If you ask a man what he sees inside a woman, which he is attracted to by seeing? Maybe the answer of most men is that they get attracted and excited by seeing the breasts of women. If we talk about women too, according to research, women whose breast size or breast size is small in easy language, they also find themselves less attracted. Due to which many women also take help of many treatments or push-up bras. While some women also use breast augmentation medicine. But before that it is important to know what can be the reasons of small breasts in women.
Breast size increase oil
The advantage of massage is that it improves blood flow to the breasts. Due to which the muscle of the breast is strengthened. To do this, your breast can be massaged with light hands. In which you give the following oils like:
- Massage with Olive Oil – Make the oil lukewarm and massage your breasts twice a day for at least twenty minutes.
- Use of sesame oil – lukewarm it and apply it for at least 60 days. Its effect will begin to be seen after that.
- Benefits of fenugreek – Well, fenugreek has many benefits. Also, it is used in almost every Indian kitchen. For this, first prepare a paste by mixing its powder in a few drops of water and massage your breasts with that paste at least twice a day. Keep it for at least 15 minutes and then wash it. It is used extensively in Ayurvedic remedies.
- Banana – Well, banana is used for the treatment of many diseases. One of them is to increase the size of the breasts, for which the banana proves very useful as it is full of fat and the breasts are fat.
- Radish – By the way, soaking radish at night and taking it in the morning benefits the diabetic patients. But it is also very useful for breast enlargement. To increase breast size, include it regularly in your diet.