How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle?

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When you are trying to lose weight and excess fat, it is natural to lose muscle a bit. To prevent you from losing too much, there are some diet plans and types of exercises that can help you lose weight, burn fat and maintain your muscles.

Here are tips that you can follow :

Aim to lose one to two pounds per week  (Weight Loss Tips)

  • Safe weight loss is considered a loss of about one to two pounds per week. Rapid weight loss increases the risk of muscle loss.
  • It is generally recommended not to consume less than 1200 calories per day. Calories that are too low for your age, gender, or level of activity place you at risk for muscle loss because you are not consuming enough nutrients for your body to function normally. 
  • Cutting about 500 calories per week results in one to two pounds per week. Do not cut more than this.

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Eat enough protein (Weight Loss Tips):

  • When you cut calories, you limit how much protein you can consume throughout the day. Not eating sufficient amount of protein can also result in muscle loss. 
  • At a minimum, women need 46 grams of protein per day and men need 56 grams of protein per day. It is easily found when you consume the source of protein at every meal and breakfast. Do not consume less than this quantity.
  • High-quality source of protein such as lean red meat, poultry, seafood, beans, lentils, tofu, nuts or natural nut butter, eggs and low-fat dairy.
  • A serving of protein is about 3-4 ounces or a cut of meat that is about the size of your palm or the size of the cards.

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  • Fill with fruits and vegetables. Both these food groups are quite low in calories but high in nutrients and may provide extra amounts in your diet. This can help make the low calorie meal plan more filling and satisfying. 
  • It is recommended to consume two to three servings of fruits and four to six servings of vegetables daily. To fulfill these recommendations, you will need to consume fruit or vegetable at each meal.
  • A small fruit or 1/2 cup counts as one serving of fruit and one cup or two cups of leafy greens is counted as one serving of vegetables.

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Consume two to three servings of carbohydrates daily(Weight Loss Tips)

  • Following a low carb diet can help you lose weight more quickly and lose more fat than a low fat diet or just a low calorie diet. 
  • A low-carb diet focuses on limiting how many carbohydrates you eat in a day. Depending on your diet, this can range from 60-200 grams of carbohydrates per day. The lower the amount of carbs allowed in your meal, the more restricted your food choices will be.
  • Carbohydrates are found in many food groups including grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, dairy and legumes. Consume only one to three servings of these daily to support weight loss.

High-protein low-carb diets have shown the best potential for fat loss and muscle retention(Weight Loss Tips)

  • Talk to your doctor before starting a low carb diet. While for a normal healthy adult following a low carb diet may not be appropriate for everyone.
  • Consider protein supplementation. Protein supplements are drinks that are moderately low in calories and high in protein. Getting 15-30 grams of protein per day from these beverages can help you meet your minimum protein intake, reduce weight and prevent muscle loss. 
  • Whey protein is a high quality protein for your body. It has all the essential amino acids that your body needs and cannot make itself. If buying protein supplements, try to buy whey protein if possible.

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  • If you are allergic to whey, or do not want to use whey, consider using another source of protein. Egg and soy protein are suitable alternatives.
  • Protein supplements have been shown to be particularly effective for maintaining and even building lean muscle when they are consumed after a workout. 
  • If you choose to use protein supplements to help with weight loss, be sure to take a supplement that is not high in calories. Also do not mix too many ingredients or high calorie content that increase the total calorie level of your supplement. This can lead to weight gain if it adds too many calories to your diet.
  • You can buy protein supplements at a variety of shops. Look for them at a well-stocked grocery store, some pharmacies, health food stores, sports / nutrition stores or online.

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Do cardio exercises three to five times per week

  • Exercise is a major part of fat loss. Cardiovascular (cardio) or aerobic exercise helps your body burn calories and can support your weight loss. 
  • By doing cardio exercises regularly, the body’s lean muscles and burning calories can be maintained.
  • Aim for about 150 minutes of cardio each week. Ideally, the exercise performed should be at moderate intensity. It is any activity that increases your heart rate and breathing to a level where it is still comfortable for you to say short sentences without stopping for one breath. 

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  • A variety of aerobic activities may include walking / running, biking, elliptical, swimming or using dance.
  • Interval training is a combination of strength training and cardio in short bursts of high and moderate-intensity exercises. You can do this type of activity for a short time. Studies show that this type of activity helps support fat loss.