Penectomy is that the surgery to get rid of all or a part of the penis. This procedure is especially used as treatment against penile cancer. Penile cancer may be a collection of malignant, or cancerous, cells either inside or on the surface tissue of the penis.
Removing the penis may be a procedure that isn’t undertaken lightly because it’s both physical and psychological consequences. Although it’s mainly used if you’ve got penile cancer, in rare cases it’d be recommended following severe penile trauma.
Besides surgery, other treatment options include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and various drugs. No treatment is one hundred pc effective, and you would like to debate the pros and cons of every option together with your doctors.
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Medical Reasons for Pantectomy(Partial Penectomy)
Cancer, for example, sometimes requires removal of part or all of the penis. The gender to be removed depends on the severity of cancer. Some men only have their penis removed. For others with more advanced cancer, the entire penis must be removed.
In rare cases, complete circumcision with complete or partial penectomies has also occurred as a result of wear circumcision
Fornier gangrene may also be a reason for proctectomy and/or orvictomy.
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Surgical procedures(Partial Penectomy)
If a penectomy is recommended, the surgery can involve different techniques. It can be total or partial and may include additional procedures.
- Total penectomy involves the removal of your whole penis. In this case, surgeons will create a new urinary opening in the perineum. The perineum is the area between the scrotum and the anus. This is known as a perineal urethrostomy.
- Partial penectomy removes the end of your penis but leaves the shaft intact.
Both procedures may be done under either general or spinal anesthesia, meaning that you either sleep through the operation or remain awake but are totally numb in the area of the surgery.
Further steps that may be necessary include the removal of the testicles and scrotum, and the lymph nodes. Surgery to remove the penis and testicles is known as emasculation, but this is typically done only in the case of very advanced cancers. In certain situations, such as cancer invading deep tissue, it may be necessary to remove some of your lymph nodes.
Follow up support(Partial Penectomy)
Due to the rarity of cancer that requires partial or total removal of the penis, it may be difficult to find locally with support from people who have had the penis removed. Website support networks are available. For example, the American Cancer Society’s Cancer The remaining network website provides information to find the support network. Phalloplasty is also an option for the surgical reconstruction of a penis.
Sexual support(Partial Penectomy)
Sexual support therapists and specialists are available nationally in the United States and can be accessed through specialist cancer services. Many surgeons or hospitals will also provide this information post-operatively. Local government health service departments may be able to provide advice, names and contact numbers.
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Personal reasons(Partial Penectomy)
Genital surgical procedures for women undergoing sexual reconstitution surgery usually do not involve the complete removal of the penis. Instead, part or all of the glans are usually placed and reshaped as a clitoris, while the skin of the penile shaft can be inverted to form the vagina (some recently developed procedures, such as Dr. Supoun. Undorite for the formation of the walls of the vagina used by Vatnusakul, and the skin of the penile shaft for the formation of the labia maca). When such procedures are not possible, other procedures such as coloviginoplasty are used in which the penis may need to be removed. Some trans women have undergone pentaramie, although this is very rare.
Issues related to penis removal are reflected in psychology, for example, a condition known as raw anxiety, which is caused by a person’s concern about whether he may be a villain at some point.