Women are always eager to know what time after menstruation is safe for them not to become pregnant in order to have a physical relationship. Here we mean by safe period, at which time the chances of getting pregnant are less. There are many changes in the body of women every month. The reason for these changes is menstruation.
Menstruation is known from two stages.
Proliferating phase: This period starts from the first day of menstruation.
Secretory phase: This is a continuous period of 14 days, which is counted for 14 days before menstruation.
Safe periods do not protect you from pregnancy, during this time you can start the process of pregnancy by having sexual intercourse. This is because the male sperm can stay inside the female for seven days.
What is the time after menstruation (safe pregnancy)?
Misconceptions about safe time after periods – You should know that conception can happen even in the period immediately after menstruation. However, this is less likely to happen. If you are not using any of the methods of not getting pregnant, then you can get pregnant anytime during your menstrual cycle – even during the menstrual cycle, or soon after.
Keep in mind that if you have never had a period before, or your first period is going on, or you have had sex for the first time, you can still be pregnant.Scientifically, there is no “safe period” or “safe period”. That is, whenever you have unprotected sexual intercourse, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Basically, if you want to avoid unwanted pregnancy, then have safe intercourse.
However, it is definitely during your menstrual cycle that there is a period when your fertility is high, and during this time the chances of getting pregnant are high. This is the time for ovulation. Sexual intercourse during ovulation increases a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, the time of ovulation is considered unsafe for sexual intercourse from the point of view of ‘not conceiving’.
Let us tell you more about ovulation –
Misconceptions about safe time after periods – periods ke baad surakshit samay se judi galat dharna
You can calculate the duration of your ovulation in this way (if you do not understand this, you should take complete information about it from your doctor) –
If a woman’s menstrual cycle is 30 days, then ovulation time is ten days in between.
During this period, unprotected sex increases the chances of getting pregnant. (Read more – pregnant hone ke lakshan)
The period between the next 10 days before the onset of menstruation and 10 days before the next menstruation is normally considered “safe time”. But as mentioned above, having unprotected sexual intercourse at this time reduces the chances of pregnancy, it does not end at all. Impossible pregnancy (ie its safe period) at this time is a misconception. As explained above, this is because if you have unprotected sex during this period, then because the male’s sperm can stay inside the female for seven days, the sperm can be fertilized by the female’s eggs as soon as ovulation begins. . (Read more – Sex in pregnancy)
Read more:Late Period: Major Reasons Including Pregnancy
Warning: The calculation of menstrual cycle and ovulation mentioned above is applicable only to women whose menstrual cycle is normal or regular. If you suspect irregularity or confirmation of menstrual cycle, meet a doctor and ask them to explain the exact time of ovulation.
Intercourse during period- Things to know
“So intercourse during periods does not look good, because one has to clean up later,” says Richa Jain *, 25, saying, “But my boyfriend and I had intercourse in those days Because he does not like using condoms and I want to avoid taking pills. And the only safe time during periods is when there is no possibility of pregnancy. “Not only Richa, who trusts this. We all know very well that a woman is less likely to become pregnant during periods, but perhaps we do not know that the possibility of this cannot be completely ruled out.
It happens less
Read more:15 Science-Backed Home Remedies for Irregular Periods
During the menstrual cycle, the egg comes out of the ovaries into the fallopian tube. If this egg is mixed with sperm on the way to the uterus, then pregnancy occurs. An egg survives for 24 hours in its original state. If there is no pregnancy during this period, then it gets out of the body during the following periods. Since ovulation and periods occur at different times of your menstrual cycle and month, the chances of conception during the period of pregnancy are greatly reduced. Infertility expert Dr. Anirudh Malpani explains, “Women conceive only when they reach the inside of the sperms that have accumulated on the vagina of the woman during sex. Now since ovulation cannot be done for five days after the period is over and the sperms can also live only a few days, the chances of conception are less at this time. ”
… but it’s not impossible
Although this happens rarely, the possibility of your pregnancy cannot be ruled out even during this time. “This happens very rarely,” says Dr. Malpani, stating, “If a woman has prolonged bleeding, or if her cycle has a shorter cycle.” In these situations, if the ovulation of the woman has started immediately after stopping the bleeding, then there is a possibility that the sperms gathered on the vagina on the last day of the period will conceive the egg. “This means that if If your cycle is 21 days, ovulation will start only after two or three days after the period has stopped. And sometimes, sperm can live up to five days inside a woman’s body, so conception can occur.
Likewise, if your cycle is 35 days, bleeding may occur up to one or two days after the completion of the cycle, perhaps even during ovulation. Then if you take safe time and do the intercourse without taking precautions, then there is every possibility that you will become pregnant. There is no denying the possibility that the period of women should go on even during ovulation. “Apart from this, it is also possible that you have intercourse during that period, but you are actually bleeding due to some other reason, like cervical erosion,” Dr. Malpani explains.