Raat Me Kya Khana Chaiye Aur Kya Nahi
Apart from breakfast and lunch, it is also important to pay attention to dinner. It is important to pay attention to dinner because it not only affects your sleep but also your health. If you eat the right diet then you will get a very good sleep and you will always be healthy.
Including unhealthy foods in dinner leads to weight gain and also trouble getting good sleep. In this article, we have told you about what to eat and what not to eat for dinner, which is very important for you to know.
Along with this, always keep in mind some things, such as having dinner everyday till 7 o’clock, keep a three-hour interval between dinner and bedtime, do not eat after ten o’clock.
Should we eat yogurt at night or not?
Muscle damage can occur due to not walking the body at bedtime. The protein in yogurt helps to strengthen your muscles. If you eat a cup of yogurt before dinner, that is, you will get 11 grams of protein, which is good for the muscles. Apart from this, if you do not want to gain weight, then take yogurt at night. A cup of yogurt has 180 calories, which is beneficial for controlling your weight.
However, keep in mind that not every type of curd contains the same nutrients. You can eat yogurt without sugar at night. While yogurt made from fruits has a high amount of sugar, so whenever buying yogurt, read all the information written on the box carefully.
Read more:The importance of eating food at the right time
Should you eat bananas at night or not?
You may be thinking that eating banana is good but we tell you whether it is good to eat it at night or not? According to Ayurveda, eating bananas at night does not cause such a big problem, but eat it less at night. Ayurveda states that eating bananas at night can cause cold and it takes a lot of time to digest, due to which you start feeling lethargic.
Not only Ayurveda but many fitness experts also say that banana is a healthy and energy-giving fruit , but people who are suffering from cold, asthma or sinus , should not eat banana at night. According to a study, if one banana is eaten at night, it can relieve chest irritation and stomach ulcer problems. But don’t eat too much.
Should we drink milk at night or not?
You all know how good milk is for health, but is milk beneficial for your health at night? Lactose milk contains a type of sugar, due to which the taste of milk remains sweet and satisfaction is also provided. But unfortunately from the lactose in the milk Lactose Intolerance may trouble people who suffer from (Lactose intolerance).
If you are suffering from lactose intolerance then drinking milk before bedtime can cause problems related to digestion. Stomach gas, flatulence, abdominal cramps and diarrhea are related to digestion etc.
In addition, a glass of milk contains 120 calories. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down a bit, so it is difficult to burn calories by drinking milk at night . This can also increase your weight.
Should I eat cucumber at night or not?
Dinner should always be light. So salads and soups are very good for dinner. The cucumber present in the salad quickly fills the stomach and is easily digested. Therefore, cucumbers should be eaten at night because the speed of metabolism slows down at night. If you eat cucumber at night, then you will not feel hungry in the middle of the night.
Read more:Healthy food: The easy way to create pleasant moods and good life
Should you eat rice at night or not?
Rice can increase your weight because it contains a lot of calories in the form of carbohydrates, which get stored in your body as fat . Apart from this, when you eat rice at night, it gets digested quickly and easily, but because you do not eat anything the whole night after sleeping, the body does not get any other nutrition. This is the reason why you feel very hungry when you wake up in the morning, because your stomach remains empty throughout the night.
People think that rice should be eaten at night because it is light, but the truth is that eating a fiber-rich diet instead of rice is a better option. So instead of rice, you can eat bread.