What Women should eat and not eat after Abortion?

The time after abortion is difficult for women mentally and physically. Even after a miscarriage, women are required to take care of their diet.

Iron-rich diet


There is a lot of bleeding after miscarriage, so during this time women should take iron-fed diet. Bleeding causes iron deficiency in the body, which can cause anemia. It is common to feel tired and weak after miscarriage. Beans are rich in green leafy vegetables, raisins, pulses, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, brown rice and dark chocolate iron.


Calcium foods


During pregnancy, there is a rapid decline in the amount of calcium in the body. Therefore, it is very important to eat things with calcium. Dry fruits, dairy products, milk, seafood, dark green leafy vegetables and soy are all rich in calcium.

Good stuffing


Women can also go into depression after miscarriage. Breaking dreams like this hurts a lot. If you eat feel-good food, it can help to avoid depression after miscarriage. You should eat magnesium containing things like beans, nuts and plain chocolate etc. to get out of depression.

Also read: What are the essential ingredients of a balanced diet?

What not to eat after miscarriage


Carbohydrate gives energy to the body and also controls the amount of sugar in the body. But refined grains or low fiber starch can have negative effects on the body. Due to these, the level of sugar in the body can fluctuate rapidly. So eat less fiber starchy things after abortion

Sweet things


Blood sugar levels may fluctuate due to sweet things with high glycemic index. Do not drink candies and carbonated drinks.

Fatty milk and meats


After miscarriage, it is necessary to avoid pain-causing inflammation. Dairy products and meat contain fat that can cause inflammation, so fatty meats and dairy products should not be consumed after miscarriage. Butter, Cheese, Raw Milk and Beef etc.

Junk food


Your mind can eat junk food but you can consume it by making some changes in it. You will get only calories from junk food while at this time your body needs a nutritious diet.

Soy products


Soy is good for health but it also contains phytate which hinders the absorption of iron. Therefore, after abortion, consume less quantity of soy.