Home remedies for fever are cold-water bandages – Bukhar Kam Karne ka upay hai cold water strips
Soak a clean cloth with cold tap water and then sponge it to reduce the temperature of armpits, legs, hands and tongue.
- Apart from this, you can also put cloth straps soaked in cold water on your forehead and neck. The piece of cloth should be changed regularly after a few minutes. This remedy is beneficial in controlling high fever.
- You can also take a bath with lukewarm water to relax the body. And take as much rest as possible because it helps the body fight disease.
Note: Do not use very cold water as it can increase the internal temperature of the body.
Use Tulsi leaves in domestic remedy to reduce fever – Bukhar ka gharelu upay hai tulsi leaves
Tulsi is an effective herb to reduce fever . It works like many types of antibiotics available in the market. Its properties are effective in reducing fever rapidly.
- Boil 20 basil leaves and one teaspoon of grated ginger in a cup of water. Boil it until the solution is reduced to half. Now mix some honey in it and drink it regularly for three days, two or three times a day.
- Add one-fourth teaspoon of black pepper and one teaspoon of basil to a cup of boiling water . After five minutes drink it. Drink this mixture two to three times a day until you are completely recovered.
Garlic is the native medicine for fever – Bukhar ka gharelu nuskha hai garlic
Hot garlic reduces high fever. As a result, sweating causes harmful toxins from the body. In addition, garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties which help in fighting diseases of the body. (Read more- Benefits of garlic )
- Cut a small piece of Garlic clove in a cup of warm water and mix it. Heat for 10 minutes and then sieve and drink. Drink it twice a day. You will definitely feel better the next day.
- Grind two pieces of garlic and heat them with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the soles of both feet. Wrap a thin silk cloth on the feet and leave it overnight. Sometimes fever is cured in one night with this prescription.