Obesity causes trouble and embarrassment for anyone. Nobody wants to have a loose, heavy body. It kills the beauty of your entire personality. Excess obesity not only reduces beauty but also makes the body the home of diseases. A good personality is identified by a healthy body.
Due to busy lifestyle, nowadays not everyone is able to take care of their fitness. But you will be able to be perfect in your work only when your health is good and you are fit. In such a situation, people sweat in the gym for hours to lose weight, do dieting, sometimes take medicines. While there is no need to do so much to reduce obesity. To reduce your stomach, it is important that you follow the correct diet chart.
Diet Chart
The diet chart has taken care that you get the necessary vitamins and minerals. By the way, it will not necessarily be fully applicable to every person. However, you can also tweak it a bit.
When you start losing weight, initially all the people usually lose two to four kilos, but later the fat does not decrease. So every time you have to make your diet chart harder than before. Try this diet chart for weight loss and you will definitely make a difference.
By the way, according to the physical structure of each person and the hard work done by him, the need for food is different. For this it would be better to remove BMR which will tell how many calories the body needs.
To reduce body weight, fewer calories should be taken and for this it is necessary to make a balanced diet chart. Keeping these things in mind, the brain needs less than 1200 to 1800 calories. Such calories are better transmitted in the body in the form of energy which is not stored as fat.
1. Keep three main meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, of 300 to 350 calories.
2. Keep snacks and other things in the remaining 300 calories.
3. Use green tea as a beverage. Green tea helps in reducing weight.
4. Whatever food you eat, all be made of wheat or brown rice. Do not eat maida or white rice.
Read more:How to Use Honey for Weight Loss: Reasons, Uses and Recipes.
Diet chart for weight loss
Divide you breakfast, lunch and dinner like this.
Early in the morning:
Drink water, if possible, at least two glasses and at most one liter. If the water is lukewarm, then it is a good thing or else you feel fine.
If possible, do the kajjal:
This is a yuga kriya, also called vamana dhoti. It is vomited after drinking about two liters of lukewarm water. If there is no problem of BP, then add light salt to the water. This is very easy, but it would be better if you do it in front of a knowledgeable person, after that you can do it yourself.
Make oats but they are not instant oats. Bring a packet of plain oats and add onion, garlic, cinnamon, little bit of mungrel aka nigella seeds, the rest is to be added. You can add vegetables according to the season. If possible, add broccoli or cornflakes and double toned milk or three or four boiled egg whites if you are non vegetarian. If you want, then sugarless lemonade. Drink shikanji first, eat eggs later or sometimes you can have boiled potatoes with curd for breakfast. Add green coriander to it as well.
Five to ten almonds, along with coffee or green tea or ginger, basil, cinnamon, cardamom, etc., are sugar free instead of sugar.\
one bowl of brown rice, salad, lentils, one or two rotis of multi grain flour.
Evening tea:
Tea or coffee or green tea with some veg soup or roasted gram. Sprouts can also be taken if desired.
bowl of veg soup, a bowl salad, or a large bowl of papaya or a bowl filled with vegetables. It has garlic, onion, or non vegetarian, then three egg white or 150 grams of chicken breast, or two leg grinds. Rather than necessity of consuming these things. It is important that you take the right amount of calories. Along with this, high intake of fluids and exercise will also have to be included in your routine.
Read more:Sabja Seed and Weight Loss, All you need to know
What to eat and how to eat to avoid obesity
To protect yourself from obesity, you can eat the following things and get rid of obesity:
1. Eat salad
2. Take low calorie food
3. Include coarse grains
4. Chewed eat
Honey and lemon
Dairy products, such as yogurt and butter etc.
Nuts like- peanuts and almonds etc.
Citrus fruit
Drink soup
What not to eat to prevent obesity?
To avoid obesity, you should not consume the following things:
1. Foods with high sugar, such as sweets and kheer.
2. High sugar drinks, such as cold drinks and sorbets.
3. High oil foods, such as French fries and chips.
Some exercises and yoga for weight loss – some exercise and yoga for weight loss
Along with adopting our diet chart for weight loss, you should also include the exercises mentioned below in your routine:
1. Take a walk in the morning and evening.
2. Practice trapping the rope.
3. Go swimming
4. Use a bicycle.
5. Zumba or dance class can also reduce weight.
Apart from exercise, weight loss can also be done with yoga yoga, before taking yoga yoga, please consult the doctor.
1. Chakrasana
2. Bhujangasana
3. Veer Bhadrasana
4. Dwelling
5. Surya Namaskar
Read more:How Oats Helps in Weight Loss: Diet and Recipes
Other tips for weight loss
Breakfast on time
– Breakfast is the most important day of the day. Explain that breakfast in the morning directly affects the metabolism process of our body.
Avoid depression
– Depression can also be a cause of obesity, to avoid it you should also walk or walk. Do things that make you happy.
Get full sleep
– Scientists in research have found that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, because lack of sleep reduces the body’s insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. This decreases leptin levels in the body, and increases our appetite.
Diet recipe for weight loss
– diet food recipes for weight loss By using diet recipes for weight loss, you can reduce your obesity and avoid many types of diseases. Here we are telling you about some easy recipes which are as follows: –
Fruit salad – Ingredients such as – half papaya, a banana, half a little less watermelon, an apple, five to six grapes, lemon, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper
How to make
Cut small pieces of all fruits in bowl. Finally, mix grapes, lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper along with these pieces. Now your fruit salad is ready. Serve.
Vegetable soup
– Ingredients such as – a little bit of cabbage, half or a carrot, five beans, lemon, a pinch of pepper, salt, a little celery or its stalks, a beet
How to make
Cut long pieces of cabbage, beets and carrots. Then, cut celery stalks into small pieces. After that cut the beans into small pieces too. Then boil water in a pot and add all the vegetables to it. Allow the vegetables to cook for a while and then take them out in a bowl with water. In the last bowl, add lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix the vegetables well.
Read more:Intake of flaxseed for weight loss: All you need to know.