Sexual intercourse plays a very important role in the well-being of human life. Due to sex or sexual intercourse, people come close to each other and live life in an entertaining way. Many times during sexual relations, men become Shighrapatan. The truth is that many people complain of the problem of premature ejaculation, and this also leads to talk of sadness in family life. Such patients make many efforts to treat premature ejaculation but due to lack of accurate treatment of premature ejaculation, the disease is not relieved.
Premature Ejaculation home remedies
You can treat premature ejaculation at home. Yes, there are many remedies mentioned in Ayurveda, from which you can take home remedies for premature ejaculation. If the problem is not fixed by home remedies, then go to the doctor and get information about the drug of premature ejaculation . Always keep in mind that do not eat any medicine to prevent premature ejaculation without consulting the doctor. Let us first know about the home remedies mentioned in Ayurveda.
What is Premature Ejaculation?
It is a type of sexual problem occurring in men. In this problem, semen is released before reaching the peak during sex or before orgasm. This is called premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation has a negative effect on sex life.
Premature Ejaculation Symptoms
1. Premature ejaculation occurs within a few seconds or minutes of stimulation.
2. The problem of premature ejaculation should be understood if the man has Spermout within 60 seconds of starting the intercaurse.
3. Decreased sexual excitement.
4. Ejaculation as soon as sexual intercourse begins, or before it occurs.
5. Premature Ejaculation Causes
Nowadays people are suffering from mental stress due to which there are problems of sex in the life of people. One of these problems is Shighrapatan. Due to mental stress, sex hormones such as testosterone hormone are imbalanced. Due to this, there is a problem of premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can also be due to physical or mental debility.
The reasons for the problem of premature ejaculation can be
1. Depression
2. Premature ejaculation may also occur due to relationship problems.
3. Men who have erectile dysfunction have more problems with premature ejaculation.
4. Premature ejaculation is also caused by anxiety in many people.
5. Worrying about premature ejaculation.
6. Premature ejaculation also occurs in the initial state of sexual experience.
Biological cause premature ejaculation
1. Abnormality of Testerone harmone in the body.
2. Infections in urinary bladder or prostate gland.
3. Premature ejaculation may also occur due to heridity.
4. Premature ejaculation is a problem due to surgery or mental trauma.
Other causes of premature ejaculation
1. Taking large amounts of alcohol.
2. Taking narcotics such as opium, hashish etc.
3. Smoking
4. Overdose of antibiotics.
5. Junk food like pizza, burgers, pastries, cold drinks etc.
Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation
Ashwagandha balances Vatadi doshas and brings strength to the body. This helps with sexual problems. Apart from premature ejaculation, it also proves very beneficial in treating impotence (Napunsakta)
Most people use it to relieve constipation, so very few people know that the use of Isabgol is very beneficial and beneficial for the problem of Shighrapatan. Take isabgol, ground sugar and poppy seeds. Mix all these together well by taking 5-5 grams. Take this powder with a glass of milk daily after dinner. Doing so provides a lot of relief in premature ejaculation. This drug is very effective in the problem of premature ejaculation.
White Musli
In case of premature ejaculation, do not make the mistake of eating its medicine immediately (Shighrapatan ki dawa), but try home remedies first. Taking one spoonful of white musli powder with milk daily thickens the semen and increases sexual intercourse. This ends the problem of premature ejaculation. Nowadays, many types of products are available in the market for the treatment of premature ejaculation (shighrapatan ka ilaj). Mussalipak is also one of them. Apart from premature ejaculation, it also has benefits in treating impotence (Napunsakta).
Chew three small cardamoms every morning. Eat a ripe banana and 100 grams dates and drink warm milk mixed with sugar candy. This will result in complete growth of semen and sexual arousal will occur.
Castor Oil
Massage the upper part of the penis with castrol oil, the problem of premature ejaculation is overcome. For better result, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
Include grains and blueberries in the diet, as it prevents the artery from getting blocked, and maintains excitement in the body. Take blueberries in a limited amount, as taking too much can cause diarrhea.
Such foods which have a cooling effect in the body, include those substances in the diet, such as milk, almonds, raisins, black gram, liquorice etc.
Eating onion in premature ejaculation is considered the best. Common onions and green onions used at home are beneficial in premature ejaculation. Mixing a spoonful of seeds of green onion in a glass or half glass of water before eating food, it brings strength in the body. Apart from this, eat raw onion as well.
Bhindi is the panacea of shimmer (shighrapatan ka ilaj). Drink one spoon of lady finger powder in a glass of milk. Do this remedy every night before bed. You will see a difference in a month.
Lick a small spoon of ginger paste and a teaspoon of honey before going to bed at night. By doing this, the body gets heat, and blood circulation also increases. This is an easy home remedy to get rid of early ejaculation (Shighrapatan ka ilaj).
Grind 5 grams of basil root in a pan and eat it, it enhances semen, and enhances the strength of the ejaculate.
Mix basil seeds or root powder with old jaggery. Drink it with 3 grams of milk daily. This leads to an increase in masculine power.
Tulsi for premature ejaculation
You can use eggs in your food because eggs contain cholesterol which balances the sex hormones.