Today, acidity is a common problem, many people struggle with this problem.
There are many reasons like fried, more spicy food etc. The problem of acidity occurs when the acid present in the stomach reaches the esophagus, the esophagus.
Due to acidity, there are problems like burning and pain in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, belching, and gas in the stomach .
Let us know which home remedies should be taken to get relief from acidity problem-
1. Cardamom: The habit of eating cardamom helps in protecting you from acidity. Whenever you have acidity or stomach irritation, keep one to two cardamom in the mouth and suck it.
2. Tulsi: Tulsi is not only beneficial in acidity but is also very effective in mental and other physical diseases. Chew some basil leaves after eating or put it in hot water and eat it.
3. Peppermint: Peppermint has always been beneficial for stomach and digestive problems. Stomach irritation caused by spicy food will be calmed by chewing mint leaves, or drink water mixed with lemon and ground mint leaves with black salt.
4. Milk: Drinking cold milk is an old panacea for acidity. Drink an equal amount of milk and water or drink cold milk if there is burning sensation in the stomach or chest.
5. Cumin water: Cumin water is also very beneficial in stomach problems. Boiling cumin seeds in water, using it will prove beneficial in acidity.
6. Amla :Amla has always been counted as a household digestive remedy. Eating Amla with black salt in acidity will be beneficial. If you want, you can also consume its jam, juice or its chocolate or betel nut.
7. Ginger: Cold, cough, cold or digestive problems, use of ginger is an effective remedy. Boil it with water, drink that water, or else wrap a piece of it in black salt and suck it. Will get benefits as soon as possible.
8. Fennel – Consumption of fennel after meals is helpful in digestion. Aniseed is equally beneficial in stomach irritation, acidity. Fennel is cold in nature and it provides relief in acidity by creating cold in the stomach.