Try these Home remedies For Viral Fever

The scorching heat and scorching heat after the rain is making people sick. Due to viral fever, a long line of patients is being seen in most hospitals of Delhi-NCR. Due to changing weather and temperature changes, the immunity of the body becomes weak, due to which the bacteria of fever easily enter the body. This fever weakens the body, causing many problems. In such a situation, some home remedies can reduce the effects of this fever and provide relief.

Some Ways to defend are:
Take special care of – Cleanliness
– cough or cover the mouth and nose when sneezing handkerchief
– clean and keep special care of handwash
– Wash thoroughly with hand soap since before dinner and Washroom use.

Drink Plenty of Water
Viral should drink plenty of water. Apart from this, drink tea without juice and caffeine. Antioxidants are found in most fruits, which when consumed, strengthens the body’s immunity and removes toxins from the body. If you have a complaint of diarrhea or vomiting, then the use of the electrode will be beneficial. Apart from this, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, greens, honey etc. can also be beneficial.

Cut the lemon in the middle and then massage with this piece on the base of the feet. If you want, you can put this sliced ​​piece of lemon in socks and wear it overnight.

Eat raw garlic pieces. You can also eat honey by applying honey on it. Apart from this, heat two buds of garlic by mixing two spoons of olive oil and massage it in the soles of your feet. Will benefit

Add half a cup of vinegar to vinegar bath water and let it remain so for at least 10 minutes. Bathing with this water also benefits. If desired, dip some pieces of potato in vinegar and tie it on your forehead.