Vajan Kam Kaise Kare
Have you ever thought how to lose weight by natural methods? The most effective way to lose weight forever is by natural methods. This does not mean that you do dieting, but you just need to change your eating and drinking habits. Let’s start with the instructions below.
1 Make easy-to-achieve goals:
Once you have decided that you want to lose weight, then make your goal such that it can be easily achieved. By following the goal, you will be able to execute it and soon your weight will start decreasing.
First of all, understand what is the relation between fat and calories. (1) The excessive weight in your body is due to fat (2) 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories and 1 kg of fat is equal to 7700 calories. This means that if you want to lose 1 kg of weight in 1 month, then you have to consume n times the calories of 7700 (where n means as many kilos that you want to consume). According to this, the calories you have to decrease every day are = 7700/30 which is 256 calories. By reducing these calories daily, you can lose one kilo of weight in a month. Do not panic if you do not see perfect results. It takes a little time to lose weight through natural methods because for this you have to adopt new, healthy habits.
2 Exercise:
Try to increase your muscles. Because the fat increases due to the increase in muscle mass, which also consumes calories. For example, there are 2 cars on the round, one for the 1200 cc and the other 2000 cc engine, so the car whose engine is bigger costs more petrol than the other car on the same route. The same happens with our body. The body which has more muscles will consume calories even at bedtime. You do not have to do this to spend hours in the gym, you can lose weight even if you do small things like walking to the shop or doing a morning walk.
Exercise also improves your mood because it removes such mood-enhancing substances from the body that make you happy, healthy and confident. Drinking your food with exercise is also very limited and you feel as if you are achieving your goals.
Find an exercise that you like to do, that way you will be happy to do it. You can do yoga, learn dance or go for jogging. Don’t think of it as a punishment, just think how much it can benefit your body and health.Find a partner for exercise. If you find a partner to talk to, then you will find your exercise time more fun.
3 Complete your sleep:
Lack of sleep often affects your mental and physical health, which can make it difficult to maintain weight. Often the elders do not get to sleep properly nowadays, so try (if you are older) that you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. A teenager should sleep a little more than that.
Stop using all electronic devices carefully 30 minutes before bedtime. These include computers, iPods, cell phones. The light emanating from all of this affects your body, which causes you trouble sleeping properly.
The more you sleep before midnight, the more you wake up in the morning. 10 o’clock is the perfect time to sleep.
4 Bring changes slowly:
If you try to change everything immediately, then your body system will become messy and it will be difficult for you to implement these changes. Therefore even such dietary diet does not work because the weight you lose will come back. To lose weight in a natural way and to maintain it, you will have to change your whole life Shelley.
Make small changes. For example, you can start exercising for 15 minutes or you can use olive oil instead of butter for food.
Stop thinking about food. Eat to eat thinking that it is the fuel of your body and that is why you should put the best fuel in your body.