Raj Yoga Kya Hai
Swami Vivekananda Thoughts on Raj Yoga:
From the beginning of the historical world to the present times, many supernatural incidents are seen in human society. Even today, society is living in the light of modern science, there is no dearth of people who testify about such incidents. But yes, most of such evidence is not believable, because many of the people who get such evidence are ignorant, mischievous or sly. It is also often seen that the events that people call supernatural are actually imitations. But the question arises, whose copy? Blown off a thing without doing the correct research does not introduce the true-minded scientist. Scientists who are not microscopic, try to destroy the existence of all of them, unable to explain the various kinds of supernatural phenomena of Manojraja. Therefore they are more guilty than those people, Those who think that a particular man or many men situated above the clouds listen to their prayers and answer them — or to those who believe that these men will change the law of the world because of their prayers! Because in relation to these litigants, it can be said that they are ignorant, or at least that their education system has been corrupted, which has taught them to resort to such unnatural men and the dependency which is now Has become a part of his down-to-earth nature. But there is no scope for any such cry for the aforesaid educated persons. Which taught them to resort to such unnatural men and the dependence which has now become a part of their down-trodden nature. But there is no scope for any such cry for the aforesaid educated persons. Which taught them to resort to such unnatural men and the dependence which has now become a part of their down-trodden nature. But there is no scope for any such cry for the aforesaid educated persons.
For thousands of years, people have supervised such supernatural events, have specially thought about them and then extracted some simple elements from them, even, especially on the ground of human religion. , With very subtlety, has been considered. The result of all these thoughts and thoughts is Raja Yoga is.
What is Raja Yoga?
Raja means king (king) and yoga means connection or relationship. Raja Yoga is a supreme yoga whereby the soul becomes the master or king of his own senses (karmandriyas, mind, intellect) only by the remembrance of the divine. There are two mutual steps to establish dominance over the Raja Yoga Meditation:
1. Self – realization – Everyone should practice self-conceit. It is a matter of making effort because now we have become body conscious. We have forgotten that we are a very subtle soul . This is true introspection.
2. Paramatmanabhuti – As soon as we practice the practice of self-realization and it becomes a natural state of our consciousness then we recognize our supernatural divine Father who dwells in the supreme abode beyond this material world. He is the ocean of all virtues and powers . Weremember him now, just as we remember our secular father, in the same way I remember my spiritual father.
This is What Needs to be Done for Raj Yoga
Establish a direct connection or relationship with Raja Yoga, the ocean of peace, purity and all powers (Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul ). In Raja Yoga, we first consider ourselves as souls and remember God with his qualities (the ocean of peace, the Most Holy, the ocean of love, the ocean of joy and the Almighty). Parallel to this, we feel deeply connected to our own nature (like peace, love, etc.).
The word yoga means joint. In the Raj Yoga Meditation, the soul experiences a connection or mental connection to the divine. The method of establishing this connection is a beginning in the journey of your inner world in search of your true spiritual identity.
Experiencing oneself as a spiritual being or soul through the method of entering into itself, which is a luminous, conscious energy point and after that attaching itself to the supreme source of energy and qualities, the soul becomes empowered for a long time.
This method of self empowerment is completely voluntary and does not include any element of suppression of mind. In fact, it frees us from all the limitations of the mind that we pull. It combines one’s own thoughts, feelings, words and actions with the real qualities of the soul such as peace, love, bliss, and truth. This will be called self-transformation in every way.