Maybe you’re the kind of person who holes up in the winter and doesn’t exercise until spring is in full bloom. Or perhaps you abandon the gym as soon as warm weather hits and instead drink too much cold beer with your grilled steaks. Poor diet choices and lack of exercise are more than seasonal problems for many; in fact, more than 62 percent of adults don’t meet government exercise guidelines — at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week (or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, like walking) and twice-a-week strength-building — any time of year. And according to a survey from the nonprofit International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation, most Americans aren’t even aware of how many calories they consume.
Exercise at the Right Time of Day for You
While some studies show that exercising between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., when your body is warmed up, is optimal, most experts agree that whatever works with your schedule is always best. Mornings are ideal for those with busy careers or social calendars who aren’t able to fit in a workout otherwise. If you do exercise in the morning,be sure to eat a small, easily digestible breakfast like oatmeal, yogurt, or fruit to refuel your body, advises Declan Condron, CSCS, owner and cocreator of PumpOne, a training program used on iPods. Decidedly not a morning person? A lunchtime gym session or after-work exercise regimen may work better for you. If you do work out in the evening, choose a calming exercise like yoga or swimming since exercising too close to bedtime may disrupt sleep.
Develop a Fitness Plan
Take advantage of a fitness evaluation with a trainer at your gym. Most health clubs offer these sessions for free, and they can be a great way to kick off a new exercise plan, whether you aspire to begin working out regularly, lose 10 pounds, or train for a half marathon. Not sure what your aim is? A trainercan help you identify and set a realistic goal to work toward, says Condron. Having a purpose will motivate you to stick to a fitness regimen.
Find a Favorite Exercise
Nothing is more motivating than an activity you love. To find an exercise you’ll enjoy, think about what sports you played as a kid, says Condron. If you liked team sports, you may be more of a class person, so try spin or yoga or sign up for an adults’ sports league. More into individual sports like tennis or track? Join a tennis club or register for a race. If you want to try something new but don’t want to make a financial commitment, then rent a few exercise DVDs as a way to experiment with different types of exercise or a fresh routine.
Vary Your Activities
One of the best ways to stay interested in fitness is to participate in a mix of activities. Not only does this keep things fresh, but it’s also better for you, too. “Our bodies get bored very quickly with the same exercise day after day,” says Condron. After a while, you’ll hit a plateau and results may even reverse themselves if you don’t change it up.
Meccariello recommends cardio one day, strength training the next, yoga or Pilates on the third, rest the fourth, then do it all over again. “Exercise breaks tissue down, so rest days are very important; the off time is when your body actually rebuilds and repairs,” she says. If you combine strength training and cardio on the same day, Meccariello suggests doing cardio last, so you’re not too tired when you start lifting weights and risk losing your form.