Halka Khaana Kya Hota Hai?
It is often a matter of light food when we have dinner at night. Here we also know light food as light food. Now the question is arising in your mind that what is this light or light food? According to experts, a light meal is a meal that is not only easy to digest but there is no discomfort in sleeping at night after eating.
Experts recommend that those foods in which trans or saturated fat are high should be consumed at night. Because, consuming them at night can cause constipation and obesity. Apart from this, they are also not healthy.
According to the World Health Organization, eating nutritious food can overcome many health problems like heart problems, digestive problems, obesity etc. But today heavy foods like trans fat and saturated fat have become part of our lifestyle. This type of food contains more salt and sugar. These not only harm your health but also make you obese.
Benefits of having a light meal
1. If you take heavy food at night, it will be very difficult to digest. On the other hand, if you take light food at night, then your digestive system will be fine and your stomach will be clean in the morning.
2. If you keep your dinner light or light, it will help you to get a good sleep. Include complex carbohydrates in your light diet. You can eat bread, vegetables, lentils and brown rice.
3. One advantage of light or light dinner is that your blood sugar or diabetes remains under control. You have dinner an hour or two before bedtime. This will help control your blood sugar
4. When you wake up in the morning by having a light meal at dinner, you will feel yourself energized. Also you will not have acidity problem.
Dinner Should Be Light
Perhaps you have also heard that dinner should be eaten lightly, but have you ever tried to know what the reason is? According to a recent study, when, what you eat and how you eat, this has a serious effect on your health.
The quality and quantity of food is not only responsible for health, but eating time is also very important. The morning breakfast should be full of nutritious elements and the ingredients that give strength, while the dinner should be light and digestible. But do you know why it should be done?
1. If you eat very serious, oily and spicy food at night, then it can increase your weight. Not eating light food during the night also affects the digestive system. Eating such food at night also does not make the sleep properly and restlessness persists.
2. After eating dinner, usually, people go to sleep immediately. This also increases the risk of fat freezing. While being active during the day, there is less possibility of fat freezing.
3. Blood sugar is also under control by eating light food at night. One should try to go to sleep only after one to two hours of eating food.
4. Eating light food at night keeps the body light in the morning and energy level is also maintained. Along with this, it is also helpful in keeping the mood better.
5. Those who eat very spicy and oily food at night often have problems of gas and constipation which are the cause of other health related problems. If you want to avoid any such problem, then eating light food at night will be beneficial for you.
Here are five Ayurvedic tips for Eating Healthy and Light at Night
1. Eat a diet that is rich in protein. Include things like low fat protein (grilled), pulses, green leafy vegetables, curry leaves in your food. The digestive system works properly by taking a diet rich in nighttime protein.
2. Dinner should be such a diet which is low carb. This is because carbs are difficult to digest. Low carb diet is digested quickly and you can get good sleep. So in your diet, eat cheese, tofu, lentils, legumes, low fat chicken.
3. Eat less salt after 7 pm in the evening. We know this can be difficult for some people, but it is very important. Especially at a time when you have made a party plan or you are a party bird. Taking salt increases the water retention in the body, which works to increase weight.
4. Avoid eating curd at night. Yes, if you like eating yogurt very much and you want to lose weight too, then you should not eat curd at night. According to Ayurveda, curd increases the dope. Because yogurt contains both sour and sweet. It creates an imbalance that can increase the difficulty of nasal congestion and can affect sleep during the night.
5. Moderation is the key. Yes, if you are big and ready to eat all the time, then you have to develop a habit of moderation. You can stay healthy by keeping self control. According to Ayurveda, the dinner should be light. With this you can get good sleep which is very important for your health. It is also good for your digestive system. Also keep in mind that you keep a gap of 3 hours between your dinner and bedtime.
So, to keep yourself healthy, follow these Ayurvedic tips and stay healthy.
These are The Light Food That Will Keep You Active and Healthy
Many people take more diet or eat oily things, it not only makes them lazy as well as does not mind their work. People often get complaining that after lunch in the office, they are unable to concentrate on work, because after eating they start feeling sleepy. Now in such a situation the same question comes in the mind that what to eat during lunch in the office that can be alert after eating. So let us tell you what to eat so that you do not feel lethargic and you are refreshed throughout the day.

is the best food eaten in lunchtime? It is light for the stomach and it will not make you sleepy either.
not only delicious but also healthy. The spicy and nuts with which it is prepared, along with the spicy taste, also gives a feeling of fullness. This keeps you energized throughout the day and you don’t feel lethargic.
Bread Curry
It is South Indian food. Eat only wheat roti, this will increase your metabolism and it will keep you active throughout the day. Also, the healthy vegetables included in the curry will give you enough energy, which will make you feel refreshed.
Although many people do not like this spicy dish of South India, but you need enough energy throughout the day, then it is beneficial to eat this food prepared from pulses in the afternoon. The pulses present in it not only help in keeping you active throughout the day, but it is also beneficial for your health.