Shukranu Ke Matra Kasie Badhaye
When it is time to bring a new guest to the house and make every effort to fulfill it. The good thing is that there have been many studies done in the last few years that claim that if your sperm count is low which is hindering your happiness then you can increase it. We are going to tell you some of these ways (Virya, Shukranu ki sankhya kaise badhaye, Sperm count ko badhane ki tips.
Change your diet:
Improves your diet , produces more and healthier semen. This process is not underestimated.
- Do not consume processed food less or at all, and instead eat a diet that has less fat and more protein. Eat more vegetables and grains, buy organic foods if possible. Drink too much water Whatever is good for your health, it is also beneficial for semen.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.
These nutrients will reduce your semen related disease and will also increase the life of semen. Eat an orange after lunch! An 8 oz (230 ml) glass of orange juice contains 124 ml of vitamin C, which is enough for a day.
Drink more of mineral zinc:
It increases semen volume, number and testosterone. Take about 11 mg per day, this will be fulfilled by eating walnuts, beans, oysters or chicken.
Take amino acids as a supplement or as food:
Amino acids are found in small amounts in meat, fruits, and vegetables. It increases semen volume and also prevent it from thickening. It is that you should include in food.
- L-Carnitine: It is found in red meat and milk.
- L-Arginine It is found in dry fruits, sesame, and eggs.
- L-Lysine- It is found in milk and cheese.
Take folic acid supplements in your diet:
Folic acid (vitamin B9) is helpful in increasing the amount of semen. 400 grams of folic acid is found in green vegetables, legumes, grains, and orange juice.
Increase daily intake of vitamin D and calcium:
You can also take both as supplements or you can spend some time in the sun to synthesize vitamin D. You can fulfill the need for calcium and vitamin D by consuming more quantity of yogurt, slim milk, salmon. If you spend more time in the sun, do not forget to apply sunscreen on your body so that the effects of the sun’s harmful rays are minimized.
Eat allicin:
It is found in garlic, allicin is an organosulfur compound that makes the amount of semen compatible with blood circulation to the sexual organ, increasing the amount of healthy semen. Eat some new and interesting garlic-rich food or make cloves and garlic tea and drink in the morning.
Take these foods that make semen healthy:
If you want to see semen glowing with your eyes, then use these things in your diet.
- Goji berries (antioxidant)
- Ginseng, Ashwagandha
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Asparagus (Vitamin C)
- Banana (Vitamin C)
Improve your lifestyle :
A lifestyle that reduces your body’s immune system can also reduce the number of semen. Avoid smoking, drugs (other than prescribed drugs) if you are trying to have children. Consult your doctor and consume alcohol in very small amounts.
Wear loose clothes:
Wear clothes that do not pressurize your testicles. Heat is harmful to the scrotum, so wear loose clothing that has air penetration. This is the only reason for the scrotum to get out of the body, so that the coolness remains in them.
Is your underwear lowering your sperm count
Get off the bicycle
The bicycle seats are famous for reducing semen, if you think for a moment you will feel why! Pressure, push and bounce – Semen does not like anything. Use a car or bus when you want to produce more semen.