Nowadays polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOD or PCOS) is a common problem found in women. PCOD causes problems due to improper eating and modern lifestyle. Also, due to hormonal changes in women, there is a risk of getting this disease. The problem of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is seen in women during the reproductive period, 16–35 years old women are most affected by it and sometimes they are not even aware of the disease going on inside.
What is polycystic ovarian syndrome? (What is PCOS?)
Vata, Pitta, Kapha have been said to be the cause of the disease in Ayurveda, so due to improper eating and stressful life, the problem of polycystic ovarian syndrome is increasing in women nowadays. Earlier this problem was seen in women aged 30–35 years, but now this problem is also seen in girls of 16–20 years old. In this disease, the effect of Vata, Pitta, Kapha is on all the three doshas. Due to phlegm, lumps containing fluid are formed in it and due to bile and vata, imbalance of hormones and other physical symptoms are seen.
Read more:10 Major health problems faced by woman and reasons.
There are three types of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):
1. Insulin Resistant Ovarian Syndrome (Insulin Resistant PCOS)
2. Immune related polycystic ovarian syndrome (Immune related PCOS)
3. Due to oral contraceptine pills
Insulin Resistant Ovarian Syndrome (Insulin Resistant PCOS)
It is caused by insulin resistance. In this, the body becomes less effective towards insulin and the blood sugar level becomes unbalanced. The process of ovulation is interrupted due to excessive insulin and the ovaries produce more testosterone. This insulin resistance is due to high sugar intake, fatty and toxic substances.
Immunity related polycystic ovarian syndrome (Immune related PCOS)
It is caused by a prolonged inflammatory disorder (inflamnation) inside the body.Pain in Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Due to oral contraceptine pills
Prolonged intake of birth control pills can cause hormonal imbalances, leading to PCOS.
Why polycystic ovarian syndrome occurs (Causes of PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a dangerous hormone imbalance that damages the reproductive system of women. This makes their ovaries weak. When eggs are not coming out from the ovary, a cyst is formed. These cysts produce a hormone called androgen that is responsible for PCOS. There are many reasons behind getting Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), of which it is major-
This is mainly due to imbalance of estrogen and progesterone hormones.The problem of polycystic ovary syndrome is also seen due to diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.Eating more junk food and preservative foods and eating more fatty and sweet food.
Stress is also a primary cause of polycystic ovary syndrome. It is very difficult to remain stress-free in today’s sedentary life, so there is a possibility of polycystic ovary syndrome disease due to stress and improper eating.
Symptoms of PCOS
Some symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome are so common that the disease becomes difficult to understand-
Menstrual irregularities occur when polycystic ovary syndrome occurs. Due to this, the menstrual discharge does not come on time or comes in greater quantity.
More hair on the face and body.
Excess of acne
Inability to conceive or miscarriage during pregnancy.
Obesity and rapid weight gain even when not eating much.
Decreased sexual desire.
Rapid hair loss.
stomach ache
Emotionally unstable, irritability.
Genetic reasons, if the problem of becoming an onion cyst in the family is going on from generation to generation then the probability of getting PCOD increases.
Male hormone levels are found to be high, this condition is known as Hyperandrogenism.Read more:Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovarian syndrome(PCOS)
Home remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome
For polycystic ovary syndrome, people first try home remedies only, so let’s know about them in detail.
Cinnamon mixture help to treat PCOS
According to research, cinnamon prevents insulin levels from rising and reduces obesity. For this, mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and drink it for 2–3 months.
Mint helps to get relief from PCOS
Heat a glass of water in a pot, add 7–8 mint leaves and boil it for ten minutes. Sieve it and drink it like tea, taking it for a few weeks reduces testosterone hormone levels and reduces excess hair growth in the body.
Fenugreek provides relief from PCOS along with weight lose
Weight gain increases rapidly in polycystic ovary syndrome, so consume fenugreek. Fenugreek promotes the metabolism of glucose in the body and prevents insulin from growing. Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and take one spoon of soaked seeds with honey on an empty stomach. Take it before lunch and dinner also. You can get benefit by trying this home remedies for PCOS.
Mulethi helps to cure from PCOS
Boil one spoon liquorice powder in one cup of water. Make a decoction of it and drink it like tea, for a few days its intake reduces testosterone levels and according to research it has been found that powder of liquorice root promotes the process of ovulation. Read more: Advantages and disadvantages of liquorice
Consumption of Tulsi is beneficial in PCOS
Tulsi has anti-androgenic properties. Drink a decoction of 8–10 basil leaves daily.
Read more: Benefits and method of intake of Tulsi
Measures to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome (How to prevent PCOS)
To avoid polycystic ovary syndrome, it is necessary to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.
Renounce oily, fatty and sweet foods.
Eat more and more fruits and vegetables. Include fibrous diet in food.
Do not eat junkfood and preservatives.
Try to live stressful life.
Practice Pranayama and Yogasan regularly. Bhastrika, Anulom-Antonym and Kapalbhati are very beneficial for removing polycystic ovary syndrome. Do one hour of pranayam every morning.
The level of unbalanced hormones can be balanced by yoga practice, so do yoga daily. In which these are the main-
Surya Namaskar
Woman yoga for PCOS
When to see a Doctor
PCOS is an endocrine disease related to fertility, so irregular menstruation is seen. Menstruation occurs very rarely or once in 2–3 months, in some cases, excess is also seen. If this irregularity persists for a long time, as well as symptoms like hair growth on the face and body, loss of sexual desire, loss of head hair, acne on the face etc., then medical advice should be taken immediately because such Many knots are formed in the ovaries, which are called cysts. If this disease is not treated on time, then there is a possibility of cancer.
Read more:Suffering from PCOS