How many times do we imagine a person doing headstand in front of some pictorial background and say ‘Yoga is not for me’? After knowing these 11 unique beginner yoga tips, you will be forced to think again. This is an easy way to start your yoga practice and reap the benefits of yoga. Read them and find yourself doing yoga in front of a beautiful background.
Yoga for Beginners
As an early practitioner, we often consider yoga to resemble some difficult, limb-twisting postures. And sometimes aren’t you worried that: “I can’t even touch my toes, how can I do yoga?” Yoga is not a touch of your toes or stretching to 98 degrees to your northeast. It is a simple process to connect you with you – using your breath, body and mind and it is easy and effortless.
So, if you are not Mr. Flexible, or entering yoga at the age of 40, then there is no problem, or you have some hidden love handles (fat around the waist) that you Stressing – just remove all myths before practicing yoga! The only one who is looking at you is you – so just relax. You will get a lot of pleasure and relaxation from this journey!
Read more:What is Hot Yoga? All You Need to know.
Yoga, a new dimension for life
It is best to start learning yoga under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher who can advance you by making you aware of the right way to do each technique. This will help you learn yoga asanas (postures) properly and avoid possible injuries. Some of the philosophies or techniques taught in yoga may be new, but it is a good idea to keep the mind open, as this will help to broaden your vision and enhance your yoga experience.
Seek the help of experts to learn yoga
If you have a medical ailment, inform your Sri Sri Yoga instructor before beginning your yoga training. This will help the teacher to adapt your yoga asana practice to you and you will avoid any kind of complication or injury.
Wear casual attire
Wear comfortable clothes to go to a yoga class or while practicing yoga at home. Also, avoid wearing belts or excessive jewelry, as it may interfere with your yoga practice.
Become a regular yogi
Although it is best to practice yoga asanas in the morning, any time of the day is fine unless you are regular with your practice. If morning hours are not suitable for your schedule, do not make this an excuse to quit the practice of yoga altogether!
Be light
It is advisable to practice yoga on an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours after your last meal. Also, it is recommended to drink at least three to four liters of water a day, as this will help you to flush out the toxins that are out of the body during your yoga practice.
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Warm-up before going to yoga mats
Subtle exercises or light warm-up exercises help loosen the body and prepare for the yoga asanas that lie ahead of it. Here are some warm-up exercises:
Massage of head, eyebrows, nose and cheeks: Whenever we make a mistake, we instinctively put one hand on the head. This is a sign that blood circulation in the brain is low and massage is needed!
To remove any stiffness, rotate your neck, both clockwise and counterclockwise.
Pump your shoulders and jerk your hands away the laziness.
A smile that lasts for miles
Keeping a light smile gives comfort to body and mind and makes you enjoy yoga asanas more. With a calm mind, you can increase the boundaries of your body and stretch more than normal.
Damn your boundaries – one step at a time
The ancient Yogic treatise, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, defines yoga asanas as “Stabham Sukham Asanam”. Do as much as you can and then stretch a little more (to improve body flexibility). Remember to use breathing as a reference point – when it is light and long, the muscles begin to relax; But when the breathing is bumpy or uneven, it means that you are working too hard.
Coming out of your comfort zone a little bit will make yoga practice interesting and add a spark of challenge as you progress and adopt new yoga asanas.
Like you, every yoga posture is unique
Whatever your situation in your yoga practice, be happy with it and do not compare yourself to other students in the yoga class. Remember that each body type is unique and different people are at different levels of expertise. Some people can easily do a particular yoga posture, while others may require a little more time and practice to get there. Therefore, do not feel too much pressure and do not over exertion. Your flexibility and efficiency in doing yoga asanas will improve with regular practice.
If you feel some muscle soreness during the initial days of exercise, don’t worry. But if pain persists, inform your instructor immediately. The basic point here is to be regular and patient with your yoga practice. Just like any other discipline, it will take some time for the body to get used to the yoga posture.
Read more:Increase Concentration Through Yoga: 7 Asanas for You
Rest to get rejuvenated – Yoga tips
As soon as you complete your yoga asana practice, do not be in too much of a hurry to get up and start moving forward to do the day’s line tasks. The idea of lying down for a few minutes in yoga nidra is good, as it helps to cool the body and consolidates (accumulates) the energy produced through yoga asana practice. It is also beneficial in giving complete relaxation.
You will be able to experience the subtle and deep benefits of yoga in due time, if you are regular with your practice. Yoga includes asanas, timeless ancient philosophy, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation, which takes you beyond the level of the body, providing a deep spiritual experience.
Your body is like a candle wick and the mind is like the glow around it. It is the “prana” or life force inside us that nourishes the mind and keeps the body alive. “Pranayama” means working in the dimension of “Pran”.
Prana creates an aura around the body. Every problem first appears on the microscopic level and then on the physical level. Illness appears in your prana (pranic body) before becoming physically ill, pranayama cleanses all the energy around you, expands your aura and elevates the soul. It provides clarity in mind and good health to the body.
Therefore, you give yourself some valuable time and be patient for the result which will make you more flexible, healthy, calm, efficient and enthusiastic. Good practice yogi!