whenever you suffer from loose motions, make sure you use this herb.
Gastrointestinal Protection
In Ayurvedic method, curry leaves are used as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems. An important fact is that it helps because of the mild lax properties in curry leaves. Take out a bunch of curry leaves and mix it with lemon juice. This mixture can be taken on an empty stomach every morning. So it will keep your stomach healthy and Fit.
Antioxidant Properties
Curry leaves are a good source of antioxidants. With the help of vitamins A, B, C and E etc., it helps in reducing oxidative stress and free activity of radicals. So these properties can help you detoxify yourself.
Anti diabetic properties
One of the biggest health benefits of curry leaves is its use in diabetes control. The anti hyper glycemic property of curry leaves is beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetes. So it also helps maintaining blood sugar level in your blood.
Leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer
The chemical components present in curry leaves are helpful in fighting leukemia, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. Isn’t it amazing, who knew that these deadly diseases can also be cured using Curry Leaves.
Lowers cholesterol level
Curry leaves help in reducing the level of increased cholesterol. Curry leaves have the potential to reduce potential LDL cholesterol levels. So you can Control Your Cholesterol using these.
For hair growth
Curry leaves help to strengthen the hair roots. Mixing dry curry leaf powder in oil and massaging it increases hair growth. Paste of curry leaves can also be applied in cases of gray hair. Hair growth can be increased by using it on a regular basis. Hair Loss is a common problem these days and if curry leaves can benefit then that would be great.
Good for sight
It is good for eyesight due to the high amount of vitamin A in curry leaves. Vitamin A protects carotenoids which are the surface of the cornea eye. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness due to loss of eyes and in some cases vision. Every other individual has glasses on these days, so curry leaves can also help solve this problem.
Get rid of heart problem
Curry leaf plays a major role in the digestive system of the heart. It also protects against attacks from viral and bacterial infections.
Care of skin
Curry leaves are also helpful in skin care. Curry leaves can be used for quick recovery and clean healing from cuts, wounds, skin itching and insect bites.