Mann Aur Dimag Me Antar
Mind and brain are one? This question must have come in your mind at some time or the other. But do you know what is the difference between mind and brain? If not then keep reading this article and if yes! Nevertheless, keep reading this article. Because it is possible to write something from the writer that has come in your experience!
So friends, let’s know what is the difference between mind and brain! Often the mind and brain are used as complementary to each other, but is it one? Obviously not! Because if I were one, I would not have written this article and you too are not reading it.
The mind is related to the soul while the brain is a part of the body. The mind consists of thoughts, consciousness, wisdom, desires, desires, experiences, experiences and feelings, while the brain is different from the body. A device that transmits information through the nervous system to the organs. In fact, the mind and brain are in the same way as the subtle body and the physical body. Therefore, we can say that the mind is part of the subtle body and the brain is part of the gross body.
Is the human mind and brain the same?
You all know that every human has two hearts. Yes ! two hearts ! The first is the physical heart which supplies blood to the body day and night and the second is the spiritual heart which symbolizes the kindness, compassionate, hard and loving man. Human beings have no control over the physical heart. If the health rules are violated, then the blood pressure is going to be uncontrolled or the body’s sugar is increased then the heart attack is certain. But a man can control the spiritual heart, but in most humans it is also out of control. This is the second heart, this can be called the mind.
The mind is the medium for the manifestation of the soul along with the body, while the brain is the means of the soul’s actions with the physical world. There are different parts of the brain which control different endocrine glands of a human being. They exchange information in different parts of the body. But the brain remains active as long as there is consciousness in the body. Like consciousness came out of the body! the name of Ram is the truth !!!!!!!
It is consciousness that connects the mind and the brain. It is consciousness that connects the physical heart to the spiritual heart. This consciousness is known by the names of Atma Shakti, Prana Energy, chi energy etc.
Difference Between Human Brain and Mind
The difference between soul and body is exactly the same between mind and brain. Just like the soul, not body! One who is wearing the body. In the same way, the mind is not the brain, but the holder of the brain. That is, whatever you see, think, think, wish, feel, etc. etc., all this happens to the mind, but in the form of memory, it is stored in the brain. But remember, the mind is not separate from the soul, but there is not one?
The main part of the human brain is called the cerebrum. It is the largest part of the human brain. It is the upper part of the brain, which is found just below the skull. There are billions of neurons in it. The number of neurons determines man’s intelligence and intelligence. Just as the strength of the body is estimated by the functioning of blood, similarly the intelligence of the brain is estimated by the functioning of these neurons.
People whose blood is cold, whose blood does not boil, does not react, they are often found lazy and timid. Similarly, people whose neurones are also cold, do not have activity, they are also found to be retarded. Therefore, it is in one’s own hands to be powerful and intelligent. If you want, make your blood and neurones active. Be courageous and intelligent, or remain cold, timid, foolish, champoo and lazy. Your wish!