Keep Talking – Why it’s Important (Q & A)

Now that you’re settled with your partner, it might be time to start talking more openly about what you like or dislike in the bedroom. We all want to have a happy and pleasurable sex life and talking about it will help make it happen. But where to start?

Below we lay out three common concerns you may have.  We don’t have all the answers, but we’ll try to give you some advice to get you started!

Why do I need to talk about sex with my partner?

Your partner is not a mind reader and won’t know if you’re happy or unhappy unless you tell them! That also applies to lovemaking.Your partner is not a mind reader and won’t know if you’re happy or unhappy unless you tell them! That also applies to lovemaking.

Talking about sex makes me feel uncomfortable!

Yes , talking about sex can feel awkward at first. Your partner probably feels awkward about it too. So don’t worry! While kissing or being intimate, you can already mention how much you’re looking forward to making love to them. Encourage your partner to open up too. The more you talk about sex, the more you get used to it, and the easier it becomes.

‘I’m really excited about making love to you, but I’m a bit nervous. Are you nervous too?’

Will my partner think less of me or think that I have slept with a lot of people, if I talk about what pleases me?

Some cultures look down on women discussing with their partners the sexual side of their relationships. So introduce the topic slowly and gently. You could even show them this website!

‘I found this website Love Matters which talks all about sex, and I thought we could look at it together to get some fun ideas for when we make love!’

Once you have looked at the website, perhaps you will both feel more confident to talk about things you would like to do with each other.

If your partner doesn’t like you sharing what makes you feel good, or doesn’t want to talk about sex at all, then maybe they’re just not the right person for you.

How to talk about pornography and masturbation with your partner

First things first: there’s nothing wrong with masturbation and porn can be great too. In fact, they can help us understand more about our own bodies, and our likes and dislikes.

However, when you become part of a couple, and move into the sexual stage of your relationship, it’s good to take the other’s person’s feelings on porn and masturbation into consideration. Some people are very shy in talking about masturbation. With porn, your partner may have had bad experiences or be totally against it.

We believe everyone should be free to explore and discuss different ways of pleasing themselves and their partners. So here are a few tips for negotiating the sometimes-tricky worlds of masturbation and porn once you’re in a relationship.


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  49. The craps table can accommodate up to about 20 players, who each get a round of throws at ‘shooting’ the dice. If you don’t want to throw the dice, you can bet on the thrower. Several types of bets can be made on the table action. The casino crew consist of a stickman, boxman and two dealers. Most gambling establishments only feature one game. However, some casinos offer up to four craps tables. In this case, you’ll have no problem getting in to play. Let’s take a look at commonly available wagers and break that down into multi-roll and single-roll bets. You can have more than one bet in action at once – in fact most craps players have several bets working at a time. Not every possible wager is listed, though house edges for wagers such as lay bets – betting on 7 to come up before a place number – and horn bets are listed in the chart in the final chapter. Instead of cash prizes, a free bonus no deposit casino can incentivize players to play with additional chips. It means you can enjoy traditional table games such as blackjack and poker at no cost. Read the policy on the offer to determine what categories qualify for the promotion and if you’re able to use it in the live casino section. No. Wagering requirements in bonuses mean that there is no need for a player to wager or bet through wins before any withdrawal can be made. Unlike the free spin bonus with strict wagering conditions, this type allows you to make withdrawals anytime. In other words, what you win is what you keep! Indeed, numerous casinos offer free spins bonuses without any requirements and the winnings will be given as real cash and where the casino does not hold wins until when you meet the requirements. Zamsino offers a wide range of casinos with wager-free bonuses; including free spins.

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